[ 4 ]

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Soundlessly dodging the dozens of spikes obtruding from the hefty branches above, you continued your trek down the valley. Careful to not alert any unwanted guests, you tucked your sword under your left arm while gently swatting the branches that were hindering your view with the other.

Like losing your vision, everything surrounding you was pitch black. Even if anyone were to stand right in front of you, chances are that you wouldn't even be able to see the lightest speck of color. Fortunately, with your oil lamp, you have prevented another candidate of wanting your life.

To be honest, you must admit that having to travel through this particular part at night was not the wisest decision. However, with precious time gnawing at your throat, travelling through the night would have to do.

Knowing how much time has been wasted, you couldn't let the slight burning sensation resulting from your cuts hinder your way, especially with how dangerous it currently is...

... and that you've lost your entire group.

In a moment of chaos, you and the rest of the group got separated. With adrenaline wracking your body, you remembered looking into Taehyung's terrified eyes before he was dragged by Panther in the opposite direction.

A pack of wolves had invaded your group from above, dividing you guys into two fractions. Knowing that you had a better chance of dealing with it, you prompted to lure it towards your direction.

Just by glancing your way, Panther knew what you were hinting. Quickly grabbing Taehyung and Namjoon, he swiftly pulled them towards him and into the trees, safely shielding them from the ongoing attack and began to go the opposite way.

Meanwhile, you were fully engaged in the battle. With your sword unsheathe, you charged forward, taking the offense role.

Dodging at the canines that were aiming at your neck, you took the opportunity to swing your sword, successfully getting rid of one.

A dozen more to go.

Backing away from the pack, you quickly took off your cloak, throwing it aimlessly at the floor. Tightening your grip on the sword, you let out a frightening grin underneath your mask.

It's been a while since I've spilt this much blood.

Standing still, you made no move to attack, taking the defensive role, and patiently waited.

Looking into the largest wolf's eyes, you proudly showed off your arrogance, challenging its dominance and control.

As if provoked by your provocation, it began to run towards you, aiming at your neck. As soon as the wolf made their move, you thrust your sword towards it, blood quickly coating your sword. Letting out a pained howl, it retreated, falling back behind the walls of its pack.

However, amidst your victorious moment, a wolf managed to sneak behind you, leaping onto you and aggressively tore down your flesh.

Jolting at the sudden sensation, you let out a hissed, your stance faltering with its weight. Trying your best to maintain your ground, you stuck your sword into the wolf, ripping it away from your bloodied arm. Kicking the wolf that had approached you, you continue your massacre.

After getting rid of a few more, your wrecked body was greeted with a wave of exhaustion. Wavering at the abuse your body has gone through, you dismissed the desperate signs that your body was producing to remove yourself from the situation. Instead, you were quite proud of your accomplishments, glad that you have shown multiple examples to the remaining wolves.

After you had injured the largest wolf, their Alpha, you noticed how each wolf became much more hesitant than the last when attacking you.

Looking at your bloodied sword, you ripped a part of your tattered shirt and wiped off the blood from your face as well as your sword, before carefully sheathing it.

Looking back to the wolves that were surrounding their Alpha, you began to make your way towards them. As you approached, you noticed their slightly cowered positioned along with the pained whimpers coming from the Alpha. Next to it, there lies another wolf, who you presumed was the Luna, was licking the Alpha's eyes.

Grimacing at its wounded eye that was caused by you, you ripped off another piece of fabric.

Closing the space between you and the pack, the wolves continue to shake under your watchful eyes. However, you ignored that and brought your hands around the half-blinded wolf's head.

Failing to scare you off with its growls, it could only helplessly lie there while you tie the cloth around its head, applying pressure to prevent it from losing any more blood.

You were pleasantly surprised by how compliant all the wolves were. None of them, even the younger ones, have attacked you when you were taking care of their Alpha.

They must have understood my intentions.

Rising up from your knees, you painfully headed back to grab your cloak. Putting it back on, you pulled the hood up to fully cover your hair. Picking up the lamp you previously set down, you were about to leave and search for your group, you felt something limply gnawing on your pants.

Turning around, you saw the giant wolf chewing on your pants. Not knowing what to say, you made some attempts to yank your pants away but to simply no avail.

