Chapter 6 - Only for a Moment

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Y/N Yu was not big on parties.

Sure he would celebrate special occasions like podium finishes, but he would much prefer celebrating with people that he was close to.

So it was a bit of an interesting sight to see him voluntarily go to the Paddock Club, by invite of Oscar Piastri nonetheless.

As he entered the threshold of the club, he saw many people that he knew: in a corner close to the entrance, was his sister and her boyfriend, surrounded by the members of aespa and his family members.

At another table, he saw the taken drivers gathered with their wives and girlfriends: most notably Alex and Lily, who gave big waves to Y/N as he passed by their table to the bar, where Oscar told Y/N to meet him.

Sure enough, at the bar, stood Oscar Piastri, who was conversing with Lando, and Hanni. Once they noticed Y/N's presence, they all waved enthusiastically at him, beckoning him to join them.

"What took you so long mate?" Lando asked, as Y/N leant onto the bar, signaling the bartender to give him a can of coke.

"Would you believe me if I said that I spent that time looking for the right outfit for tonight?" Y/N replied in a tone laced with playful sarcasm, thanking the bartender for his drink.

He was signing autographs and taking pictures with younger fans out on the stands before he made his way to the Paddock Club.

"Nope," replied Oscar, as he flagged the bartender to pass him a beer, "And I'm sure you must be wondering why I invited you to come to the Paddock Club?"

"Yeah?" Y/N began, looking at Oscar shrewdly, not knowing how to continue the conversation, except saying "Why?"

"This is where I come in," chimed in Hanni, who Y/N noted had a rather serious expression on her face, looking in a certain direction.

Following her gaze, y/n's eyes landed on a table close to the windows. At said table, sat Danielle. She was alone looking out of the windows, her auburn hair falling in neat curls along her back, amber eyes twinkling under the lights of the club, and the moon in the sky.

If this was ancient times, Y/N supposed that he would've called Danielle a goddess.

"Ahem," a pretend cough broke Y/N out of his reverie. "I need to ask you a question, answer carefully. Answer unsatisfactory and you get to experience a world of pain."  Hanni said to Y/N in a dead-set face. "What are your intentions with Danielle?"

Y/N pondered for a moment, trying to piece together an answer. Taking a sip of his Coke, he opened his mouth to speak.

"I wanna get to know her, I don't know what else to say... she's just stunning...she's giving me butterflies..."

"Yup, that confirms it, he's infatuated..." Lando said, clapping Y/N on the back. "Well I'm off to bother George, I'll let Oscar and Hanni finish up, toodles!"

And with that, Lando left the conversation.

"Let me make it absolutely clear," Hanni began, Y/N's eyes on her, giving her his full attention, "if you make her sad, you will not just feel the wrath of one Aussie, or two," she added, reacting to Oscar's nudge, "and also the rest of NewJeans, you got me?"

"Yes ma'am," Y/N gulped, feeling a beed of cold sweat travel down the back of his neck.

"Good, now go talk to her!" Hanni's tone took a quick 180, as she passed a can of Sprite to Y/N and pushed him in the direction of Danielle's table.

"If this works out, we're great matchmakers, Hanni," Oscar said, giving Hanni a high-five as they watched Y/N make his way to Danielle.

"Well, I did help get you and Lills together so my case is solid, you though on the other hand..."

"Hush, he's making his move!"

Over at the window-side table, Danielle was looking out of the window, reminiscing on meeting Y/N for the first time, and wondering when she would ever get to see the young driver again, when...

"Is this seat taken?" A voice laced in a British accent sounded over the chatter and soft music being played at the club.

Looking up, she was rendered speechless, as the person that was on her mind was the one who asked her the question. He was dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans, it was minimalistic, yet worked. He was holding a drink in each of his hands.

"Uh-uh... no! Please!" Danielle squeaked out, indicating that the seat across from her was free.

"Oh...yeah I got this for you," Y/N passed her the can of Sprite in his hand.

"Thanks..." Danielle said, as she accepted the can of Sprite, feeling his fingers brush against her hand briefly.

"So..." Y/N began as he struggled to piece together a conversation starter. When Danielle started to speak.

"If you want, we could speak in Korean!" Danielle said as she opened her can of Sprite.

"I think that would help, less prying ears," Y/N joked, as he took a sip from his drink.

"I believe a toast to you is in order though, with your win today Y/N-nim!" Danielle said, holding out her can, to which Y/N lightly bumped his own against hers.

"I think i have to ask this, how old are you, Danielle?" Y/N asked.

"I was born in 2005, what about you?"

"I'm a 2002 kid!"

"OH! So I should call you Y/N oppa!"

At this, Y/N subconsciously realized that his face was reddening like his brakes at a corner.

"It's okay to just call me Y/N, Danielle!" Y/N insisted, feeling the heat in his cheeks rising.

"I insist Y/N oppa!" Danielle shot back, her face also reddening, and she was grateful for the lighting of the paddock club concealing her blush.

As the two were about to continue their conversation, someone showed up at their table.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but Y/N, my old man wants us to take a picture with the crew for Instagram celebrating your win!"

Internally groaning at Lance's terrible timing, Y/N turned to face his fellow Canadian teammate.

"Tell your Dad I'll be there in 5, okay Lance?"

"Can do, see you down at the pit garage."

"I'm so sorry Danielle...but I gotta go right now..." Y/N said apologetically to Danielle, who looked slightly crestfallen at the fact that Y/N had to leave.

"It's okay Y/N oppa! I understand! You have your obligations!"

It was at that moment, an idea popped up in Y/N's head.

"Tell you what, I'm still in Korea for an extra week, why don't we meet up sometime soon?" Y/N asked, clapping his hands, somehow not registering in his head that he was asking a girl on a date.

"I would love that oppa!" Danielle replied, her smile now returning to full bloom.

"Just let me give u my phone number first, I'll send you my private Instagram later!" Y/N said, as he held out his hand, asking for Danielle's phone, which she handed to Y/N allowing him to enter his number, with Danielle quickly sending a text message to Y/N's phone.

"I'll text you back later Danielle! Have a good night!"




A/N: TADA sorry for the disappearance! I had some personal and academic matters that needed attending! I will be working on a new update soon!

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