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A beautiful bungalow was shown which was non other than Maheswari Mansion... There in the room a boy was sleeping peacefully hugging his most favorite pillow while cuddling on it... He was having a killer smile on his lips while his silk hairs were caressing his forehead Making him more cute(Haeyyy dill karta h bass dekhti hi jaaun😍😍😍😍)... While he was in his dreamy world a mid aged lady enter the room with a cup of coffee... She shook her head seeing him sleeping... "Je chore ka kuch na ho sakta" she mumured to her self While sitting beside him keeping the cup on the table...She caresses his hairs and called him "Sanskar"... Listing the soft voice of his mother he placed his head on her lape and hide his face not wanting to getup... A soft curve appers on her lips seeing her son's​ antics... "Good Morning Sanskar" Said sujata leaving a soft peck on his forehead... "Good Morning Mom" Sanskar wisphers in a sleepy voice..

Sujata : (caressing his hairs) Now wake up... Don't U have to go office.. huh..

Hearing the word 'Office' Sanskar stoop up on the bed with a jerk Making sujata Shocked and worried...

Sujata : (concerned)What happened Sanskar..

Sanskar : (Sits on the bed in India style with a sad face) Mom I haven't planned any song for today...

Hearing him sujata slapped her forehead While gritting her teeth with irritation.... "Sanskarrrrrr" Shouted sujata making the whole mansion shaken(Oeeee Meri maa Toda deere se😐😐😐) Sanskar placed his palm on his ears and runs to washroom just like a kid..(mummy se itna dar😂😂😂😂) Sujata took a long breath when Sanskar dissapared to washroom.. She left the room after keeping all his belongings on the bed...

Sujata was walking on the corridor mumuring something suddenly she collide with another young man who was in his office attire all ready for office... "Mom" The Young Man wisphers Slowly while taking her blessings... "God Bless u my son" said sujata While caressing his hairs... He snakes his arm around her Shoulder and made there way to the dinning area... "Mom Y r u shouting in the early morning" Sujata looked at him with Moist eyes(Ufff drama queen😂😂) "Ur asking as u don't know" Said sujata wiping her fake tears Making​ her beloved son Ansh to giggle seeing his mom's antics... Hearing his giggles she frees her self from his grip and gave a death glare to him...

Sujata : I know no one loves me here😢😢..Every one is on Sanskar's side... 😭😭

"Who said no one loves u" A Voice came from behind and it reveals to b head of  the family who is non other than Ram Prasad Maheswari... He came near her and holds her by her Shoulder and wisphers "I love u" and winks at her Making her blush...

Sujata : (Blush) Ji Have some shame... Our kids have grown up now..

Ram : So what our kids have grown up.. They Should also know how much their dad loves their mom...

Saying this ram pecks her cheeks making sujata shocked and others to shut their eyes seeing their parents romance(Mene b band kardi🙈🙈tum log b karo😂😂)

"Dad Don't u have room to do all this" Said their darling daughter Uttra Maheswari who was coming from the stairs with her books... Which make sujata to blush more... "All ready to go" Ansh asked Uttra to avoid the situation as   his mom become crimson red(Iss Umar me b ram ji ke pyaar ka asar🙈🙈😂😂)... "Yeah" Replied Uttra avoiding  eye contact with Ansh Making him sad.... It was noticed by Sanskar who joined them for breakfast....

After the teasing session all seated to have their breakfast... Sujata serves the breakfast to everyone... While everyone got buzy having their breakfast a lady aged 60+ came with her bag... Seeing her The trio(Sanskar+Uttra+Ansh) jump on her while shouting "Didaaaaa" making her stumble back(😂😂😂😂)

Dida : (Tries to breath) Leave me u moron... Or else I will die..😑😑😑

Trio parted away from her and took  blessings of her making ramta feel proud on their kids...(Kisiki nazar na lage ye parivar ko😍😍💖💖)

Ansh : Dida u must b tired after the journey come let's have breakfast...(Badi jaldi yaad aagai beta👌👌👌😂😂)

Dida : (hold his ears) Y u haven't think it before jumping on me... Huh..😥😥😓

Ansh gave a sheepish smile to dida... Dida looks at Sanskar who was looking at her with the corner of his eyes... "GOLUUUU" Said dida While pulling Sanskar's cheeks Making him irritate....

Sanskar : (tries to free him self) Ouuuuucchhhh Didaaaaa from Which angle do I look like golu. .😕😕😕

Dida : (pulls his cheeks more) when u were small that time u were so chubby... So cute 😍😍.. my golu...(still not letting him go) Now listen.. it's time u to get married... Till den how many days u will trouble my daughter for everything.... Huh..

Sanskar : Mom save me from this witch 😣😣😣

""Witch" who me" said dida with open mouth..😱😱😱.. 