He still has strength... What does he want?

Thankfully, when the wolf receives your attention, it detaches itself from you. However, it continues to surprise you when it settled itself in front of you, sitting on its bottom. Soon after, the others began to approach you both and follow in suit.

They only do that when they...

Grinning widely at their actions, you patted the Alpha's head to show your approval. Kneeling down to its ear, you silently whispered to the wolf before standing up. Glancing over to the rest of the wolves, you ended up meeting Luna's eyes. Boring their eyes into yours, you couldn't help but shuddered at how intense it is. However, you understood what she had put out and will definitely respect that.

Looking into the Alpha's eyes on last time, you silently bided them before turning around and headed to your next destination.

I have a feeling that we will meet again.

After trudging out of their sight, your body faltered against the tree nearby. Releasing a heavy breath, you looked around, finding nothing but trees and darkness. As expected, this particular part looked almost identical to any other part, making you unable to decipher your exact location under the haze of exhaustion.

However, what you were thankful for was how the forest is set up.

From an outsider's view, it might just be like any other group of trees. However, to you and many others, the Midnight Forest is your home, deeply rooted into your blood and flesh, passing from one generation to another. Even before the initial fame, your clan has already been living and protecting this precious land, knowing its true value better than anyone else.

As a result, you knew the principles of the layout. As long as you reach the Crescent Pond, you would be able to live another day, and hopefully the others will as well.

With that in mind, you shakily lift your lantern up and head to where you hoped they were.

Unlike your previous state, your muscles ached with the slightest movement. Gritting your teeth to stay conscious, you still continued despite the obvious signs of a major blood loss.

Careful to not produce any unneeded sounds, you find yourself breathing heavier as you continues on, getting harder to cover them up. However, just the thought of attracting another batch of carnivores because of you accidentally tripping over a rock, and falling down has made your mouth dried up incredibly.

You definitely would be the prey this time around.

With another motivation, you quicken your steps, awkwardly jogging forward, but nevertheless continuing to enter the depth of the Midnight Forest.

Crescent Pond... you guys have to be there.

As you continue to walk further to what you assume was the center, you had a feeling that the moon is currently at its highest peak, meaning that you only have a few hours left until you were in a bigger mess.

Flinching at the single stray of light that entered your vision, you unconsciously stammered back, not used to the light. However, you were vibrating from the joyous feeling boiling from your core.

Finally, you've arrived at the Crescent Pond.

Because of its crescent shape, and the only place where moonlight can shine through, it was one of the easiest and safest places beside the center.

There was even an insider proclamation that as long as you reach the pond and know the principle, it is guaranteed that you will arrive at the center alive. You normally wouldn't succumb to those ignorant claims, but right now, it seems to be the option. Hopefully, your desires were strong enough to manifest it.

Taking a few moments to get used to the illuminated scene, you noticed how nothing had seemed to change. The pond itself was as mesmerizing as you have remembered, glistening with the moonlight.

Relocating yourself against a nearby rock, you drowsily slumped to the ground, too tired to bother how dirty you will be. With that particular jolt, your knees immediately unbuckle and down you went.

Groaning at your unpleasant descent, adrenaline began to leave your body, knowing that you're safe for now. Animals, especially nocturnals won't attack you as long as you're here, afraid of the light that would hinder their vision.

Setting your attention on your wound, the bandage that you have wrapped was soaking wet. Grimacing at the sight, you were reminded of the pain that knocked your breath out.

It seemed as though you made it worse from the constant use of it during your way here. Letting out a small smile, you rest to the best of your ability and waited for the arrival of your companion.

" You better get here fast, Panther. I'm dying from the pain here just waiting for you guys."

☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

" Let me go!" Taehyung yelled out, struggling to escape Panther's hold, " I have to go back and help them!"

Pulling the grown man towards him, Panther steadily lead the way with Namjoon following behind, seemingly in a daze.

" Queen, you know that you will only hinder Phoenix's way by being there."

Flinching at the harsh statement that pulled him back to reality, Taehyung stopped his scuffling yet still remained in Panther's hold. Contorting his face in discontent at the helpless feeling, tears started to accumulate in his eyes. Trying to contain the waterfall, Taehyung quietly got out of Panther's hold, avoiding eye contact with any of them.

