IV. 𝑂ℎ𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑏𝑟𝑢𝑛𝑜

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Chapter Four
Oh You Did Not Just Disrespect Bruno

3rd Person POV

a few days later, malika sat on a plane with kamala as they looked at each other and the man next to them spoke up

"first time to pakistan?" he asked and they turned to him

"what makes you say that?" kamala asked and mal sighed under her breathe

"it's kind of obvious kam" she exclaimed and the man chuckled as he nodded in agreement

"oh they speak. thought my daughters had lost their voice expect for asking for more canada drys" muneeba stated and mal sighed as she leaned her head against the window and ignored the rest of the conversation. she slipped her headphones on and she listened to the spider-man podcast

she stared out of the window at the sky and waited. once it was over, they got off the plane and they got their stuff from the baggage claim. they quickly found the shuttle and muneeba pushed their crate in the shuttle as they got on. mal took one of her headphones out of her ear as she continued to listen to the podcast

she had missed up to 5 episodes during the last few days and it felt wrong. she loved spider-man too much to ignore him and the podcast that centered around him. she looked up when the doors opened and she followed after her sister and her mother. they looked around and smiled at each other as they looked at the signs.

"kamala. malika over here" a women called and they turned to her with smiles adorned their faces. they grabbed each other's hands and they walked over to them

"hi" they exclaimed as they hugged and smiled

"kamala. malika you remember your cousins right? kakoo chachas children" Muneeba asked and Mal nodded her head as Kamala spoke

"yes. zainab and owais, you are taller than i remember" kamala spoke and mal ruffled her hair

"or you are just insanely short" she said and kamala scowled at her as they all laughed

"thanks" kamala groaned as they looked up and saw their nani

"malika. kamala" she called and they walked around the cart as they went over and they hugged her

"oh, my granddaughters" she said and they pulled away from her

"it's the middle of the night. you should be sleeping" kamala exclaimed

"you kidding? this women is a partier, no doubt" mal stated and nani nodded with a chuckle

"i love your jewelries" kamala said and she lifted nani's wrist and they admired it

"these? theyre very old but you can have them" she tried and mal shook her head quickly

"oh nani no" she said and zainab called them over as they went back to their cousins and talked for a little bit

"girls, shall we go home?" nani called after a while and they looked at her

"yeah" they agreed

"alright we'll see you tomorrow" zainab said and they said goodbye before they got in the car and they drove to her house. mal and kamala looked out of the windows until they got house to the house and they got out

"magnum. come here boy" mal called and he slowly walked to her as she knelt down with kamala and they started to pet him

"oh, magnum. he got so big" muneeba said and malika nodded before she looked up

"but the house definitely feels like it wasn't" she exclaimed as kamala nodded in agreement before they followed their mother and nani into the house

"malika your room is on the left, kamala yours is on the right" nani called and they nodded as mal walked into her room and kamala walked into a random room

"mal!" she called and mal put her bag down as she got up and walked into the room. she saw nani and kamala staring at paintings and drawings together.

mal took off her necklace as kamala handed the bangle to nani

"nani why did you send this stuff to us?" mal asked as she showed her the necklace and the bangle

"are we?" kamala led off

"a djinn? of course at least that is what my father told me" she said and mal smacked her forehead

"you are way too calm and casual about this" she exclaimed and she started to ignore the words they were saying. she zoned out until kamala stood up and she looked at her

"the bangle and necklace is trying to tell you two something. i don't know but i do know that you need to be here to figure it out" she said and mal sighed

"i don't know either nani, this is already more difficult then it needs to be" she exclaimed and nani stood up as she ran a hand over her cheek

"you learn to find beauty in the pieces" she stated and she walked out. mal left as she walked to her room and kamala walked to hers. mal laid down and 1 hour later she got woken up by her family

"mal the point is to visit, let's go. your sister is already ready" muneeba exclaimed and wi that, she walked out of the room. malika got dressed and with that, she left the house with the others .

"why would they not warn us about the no jean rule?" she asked and they ate the pani poori

"that's death, i just died" mal said as she fanned her mouth. they left as mal put her headphones in and she ignored what the others said. she followed after them as she listened to her music. she looked around and then down

"helloooo" her cousin called and she took her headphone out

"hey it's getting late, we should be going" her cousin exclaimed and she nodded

"well we're going to the train station and luckily i know directions, let's go kam" she said and she walked to the train station. they got there and they put on the masks that bruno made them before they started to look around. a blade flew at them and mal sighed

"found you. not sure what's worse. those glasses you tried on or the mask" he exclaimed

"oh you did not just disrespect bruno" she said

"don't know who bruno is but i sensed the noor" and he ran towards them as they started to fight

