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Just by glancing at the person's posture, you could already tell who it was. Your ability to know them naturally accumulated after years knowing them. It all became much easier as the person continues to grow under your watchful guidance.

" Come in," you announced, walking back to the table, " there's no need to whisper."

As if waiting for your permission, the doors immediately were pushed open followed by quick stepping sounds.

The steps hurriedly took its way to your spot before stopping behind you, waiting to see your next actions.

You, on the other hand, didn't feel the need to greet them and instead settled your attention on the various treats displayed on the table. Pretending that there was no presence behind you, you extended your right hand to one of the treats and peacefully munched on them.

You almost groan at the heavenly taste that quickly covers all your senses. It has seemed that you have been neglecting your hunger too much that a simple treat could bring you such satisfaction.

You were about to continue to further enter that mindset when a high-pitched whine from behind suddenly snapped you back to reality. You then realized that you may have forgotten about a certain someone.

Turning around, you find yourself faced with a tall yet lean figure who was pouting at your mistreatment. Only offering him a smile as an apology, you ushered him to come to the table.

The individual, thankfully, obeyed you and placed himself beside you before letting out another whine.

" Y/N-iee, we haven't talked to each other for so long. You even neglected all my invitations and when I came to visit you, you even ignored me?" he asked, while clinging onto your left arm.

Knowing how touchy he could be, you could only let him do what he wanted.

" You know I was busy, Taehyung."

The pout that was on his face became much more prominent the moment he heard his full name coming out of your mouth.

" Nooo, don't call me by that name! You know that I don't like it, " Taehyung leaned on to your arm, " It makes me feel like we're strangers."

Finally deciding that you have teased him enough, you brought him into your embrace and hugged him. Feeling Taehyung naturally melting into you, you couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

" Alright, alright, I won't tease you anymore," you said, " How have you been with the training?"

At the mention of his combat training, he stopped snuggling into you but still stayed in your embrace, deciding that not speaking would be the best option to get away with having to answer it.

Understanding what he meant, you could only let out a sigh.

" Have you been missing the training, Tae?"


Again, he refused to answer and make eye contact with you.

" If you don't tell me then someone else will be doing that," you said, " Jungkook!"

Immediately after hearing your command, Jungkook entered the room, and waited for your next orders.

" You have the responsibility of watching over Taehyung whenever General Kim is away. Tell me, how is Taehyung with his combat training?"

Jungkook looked at you before setting his gaze at the cowered figure still in your embrace. He wondered if he should take which side. His friend's or yours?

Taahyung and Jungkook have quite a miraculous relationship. Unlike the others, Jungkook immediately bonded with the elder. If people didn't know their status, anyone could have mistaken them as biological brothers from how close they seemed when together.

Obviously seeing how indecisive Jungkook seems to be, you knew that both of them were hiding something from you.

" Jungkook, I don't care how close you are to Taehyung. I was the one who made you my bodyguard, not him," you reminded him, " You work under me and obey me, understand?"

Both males flinched at your warning, knowing that there aren't many things that you have distaste more than disloyalty.

Jungkook, who was the main target of your warning could only sent Taehyung a sorrowful glance as an apology.

" Y-yes your majesty, I will make sure to not repeat my mistake again," Jungkook said, " Regarding the Royal Consort's combat training, he... have made very little improvements."

Somewhat expecting this result, you felt a wave of disappointment hit you. Looks like he still doesn't understand what's best for him.

" I will hold your word accountable, Jungkook. Now, leave us be."

Jungkook bowed down to the both of you before rushing out of the room, seemingly allergic to the atmosphere that was slowly intensifying.

" ... Care to explain to me what you were doing at that time?"

Knowing that he would not answer your question, you brought your right index and thumb finger under his chin before tilting his head up to meet your gaze.

Unfortunately for Taehyung, he could not break himself out of your hold and had to suffer from facing the abundant amount of guilt that he has created for the both of you.

" ... I'm sorry, I really tried but I kept slipping out of order. I didn't want to disappoint you so I..." Taehyung trailed off.

" So you think that me finding out by another person would be better?"

Taehyung did his best to shake his head, denying your claims.

" I didn't think that Jungkook would rat me out like this."

" You should have expected that, little mastermind. He works under me after all."

You then released his head before gently patting it.