Despite wearing a mask, Panther could tell how frustrated Taehyung was but ultimately ignored it, deciding it would be best for him to be alone.

Walking in absolute silence, the pair continued to follow Panther, not knowing where they headed to.

Namjoon, who had finally snapped out of his haze, looked towards Taehyung, before giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder as comfort.

Securing his grip on his lamp, he was reminded of your comment to not let go no matter what happened. And right now, that was what he is clinging to, a tiny thread of hope.

Blinking slowly, Namjoon let out a shaking breath, still not over what had just happened. However, he does have an idea where Panther is headed to.

" We're going to the Crescent Pond, aren't we?"

Not glancing back, Panther replied, " We are. It's the only area in the forest that has light."

Namjoon nodded, agreeing with Panther, " Y/N would also be there I'm assuming."

At the mention of Y/n, Taehyung perked up and slowly tuned into the conversation, hopeful of getting to see you again.

" If the plan goes as expected, they should be there after dealing with the wolves."

Scowling at Panther's comment, Taehyung hisses out, " Planned out? If this was planned out then why did those wolves attack us? Why are we even here in the middle of the night?"

" Careful, Queen," Panther warned, " You should know that we couldn't prevent this from happening. For the latter question, go ask the Master yourself."

Recoiling at his tone, Taehyung immediately shut his mouth, knowing that it was true. Even if he wanted to complain, he would not dare to speak so rashly in front of the Master, himself.

Hopelessly sighing at Taehyung's impulsiveness, Namjoon redirected the conversation to the current situation.

" How far until we reach the pond?"

" We should reach the pond in half an hour if everything goes smoothly," Panther said.

Nodding at his words, Taehyung and Namjoon fastened their pace, wanting to close the gap between them and you.

Seeing their urgency, Panther quietly whispered, " Phoenix will be fine. They've been doing this for years. Besides, they're the child of the Crimson branch's head. They've been trained for this."

Agreeing with Panther's comment, Taehyung relaxed at the thought of Y/n being alive.

Content for different reasons, the trio hurriedly scurried towards their destination.

☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

Leaning your head against the rock, you pondered, " When will they come?"

For what you have presumed was half an hour of tormenting your tattered body, your eyes began to feel heavy, lazily drooping to follow the call of dreamland.

However, you knew that chances of you not waking up would probably outweigh the other if you ever give into the temptation. As a result, you had to humour yourself with the eerie surrounding.

Taking into the dead silent trees, one would have assumed that the forest held no life if it wasn't for the starved creatures waiting for their prey.

You, of course wasn't fooled, especially after just dealing with those rogue wolves.

Though, if one were to observe a little more, the slight swish of the leaves as it dances along with the wind held a tempting invitation to enter the forestry maze, and never leave it. You must admit that the forest, itself, behaves more like animals than its own inhabitants.

However, after that interaction, it made you curious how different these creatures were from the outside. As unpleasant as that encounter was, the wolves were much wiser and sharper than the ones you have ever encountered outside. Maybe someone has trained them but that was unlikely since you would have known them as long as they're within the clan.

Getting confused at the possibility, you didn't notice the slight noises behind the bushes. You were also too numb to feel the light footsteps that were headed towards you at a swift pace.

Unfortunately, you only became aware of their movements the moment they're standing behind you, pointing their sword towards you.

You didn't dare turn around and instead asked with a calm demeanour, " What have you come here for?"

However, your questions were not answered. Instead, all you got were footsteps coming towards you until they were pressing you against the rock, now painted with your blood.

Wincing at the added pressure against your wound, you laughed at the mere thought of ending your life here.

" Who sent you?" You amusingly asked, " What're you achieving in coming after me?"

Noticing that the person had yet to confiscate your sword, your suspicion slowly took a turn to something else.

" Did the Master send you here?" Turning around to stare into the piercing hazel eyes, you couldn't contain yourself and burst out, laughing. You didn't care how many creatures would be attracted by your voice, all you cared about was how entertaining this was," What are you doing here, Viper?"