"who are you?" mal asked

"what are you?" he exclaimed and they fell to the ground

"you aren't a clandestine?" he said and they started to talk

"come with me if you want to live" he said and mal nodded as she grabbed his hand and they walked away. kamala stared in confusion, she only ever held bruno's hand

she didn't even know him. they walked to a restaurant and he grabbed a bag

"are you going to kill us?" mal questioned

"relax. sometimes you have to look beyond what's right in front of you" he said and he pushed a button as the wall opened and they followed after him. they walked in and looked around with him

"mal?" kamala asked and she turned to her

"yeah kam?" she questioned

"are you sure about this?" she asked and mal nodded

"only slightly" she said and she put on her headphones as she ignored what kamala and the boy said to each other. he removed his mask and they removed theirs. a man walked in and mal sighed. she followed after them and ate as she sat down between kamala and the boy

"come" the man said and mal looked at kamala as they got up and followed after him. she stared and read his lips as they stared at something magical. the boy walked over to them as mal removed her headphones again and listened

"until there's nothing left of it" he said and the wall fell as kamala ran a hand against the bangal as mal ran a hand against the necklace

"i've never seen an inscription" he said and mal lifted it

"it says what you seek is seeking you" he told kamala before kareem walked over and lifted the necklace

"yours says fear only lives when you fear life " and mal sighed as she looked up at kareem and he looked down at her. she took in a deep breathe as she leaned away slightly and he looked away. blush dusted their cheeks

"we have to go" mal said and she took the necklace back before she grabbed her stuff and she left with kamala. they went back to the house and mal went to her room. she pulled out her phone and sighed

'the words on my necklace . they say fear only lives when you fear life ' she texted bruno

'and what does it mean?' he questioned

'i need to come to the truth with some parts of my life' she replied

'and what are some parts?'he asked and before she could reply, kamala came in and she looked up

"let's go" she said and mal got up as she followed her out of the house. they met up with the boy and he smiled at her

"hey kimo" someone called and she looked at him

"kimo? is that short for something?" she asked and he nodded

"we all go by nicknames here, it's short for kareem. what's yours?" he asked and she smiled

"spider and this is sloth baby" and kamala shoved her as they sat down and listened to the music. mal looked at kareem as he smiled at her and she smiled back as she ate the food they gave her and she stared at the fire

'mal you there' bruno texted and she pulled out her phone

'i'm with somebody but what's up?' she questioned

'with who?' he asked and she sighed

'kam and some others but it's okay , i'll text you when i get home i always do' she said

"who's that?" kareem asked and she put her phone down as she looked up at him

"is that bruno?" kamala asked and mal nodded

"yeah said he wanted to talk , we can talk later though"
mal exclaimed

"are you and bruno..." kareem led off

"no no friends just friends" mal said and kamala raised her eyebrows as she stared in confusion but they weren't just friends, they had always been more then that why was she lying?  

the next day , they went back to the red daggers hiding spot as they started to be trained by the man

"your ability makes you unique" he exclaimed and she smiled as she let the water run and she let it flow around her body.

"are we red daggers now?" kamala asked

"it suits us" mal said and with that the clandestine fell through the roof

"oh not again" mal said as she grabbed kamala's hand and kareem's before they ran out. kareem held them as he closed the door and watched. they stared as the man broke in and they ran out

"come on get in quick" kareem said and they got in the cargo as they drove away quickly. mal put her mask on the kamala

"you might wanna go faster?" kamala called

" i got this" mal said and she turned as she used the water and pushed it to the bus as they got away and drove off again.

"HOLY SHIT YOU ARE GOING TO MURDER US" mal said as they got on the bike and they flew off it before they ran away and mal landed on water with them. they ran around the corner as they continued to run

mal held kamala's hand as they hid in a car. they got in as mal at in the drivers seat and she pulled off. she hit a man and looked at kareem

"NICE TIMING LETS GO" he said as she got out of the car with kamala and they ran

"holy shit i'm dying" mal groaned out in pain. they watched as rahim fell to the ground and mal looked at kamala. they looked at him

"we have to help him" mal tried

"it's too late we have to go" he said and they ran off before they looked around and turned to see people coming towards them. mal used her water and she sprayed it at him before she came running over and swung her knife at kareem

"KIMO" mal yelled and she turned as aisha hit her necklace and someone hit kamala's bangle. they appeared at the train station and walked around in fear. they got on the train as they stared down at people in fear

"this is horrible" mal exclaimed as they stared

how would they get out?

i have a predicament i don't know wether i want her to end up with kareem or bruno. like her and bruno are cute but kareem slays. might just make it so she does end up with bruno and kareem ends up with kamala

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