" I understand that physical combat isn't your best domain but you still need to understand the basics."

" But I understand the basics, Y/N."

" Are you sure?" You calmly asked.

Taehyung who was about to nod his head decided that it would be best to think again when he heard your overly calm tone.

" I'll... give it a try."

Shaking your head, not knowing how to deal with such a sarcastic comment, you pinched his pouty cheeks and smile.

" You little minx! How many times have you promised me and broken it? You, yourself know all too well that you won't keep it!"

Slapping your hand to let go of his cheeks, he continues to let out pitiful whimpers.

" Ouch! I'm sorry, Y/N! Won't do it again. Ouch! Ouch!"

Releasing his soft cheeks, you gently rubbed them to soothe the pain while laughing out loud.

" Alright, alright. If you do show up on most of the days, I'll even accompany you whenever I'm free."

Taehyung, who was previously sulking and pouting, immediately changed his demeanour when he heard your comment. His face practically lighting up when he heard that you will be joining him.

" Really?"

" Of course," you assured him, " You know that I will never break my promise."

He nodded before once again tackling you into a tight hug, now satisfied that he gets to spend more time with.

And with that, your little personal conversation came to an end.

Once he finally let go of you, standing up, you make your way towards the desk and bring back a pile of paper. Seeing what you were doing, Taehyung immediately moved all the plates somewhere else to make room for the pile.

Placing the pile in the centre, you skillfully separates them into all the topics.

" Today's audience, I've been informed by General Kwong that the Grimores are attacking our eastern border," you informed him, " However, this was done by adolescents that have yet to fully mature."

Looking over the papers, Taehyung asked, " Then how did they managed to break into the warehouse and destroy all the crops there? Children who have no experience can't possibly do that."

You nodded in agreement, " I agree. Even though it is a possibility but the chance of it is too unlikely for that to be the main reason."

"Their actions were also quite bold. It doesn't seem too irrational at all."

" You mean that it's all planned out?"

" Yes, it's very possible. All their actions were thorough and seemed experienced. I have a feeling that someone is secretly guiding them in the dark."

You looked into Taehyung's stern eyes, seeing how serious he is, this might really be possible.

Taehyung, besides being known as your Royal Consort, is also infamous for his sharp and observant mind. Combine that with all the training that he has done, anyone would have to put his words into heavy consideration.

With you knowing him for years, you have almost absolute trust in his intuition and mind. After all, what would people think of you if Taehyung's mentor didn't trust him? People would most likely think that you are using your status and clinging onto his title to benefit your own intentions. You definitely did now want that type of influence.

" What should we do now then?"

As if expecting this question, he simply answered, " We'll just have to wait."

Sighing, you nodded. Even though you have faced these types of scenarios countless times, this silent obstacle was always the worst. Through time, you have somewhat managed to cope with the raw feeling that constantly gnaws at your insides to take actions, and instead follow the detailed plan that you have spent countless hours working on.

" Mhm, I will send some people to go and watch for any suspicious people there."

Taehyung nodded, satisfied with your plan, " How is the alliance with the Ecenyths?"

" It's... proceeding as planned but slower than what we need it to be."

" Do the Ecenyths still think that we are unworthy."

" Might be so. They are known for their prideful selves after all. Even if they desperately need this alliance, they would never be willing to ask for it."

Taehyung rolls his eyes at the thought.

The Ecenyths occupied the entire south of the continent. As a result, they have the largest land for agriculture which offers them many alliances with the neighbouring countries and beyond that. Even the Grimores, who take up most of the land that links the mainland and the sea have to give them some face in order to receive a stable supply of crops.

If the Grimores were considered to be arrogant, the Ecenyths would be somewhat too prideful for their own good. This was a result of the many countries that backs them and victories they have won throughout history.

Despite this, Taehyung still found himself despising them courtesy to a certain merchant from said nation.

" What were they thinking sending such a chatty and loud merchant? Are they seriously toying with us?"

You, unable to keep your laughter to yourself burst out laughing. You somewhat always knew that Taehyung didn't favour the funny merchant, but you didn't think that it would be to this extent of him downright degrading him.

" You think so?" You teased, " I don't think he's that much of a nuisance."

Taehyung glared at you, " Hmph! Of course you wouldn't. He basically becomes overly sweet and flirty whenever you're around. How wouldn't you like him if he was like that?"