Stumbling back at getting caught, Viper could only stare at you, wide eyed.

Bringing your right leg against your thigh, you propped your head on top of it, " Did you really think that this was enough to trick me? Is this really your way of welcoming
your sunbae?"

Regaining his composure, Viper couldn't help but let out a scoff, shocked at your comment. Gently stroking his caramel hair, he said, " My sunbae? You jest. You don't have what it takes to be my superior."

Chuckling at his answer, you slowly dragged your right hand across the grass, enjoying the calming sensation that came with it, " You might not like it, but as long as you are alive, I will always be your sunbae."

Reacting to your words, the brunette stomped towards you and harshly reached over the rock and grabbed your left shoulder, " You dare!... What is this? Why are you bleeding so much?"

Wincing at the unexpected damage, you clenched your teeth to prevent a groan and muttered, " Let go of my arm."

With little to no delay, Viper swiftly removed his grip from your arm. You could tell how much your wound had disturbed him but decided to ignore it, knowing this was not the time.

Walking around the boulder, Viper winced at how bloody your wound was. Ripping a piece of his hanbok, he skillfully replaced your soaked ones with his.

Silently thanking him, you both remained silent, not knowing what to say.

" ... It's been a while since we've talked."

" Of course, after you took in that little brat, you barely had any time to interact with others outside of your branch."

Smiling fondly of his little sulking episode, you teased him, " I thought that you didn't care whether I have the time or not? You were alw—"

Shutting your comment with a glare, Viper retorted, " Continue that and I'll make sure to make you enter the core in pieces!"

Knowing that you couldn't handle his torment, you eagerly nodded to move on.

" What are you doing here?"

Rolling his eyes at your question, he sarcastically answered, " I'm here to pick flowers and go for a walk."

Looking unamused at his reply, you decided to copy him, " Really? I was also out for a walk but unfortunately tripped on a branch and have a gash on my arm that is killing me."

By just looking into his eyes, you can tell how much disdain he currently has towards you, " But seriously, what are you doing here? I don't think the Viridian branch is in charge of guarding the territory."

" Of course we don't. Our clan isn't part of the physical sector like yours. Besides, it's much better to stay in one spot and do all the tasks there. After all, the best place for us are the forest themselves."

" That still doesn't answer why you wanted to kill me."

Groaning at your stupidness, he said, " Are you in a haze from all the pain? I'm obviously joking with you!"

Of course, you knew that he didn't have any negative intentions other than wanting to tease you, but you couldn't help yourself to let go of what he just did.

" You do know that you basically broke the oath of not harming the clan members, right?" You taunted, " Besides, I'm on my way to report back to the Master. What would you do if I blame my wound on you?"

Proudly straightening his back, he puffed up his chest and stated, " As long as you don't tell the Master that you encountered me on your way here, then I'll be fine. Besides I'm your hoobae, why would you want to bully me?"

Blinking continuously at his unshameful response, you weren't able to form any coherent responses.

" Forget it, if you are reporting back to the Master then I'll accompany you."

Shaking your head at his offer, " There's no need for you to do that. Even though I'm wounded, I'll still be able to reach the center properly. Besides, I'm waiting for my group."

Perking up at the mention of your group, Viper distastingly asked, " Group? You mean the little kids that were running around you?"

" Kids? Hydrangin is only a few months younger than you while Queen is your hoobae of a few years," you said, " We got separated by an invasion so I'm waiting for them here."

" And you handled all of them on your own? How utterly reckless."

You shrugged, not displeased with your decision but slightly winced at the little pricks from your arm, " It was indeed reckless but I had a better chance of defeating them. Hydrangin and Queen aren't proficient in martial arts, and Panther is skilled in another area. It was either me or we died as a group."

" Hydrangin is part of my branch, he should have the resources to help you deal with the creatures here."

" He normally would have but we were in a hurry and didn't want to be slowed down by them."

" You utterly useless group! How did you even become one of the best?"

At his words, you didn't know how to reply and instead chose to awkwardly laugh it out of the problem. Thankfully, Viper was humane enough to let you escape his sharp fangs.

Feeling something hit your chest, you looked down to find a block of something. Glancing up at Viper, you waited for his explanation.