Taking advantage of the situation he freed himself from her and runs... Dida too runs after him to beat him... While all others bursts out seeing them.... The screen gots blure on the happy faces of Maheswari family...

The scene shifts to a dark room which gets brighten by sun rays coming inside through the window.

The sun rays falls on a sleeping figure lying on the floor, making the person to move in the sleep and pull the covers over the head. But the very next moment she pushed the covers below and sat straight and blinked her eyes adjusting to the light.

"Swara." Close the curtains, said another girl in the room lying on the bed, so Swara get up and sighed closing the curtains and saw look around and found it all scattered. She tied her hairs in a loose bun and started to arrange it.

After that she went into the washroom, and stood in front of the mirror. Tears rolled down her eyes,
'I MISS YOU MAA.' she said and then wiped the tears gently and after doing her daily chores came out completely ready.

'Make food for me as well.' Said another getting up from the bed lazily stretching​ her arms.

'Ok Ragini.' She replied and left to the kitchen to find 3 girls standing and making the food.

** Swara stays in a apartment, given by company along with other 4 girls.. i.e. Ragini, Raina, Khushi and Tanvi, all working in MAHESHWARI ENTERPRISES**

She entered and on wishing them good morning started to prepare her breakfast.

She said nothing and was busy kneading the dough while other 3 were gossiping and also passing confused looks to each other related to Swara.

Swara was so much into the work that she didn't looked around or maybe it didn't bother her to look around.

She looked around and again got back into flashback.

"Shona beta, go out of kitchen otherwise it will harm you." Said a lady in her mid 30's to a little girl who was playing with the flour in the kitchen sitting on the slab.

"No maa. Wait, today I will cook food for all." With this little Swara started to play again with the flour and became all white.

While a man came inside and laughed seeing this and the lady to started to laugh. Faces of man and woman are blurr..

She came back to her senses when she found someone nudging her, she became startled and closed her eyes then opened them after calming her breathe but became shocked on seeing Ragini shouting at her.

"You Swara, cant you even do this, how much time you need to cook the food?? Lazy bitch." Shouted Ragini at her making her shocked and picking up the apple she left from there while other 3 passed her their disgusted look while Ragini looked unaffected.

Swara chose to ignore her and started to concentrate on her work.

After having her breakfast, she took her tablet  and kept the rest bottle in her bag and left for the office along with rest 3.

She took her id and started to pick up the empty glasses, like this the whole day passes with her doing the small works in the office but she said nothing and was always busy doing her work without caring around the surroundings or in the gossips.

At night, she was sleeping lying on the floor as Ragini don't want to share her bed with anyone and it is joint bed in their room.

She without arguing layed down taking her tablet.

In the middle night,

'No no no. Pleasee leave me... aa aah pleaee...' Swara mumered​ in her sleep changing sides.

"Noooo..." she screamed on the top of her lungs and got up with a jerk..

"What the f#ck? Cant you just be quiet. Bitch." Shouted Ragini as she got up from her sleep due to Swara's scream.

Swara looked at her then shrugged her thoughts and layed down again with tears in her eyes holding a frame near to her chest......



Shoba Maheswari (dida) - Mother of Ram.. loves her daughter in law sujata more than her own son... Loves her trio grand son/daughters equal.... She is open mind and a fun loving lady...

Ram Prasad Maheswari : Husband of sujata Maheswari... Never leave a chance to Romance with her.... Father of Sanskar+Ansh+Uttra... Loves the trio equal...

Sujata Maheswari : Wife of Ram... Her whole world is her family... She is a proud mom of Sanskar+Ansh+Uttra... Loved her childrens more than anything... An open mind lady and a drama queen...

Sanskar Maheswari : 23yrs old... CEO of Maheswari Industry.... He love to disturb his mom... Love to tease his younger sister... Best Buddy of Ansh... A loving son for his dad... Golu of dida...  By looking his antics in home no one can say he is the best business man of Mumbai.... Singing is hobby... It gave peace to him and it refresh his mind... Loved to make everyone happy who is around him...

Uttra Maheswari : Daughter of Ram and sujata... Loves her dida more than anything... Shares her every secret with dida... She loves to do pranks with her brother Sanskar... She is Princess of the family specialy​ she is her dad's... studies in college... Always avoid ansh Making him sad....

Ansh : Adopted son of Ram and sujata but they love him the same way they love Sanskar... Best Buddy of Sanskar... Both of them shared eachothers every Feelings... All the family adores him... For dida he is lakshman... He loves his family more than he love him self.. He respect them from his whole heart...

Swara: A girl working in  Maheshwari Enterprises, Remains silent always.. (baki ka humei bhi nhi pata😂😂😉😜)

Ragini Gadodiya: A girl working as a receptionist in Maheshwari Enterprises. Selfish, rude and always behind man with money


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