You raised your eyebrows, amused by Taehyung's sudden outburst.

" Are you jealous, my little consort?"

" Hmph."

What's the special occasion today, I wonder.

" Let's get back on track with our previous conversation."

Taehyung reluctantly nodded, still mad at the thought of the merchant.

" The drought season is slowly approaching. I can feel the humidity rising during the day," you said, shivering when remembering how sweaty you were underneath the dozen layers of your hanbok.

Sighing, Taehyung turned towards you before composing himself and joined the conversation.

" Yes, it is expected to be extremely dry this year."

" We need to take precautions to minimize the damage that it will bring to our economy. With water becoming a rarity during this time, everyone will be on edge with the prices of products increasing."

" People in the Amber section would suffer the most."

People of the Amber section, is a commonly used term to describe commoners. They are people, who are not of nobility and most likely work jobs of intense labour. The next rank is the people of the Malachite section. They are people who consist mostly of merchants and owners that are somewhat wealthier than the steel section. On top of them is the Topaz section, people of nobility who mostly work as officials. Finally the rank that tops all the rest is the diamond section, royalty for short.

" With the increased price of products, they would not be able to pay for it with the amount they earn."

" Yes, even though we have already established a minimum wage for every worker, it is still extremely hard to track that. Only established shops would abide by such rules. And even with that, they would not be able to afford the products."

" What do you suggest then?"

Looking over the papers, Taehyung immersed himself into his own world, trying to come up with the best plan.

" We need to come up with a plan that ensures the Amber section could survive this season."

" Elaborate."

" Providing families of the Amber section with necessary materials will need to be done."

You nodded, taking his suggestion into consideration.

With this plan, however, there are several setbacks that you should be able to work around to minimize how much money will have to be deducted during this time. Knowing that many ministers will disagree if this has a big budget, you need to come up with a persuasive plan in order to win the majority.

You and Taehyung continued to work together on the possible plan through the night, only stopping when realizing that the sun was about to rise.


Waking up to a blinding light entering your eyes, you were quick to try and swing your arm over them and shield them away from the light. Unlike other times, you were unable to lift your arm, feeling a weighted object was crushing your arm. As a result, you could only continuously blink them until they have adjusted to the light.

Finally realizing that something or rather someone was lying on your arm, you look over to meet with a familiar face snuggling into your arm.

Smiling to yourself, you turned to your side to admire his ethereal face.

Taehyung has always been a beauty, but you found yourself adoring his visuals the most during the early mornings such as this one. Contrary to him complaining about how puffy his face is in the morning, you were the complete opposite. Wanting nothing but to smother his face with reassurance whenever he's insecure about them.

Right now, you couldn't help but bring your free hand to caress his lips, admiring how soft they really are. Slowly, you extend your hand to other places, continually surprising yourself at how soft his skin was.

Unlike you, who have been trained at combat since young, and whose hands were littered with callouses. Taehyung on the other hand, possesses clear and porcelain-like skin. As a result, you were somewhat envious of that.

You snapped back into reality when you felt the body next to you stirred around, arms coming up to your neck to only interconnect behind them, snuggling closer into you.

Chuckling at his cute action, you let your arm rest on his back and pulled him closer.

" Tae, it's time to wake up now. You get to train today."

Feeling him pout against your neck, you gently rub your hand down his back.

" Nooo, it's comfortable here," he whined out.

" You can't, Tae. We have a busy day ahead."

Despite your protest, Taehyung continued to whine, trapping you into his hold.

Even though the thought of staying in bed for hours was an appealing idea to you, you knew better than that. If Taehyung was not being obedient then you will use another method to force him to wake up.

" Taehyung, get up."

Immediately after hearing his name, Taehyung sat up and look down at your still lying figure, pouting at you.

" Why do you always use this method?"

Sitting up, you offered him a pat on the head before making your way to the edge before standing up.

" You were being stubborn, Tae. I could only use such methods," you said while stretching your body, " Apologies, my little consort."

Begrudgingly leaving your bed, he sleepily walked towards the table, sitting on one of the chairs and waited for food to be served.

" How did we arrive at your bedroom last night?"

" I carried you to bed, Tae."

Looking over at you, he smiled, praising you.

" Aigoo, my Y/N is so strong. How could I live without you."