" Anyways, I'll be going now," heading back to where he previously came out from, Viper greeted you, " We'll talk at another time. Make sure to enter in one piece, Phoenix."

" We will."

And with that he disappeared into the depths of the forest.

Grabbing the chunk of medicine, you brought it to your mouth and began to chew on it. Despite not knowing what exactly it is, you continued to chew until you had absorbed all the nutrients and spitted out.

Sighing at the loneliness that once again enveloped you, you unconsciously mopped around, waiting for them.

To what had been many minutes later, you finally felt your heart lightening up at the sight in front of you.

Contrary to you, however, the people standing opposite of you were petrified by your condition.

" Phoenix... you are in one piece?"

" Of course I'm in one piece," you answered, " Just a little gr—"

Before you can finish your sentence, you felt a powerful force being pushed against your right side, whipping you against the boulder.

Tightening his grip around you, you felt tiny droplets begin to soak your sleeve.

" Queen, why are you crying?"

Feeling him shaked his head, digging deeper into your neck, you brought your uninjure hand up and patted his head.

" I'm alive so don't worry," you reassured, " Now help me stand up if you will."

Taehyung nodded, quickly wiping his tears before helping you up. Namjoon who was nearby, rushes to help you, taking your right arm over his shoulder to support your weight.

" How did it become this bad?"

" I was just a little careless, one of the rogue wolves got me when I was busy dealing with another. Nothing severe."

" Nothing severe?—," Namjoon exclaimed.

" Yes, nothing severe. Now if you would let this go, we've spent enough time here. We need to report back to the master."

Namjoon, who was about to protest shut his mouth when he met your eyes, silently telling him that this was not the time.

And with that, you all started your way into the center, despite many disagreed eyes.

Least to be said, the center was not one would expect. Instead of being like the rest of the forest, the center was like a community, overfilling with life.

Legend has it that within the core of the forest, the center used to be the nest of the phoenixes. Or as you like to say, this was the home to the very first phoenixes. However, no one can really confirm the theory as that was even before humanity even obtained intelligence.

However, the myth still remains known as the creation of the clan itself.

The Scarlet Phoenix Clan, was an organization of occupations. Some may say that they are merchants, while some blatantly state that they are a web of the black market. Either way, the organization is known for its outstanding talents, who will accomplish any given task if deemed worthy.

The clan consisted of five branches, each named after one of the elements — metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The Titanium branch was your clan's pride in craftsmanship, ranging from weapons to silverware, it was guaranteed that any product from them would be no better than the best.

Viper is part of the Veridian branch, who are masters in medicinal properties as well as poison. Namjoon is also part of the branch despite being registered under your branch.

To you the most cool-headed branch would be the Azures. In many ways, you were thankful for their patience, especially when they are the ones dealing with the paperwork. While some mainly work through the clusters of paperwork, many, like Taehyung, spend their entire lives on strategic and logical planning.

Next up is your branch, the Crimson branch specializes in physical combat. Ranging from direct to hidden attacks, your branch has it all. Known for your fiery yet strong moves, you guys wholeheartedly represent the fire element.

The final and last branch, the Golden branch was also a physical branch like yours. Specializing in long distance attack, they're a great essential to more secretive missions. As a result, in their free time, members take shifts to help guard the territory.

With how diverse each branch is, you all get along quite well, having taught at a young age that each branch won't survive without one another. So even if you are on bad terms with another branch, you would have to solve it one way or another for a higher chance of survival.

Members of the clan must be born or adopted into a branch and swore absolute loyalty to the clan. Of course, with this type of situation, the members could not reveal themselves to the general public and have to take an alias.

In some ways or another, it could be quite burdensome but it has to be done to have a form of assurance to the clan.

Built to showcase the five branches, the core was divided into five sections, with each area meeting at the center.

In the absolute center, there was the mansion of the Master, the one who overlooks the clan. Unlike other houses, the Master's was the most extravagant and the one with the largest premises, simply because it is the place where most people work at — and where most documents are kept.

Countless people from different branches get employed to work at the Master's mansion, helping the clan survive. After all, without everyone's help, the clan would have disappeared generations ago, losing all the ancient value of it.

Following the servant that had greeted you at the entrance, you assumed that was where you are headed to now.

Walking up the stairs that leads to the Master's study. Each step began to weigh heavier than the last as the distance between you and the Master decreased.

You have always dislike the Master's mansion after the last Master ascended the position. The place was always filled with too much tension and mischief to your liking.

Though, you wouldn't say anything as he does his duties properly and take care of the clan.

Once you all arrived in front of the door thanks to one of the servants, you waited for permission to enter.

After a few moments, he finally called you in.

" Come in."

Entering the room, the scent of medicine attacked your nostrils almost immediately. Crinkling your nose at the smell, you looked at the person sitting at the best in the middle, quietly enjoying his tea.

" Greetings to the Master."

As on cue, the four of you bowed down to properly greet the Master.

" Mhmm," looking up from his cup, he gazed over your guys' bowed form, " You lot are late."

" We apologize for the long wait, Master. There... were some issues that interrupted us from our journey."

Raising his eyebrows at what you said, he stared at the bloodied mess of your arm, " Issue? An issue that even injured the child of the head of the Crimson Branch?"

Hearing his slight sarcastic tone, you bit your lower lip to prevent any foolish words from coming out.

Seeing how you have taken the blow, Namjoon quickly came up with a reply to help you.

" I apologize, Master. We were in such a hurry that the thought of an invasion hadn't once crossed our minds," Namjoon reasoned.

" I didn't ask you, outsider! I was asking the child of Crimson's branch Head."

Flinching at his harsh words, you felt your blood boil at the audacity.

" Master, please calm yourself," you gritted out, obviously stating how inpatient you were, " Hydragin was right, we were in too much of a hurry to have time consider these things. However, I assure you that it is all fine."

Glancing at you in disdain, the Master obviously was not pleased about your actions to save Namjoon from him.

" Whatever. Report to me about the current situation. What happened after the rebellion."

Straightening up, you couldn't help but let out a sigh, glad that he had moved on from the previous problem.

" Reporting to the Master, before the initial rebellion, Corea was not doing that well. Famine has been spreading in the rural areas because of the major droughts that happen during the middle of the year."

Continuing on about the various situations that have been happening, you put your focus on the information that you've memorized and not on the Master. As a result, you were made to face the scream of the Master.

" I didn't ask you to tell me the past! I told you to report your current plans!"

The irk that you have been desperately withholding seemed to be increasing in difficulty as the person in front of you continued to rant about your guys' flaws.

" ... I apologize, Master," you quietly said after his rant, " Taehyung, would you do the favour and report our current plans?"

Flinching at the sudden call for him, Taehyung looked over at you, eyes telling you how betrayed he felt. However, you felt more than anything to get him to explain the plan, getting to take the credits.

Stepping up from his position from behind you, Taehyung respectedly looked at the Master and began to explain the plans.

Patiently waiting for Taehyung to finish, you mindfully directed the attention to Namjoon, who was the next to talk. Thankfully, this time, the Master didn't say anything and everything went smoothly.

Almost smoothly.

Having been a few hours, your wounds have started to itch and are distracting you quite a bit. However, you had to keep things professional and tried to not show your discomfort.

Clenching your right hand to the fabric of your pants, you tried to forget the itching sensation that was gently nibbling your flesh. However, to your displeasure, your discomfort managed to escape your grasp and shone through.

Glancing over at your form, Namjoon continued to speak about the situation of the palace, " In order to help balance and control the court, a harem has been created."

Suddenly interested at the new information, the Master glanced over to see what your expression was.

" A harem? This was not written in the letter. What is this all about, Phoenix?"

" I apologize for not telling this to you sooner, there were much more important things that I had to fit into the letter and did not have the space to report such miscellaneous things."

Despite how unbothered you sound, Taehyung felt an uncomfortable poke at his chest. Despite knowing that this was done to cover the harem situation, Taehyung still did not like how you had phrased it.

" Originally it was decided that only the Queen would be at the position but the plan changed when the rebels started to group together to form their own fraction. There are still no leads to what they will do."

" So you created a harem to keep a leash around the leader?"