You, who was still stretching, froze at his comment before awkwardly walking towards the table, sitting in front of him.

Seeing how you were hesitant about his comment, he suspiciously asked, " But you will stay with me right?"

Knowing you couldn't escape his questioning if you didn't reply to this, you could only agree.

" Yes, Tae. I will stay with you."

" Forever?"

Offering him a small smile, you nodded.

Being the observant person he is, Taehyung obviously does not quite believe you but decided to let you go.

Like on cue, maids began to scurry into the room, bringing various dishes made the both of you forget the previous conversation. Soon enough, you both started to eat while peacefully talking to each other.

Amidst the feast, Taehyung whined about having to go through his training in the early morning which was answered by you ignoring him. Deciding that it would be amusing to surprise him later.

After finishing your meal, Taehyung took his time getting dressed by the maids.

" You certainly took your time."

" Of course, I'm the royal consort after all."

" Stop procrastinating."

" I'm not procrastinating!"

" Then let's go."

Taehyung, who was getting ready to work looked at you, confused.

Seeing how puzzled he looks, you hold out your hand, silently offering it to him. It might not be as grand as you have imagined but at least you still get a laugh out of it.

" What are you achieving just by standing there? Let's go, we're about to be late for practice."

Finally understanding your intentions, he rushed towards you and grabbed your hand. Holding it between the two of you, Taehyung pulled you towards the exit.

" Tae, why hurry?" You teased.

Taehyung who was pulling you only pouted as a response but immediately blush when the maids behind the both of you giggled at his cute antiques.

" What are you laughing at?" He growled out, immediately shutting everyone's laughter which resulted in all of them awkwardly avoiding his gaze.

Knowing that he wouldn't actually punish your people makes the scenario much more amusing to you. After all, you and Taehyung have known them for years.

After that, the entire crew walked to the training ground in complete silence and continued to do so until General Kim arrived at the scene.

As soon as General Kim entered the training ground, he flinched seeing your presence.

Desperately rubbing his chest to calm his heart, he asked, " Your majesty? What have brought you here?"

Offering him a small smile, you answered, " I'm here to watch over the little minx to make sure that he is focusing."

General Kim chuckled hearing your response. You always managed to surprise him with your duality. You could be making jokes one moment before becoming terrifyingly in the next. The transition being so smooth that if people were not there before would think that you have been acting like this for hours.

" Lucky for you, Royal Consort. We'll be running laps today," General Kim announced.

Taehyung, who was originally standing beside you bolted in the opposite direction after hearing what they were going to do today. Unexpectedly, you caught up to him long before he even managed to move ten meters, and was dragged back to where he previously was.

" Look at him being so excited for today's activity," you teased.

Pretending to be impressed, General Kim said, " Now that's a first."

" Haha, you really want to kill me today."

Taehyung looked at you then at General Kim, before repeating that motion a few more times, somewhat regretting pulling you here with him.

" Let's move to the fields now."

The both of you then followed General Kim to a grass field not far from the training ground.

After that, you quickly settled onto the ground and began to warm up your muscles.

When you guys were finished with the warm up, you both walked towards one end of the field and waited for future instructions.

" This section is specifically for testing your stamina so go at a speed that you know that you will be able to last the longest."

You and Taehyung nodded, and started running.

To not let Taehyung be alone, you followed his pace, knowing that it would be much slower than you.

Seeing how you were at his speed, Taehyung insisted that you should speed up.

" Don't worry about me, go at your own pace."

" Don't talk, it will exhaust you more. Let me do the talking," you shushed.

Knowing what you meant, Taehyung didn't talk for the entire time, secretly appreciating your kind gesture.

After what seems to be like half an quarter of an hour, Taehyung was on the ground panting heavily while you were breathing a little harder than normal.

Knowing how hard he tried, you ruffled his sweaty head, praising him for his effort.

" Good job, Tae."

" Why. is. this. so. important?" He groaned out.

" Because you need it in order to do physical missions," you answered simply.

" I have done countless physical missions but never needed 'stamina'," he whined out, still out of breath.

Opening your mouth, you were about to protest when you heard a person yelling out your name. Confused, you turn around only to be met with a pale orange patch blurring your vision. Before you knew it, you were on the ground, seemingly getting crushed by the weight on top of you.

What with people wanting to squish me today?

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