Balling your fist, and tensely nodded at the comment, " Yes, Master. In order to control the fraction, I have made the leader's oldest son and the previous dynasty's heir join my harem."

Lighting up at the sudden news, the Master happily nodded, " Good, you did very well."

Giving a slight bow, you thanked him for his praise.

" I am expecting great results from you, Phoenix," he stated, " Now, you three leave the room. I have some things that I need to discuss with Phoenix. Alone."

Swiftly bowing at the Master, the three quickly headed out.

After they left, an awkward silence was bestowed upon you. Not knowing what to say, you waited for him to begin the conversation.

" Have you told them yet?"

" No, I haven't told them yet, Master."

Leaning back against the chair, the master glanced at you, " Then will you tell them?"

Shaking your head, you objected to the idea, " I'm afraid that I will not have the chance to do so."

Raising his eyebrows in confusion, " You won't have the chance? Hmmm... Interesting. Forget what I ask, you may go now."

Offering him your final bow, you rushed out of the room, not wanting to be in his presence any longer.

Walking through the hallways, you noticed how bright it had become. Glancing over at the horizon, the bright light had begun to rise, signifying that dawn is coming.

Increasing your pace, you left the Master's mansion to go to the clan's entrance.

Looks like I won't be able to greet him today. It's fine, I'll save it for some other occasion.

As expected, Taehyung and Namjoon were waiting for you there.

Nodding towards them, you attempted to step past them, leading the way. However, Namjoon was quick to block you.

Scrunching your forehead in confusion, you looked at Namjoon. Instead of looking into your eyes, Namjoon's attention was drawn toward your left arm.

After looking down at the wound, you looked back at Namjoon, and smiled sheepishly.

Knowing what you meant, he rolls his eyes, " I'll deal with that when we're on the carriage."

Happy that he won't treat it immediately and waste time, you ushered both of them to the exit before leaving.

Looking back to the ancestral landmark, you silently bid it goodbye.

Now, back to the palace we go.

Unlike previously, passing through the forest seemed more like a walk now. Since the sun have rise up now, the predators won't be stupid enough to attack.

On the entire way, Taehyung, who has been oddly quiet, stuck to your side. Understanding what he meant, you only pulled him closer and entangled your hand with his, content with how comfortable it currently feels like.

Granted, you would have also ushered Namjoon to the hug but with your injured arm, doing it is much harder than saying it. As a result, you both had to accept him walking behind the two of you. Though, he did seem fine with the situation being like so.

After exiting the forest, you guys went to the nearest town and rented a carriage for the rest of your journey to the main city, and eventually to the palace.

Despite getting injured, you wanted to prolong the freedom you currently have. Having experienced firsthand how restrictive the palace is, you couldn't help but cherish the few moments of freedom you have in the past few months.

Leaning your head against the wooden wall, you look over to the countless life that you passed by as your mind begins to drift to wherever. Going through different thoughts at such a slow yet peaceful pace that you could deceive yourself of dreaming.

When the carriage finally came to a halt, you all descended down, paid the servant a hefty pay, and thanked him.

As you left the palace in secret, it would make sense to also enter the palace in secret.

After dropping Namjoon off, you and Taehyung sneakily entered your courtyard. Taking turns to change into your sleeping attires, you both got ready for bed without a word. Practically melting against your soft sheets the moment you set your eyes on them, you snuggled further into the mattress. Letting the warm sun rays lure you to sleep, you continually wrapped your arms around Taehyung and began to relax. After getting some sleep, you would deal with your workload and the duties of a monarch.

However, as much as you want to ignore the servants call, it was practically impossible with their volume.

Flinching at the knock on your door, you grumpily sat up, careful to not bother Taehyung.

Speedily entering your chamber, the servant bowed at your form and said, " Your majesty, a messenger from the Kim Tradings just informed that the Merchant of the South is arriving in three days."

Blinking your eyes in confusion, still not entirely sober, you stared blankly at the servant.

" Repeat what you just said."

" The Merchant of the South is arriving in Cheohae in three days."

After confirming what you just heard is true, you slumped against the bed. Bringing your right hand to massage your temples, you definitely can't wait until that day.

The palace will be in for a ride.

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