[ 6 ]

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In all honesty, you didn't know if laughing was the best choice as of currently. With the sudden arrival of the Imperial Consort, the officials must be desperate to dig some answers out of you if they have managed to convince him to visit you at this time of the day.

More like manipulation, you bitterly thought.

Pinching the space between your eyebrows, you motioned Chin-Hwa to invite him in while signalling for one of the maids present. After hearing what you said, the maid nodded before exiting the room.

Gaining trust from a person's heart, especially ones that have already been wounded, was and is never an easy task; you can never guarantee their loyalty with just emotions alone. As a result, every servant that enters your doors is disguised members of your clan, who were adopted into a branch, owing to their entire existence to the clan. This way you still have at least some trust that they will be loyal to your ultimate goal. Unlike your clan members, these pesky officials have nothing to lose and will utilize any opportunity thrown at them for their benefit.

That was your original thought, at least. It still is but with a few exceptions.

Like entering a new world, your experience as a monarch was not what you expected in the absolute least. You don't think any of your combat training would properly prepare you for what was coming—both diplomatically and emotionally.

You still sometimes wonder why they would choose you rather than a member of the Azure branch. Unlike you, the children of the said branch are trained in this kind of mission; there are plenty that are capable of close combat even. Meanwhile, you were only trained as a physical vessel, with a slight prestigious status but still don't have that much knowledge in this area. And with all these blockages that keep appearing in front of you, you were starting to think if this was the best option.

Is it the innocence that they still manage to retain? Or how different they are from the rest; like gems hidden behind a wall of poorly covered coal?

Carelessly fondling the loose strands of your hair, you continue to ponder about that thought, wondering if you have truly softened enough to show your weak side.

Luckily, your chain of bitterness was cut off with the incoming steps heading towards your study. Flicking your hair away, you leaned against the chair and waited for the guest to arrive.

Looking over to the door, the figure that followed behind Chin-Hwa immediately captured your attention. With a lean built, youthful face, you really can't believe that you both were born in the same year. Sometimes, even, you still couldn't believe how far you have come.

" Your majesty, the Imperial Consort is here."

You nodded, eyes glued on the fidgety figure. Seeing the room, Chin-Hwa excused himself, unconsciously leaving you both in awkward silence.

" Have you been doing well, Yoongi?"

Wincing at your question, Yoongi flusteredly nodded his head.

Chuckling at his cute act, you softly pull yourself up, before heading over to where Yoongi was. Standing in front of him, you felt an empowering force of strength enveloped you despite Yoongi being of average height.

Picking the incoherent signs indicating how nervous he is, your heart softens at how small he was making himself.

What have they done to you to make the crown prince become this... mess?

Offering your hand to him, waiting for him to get your gesture. Yoongi, who previously didn't dare to look into your eyes, looked up in curiosity, before latching onto your hand.

Pulling him towards the door, you both set off to the dining room.

Silently eating your meal, you glanced over at the person opposite of you every once in a while. Careful to not worsen the awkward air in the room, you both did not utter a single word and instead set your attention on the feast casted upon the table.

Shoving grains of rice into your mouth, your mind loomed through the dozens of people presented in the room. In all of truthfulness, you were beginning to get annoyed at the gaping attention that was piercing your back; the imperial consort must have felt the same with how frequently he squirms in his seat.

Tightening your grip, you reach out across the table to grab a piece of meat. What seemed to be an innocent prey turned out to be the trigger for something much worse.

Flinching at the sudden object entering his view, he unconsciously dropped his chopsticks as well as his bowl, creating a loud clang.

Dropping your own utensils, you swiftly waved your hand, dismissing all the servants. Pushing away your seat, you were quick to walk around the table before setting yourself on the chair next to Yoongi.

Seeing his form shivering in distress, you carefully reach out your hand, making sure to not surprise him and place it on top of his tightly clenched fists. Your hands grasping on his own, you rubbed them soothingly. You didn't know if he was comfortable with you enough for you to embrace him. Already being this close is already a risk in itself. However, it's a risk that is more than necessary you had concluded.

Thankfully, it had seemed to be the right decision when you felt Yoongi gripping your hand. Now that you have a positive reaction from him, you slowly brought your right arm out and wrapped it around his shoulder in an attempt to calm him.

Steadily, you began to close your guys' gap until Yoongi was encased in your embrace, his breathing slowing down in the process. You both stayed there for what seemed like minutes until Yoongi was calm enough to reciprocate.

After you have made sure that he was alright, you unwrap your arm from him but still alert in case of him having any signs of discomfort. Seating back down, you finally were able to properly examine him. His already pale skin has lost its color amidst the distressful moment, but fortunately, color seemed to be returning to his cheeks.

Following his successful attempt to calm down, the Imperial Consort looked over at you, eyes widening in surprise, finally processing what had just happened. Clumsily standing up, he bowed down, profusely apologizing.

" Y-your majesty, I-I-I a-apologize for m-my rude c-conduct!"

Smiling softly, you waved your hand in an attempt to dismiss the problem, however, unlike your original intention, it had seemed like Yoongi misunderstood your actions. The colours that have just returned to his face dissipated along with your previous attempts to calm him down.

Raising your arm up to indicate you having no harmful intention, you once again approach him. This time, however, you kneeled beside him, wanting to look him in the eyes.

Despite the only time you both have ever been this intimate with each other was the first time you both have directly interacted, you have a niche that doing this was necessary.

Staring into those beautiful black gems, you could see how swollen his face has become. Feeling your heart clench at his current look, you couldn't really help yourself but be curious. Be curious for the innocence that is hanging onto the last strands in those beautiful gems.

As if also lost on his own as well, Yoongi finds himself stopping his previous agitated state staring into your eyes, curious to what you are keeping within yourself. Like knowing what he was searching for, you let out a chuckle.

The eyes are really the window to one's heart.

" Don't worry, I don't mind," you comforted.

Seemingly hypnotized by your luring eyes, Yoongi let out a modest nod.

" Are you still hungry?" you asked, noticing how much rice still remained in the bowl.

Continuing to stare into your eyes, he shocked his head.

Breaking out into a smile by his cute antiques, you turned your head sideway to look in another direction, knowing that you won't be able to contain yourself with his cuteness.

Unconsciously tugging down his lip, he helplessly looked at you, not knowing what to do. You on the other hand, who just witnessed his pout, snicker to yourself at the recurring trend.

He and Jungkook really are brothers by blood.

Reaching over to grasp his hand, you caressed them while asking, " You don't have to be so nervous when you're with me. We've been through this before, didn't we?"

Bashfully looking down at his lap, Yoongi nodded.

Nodding in satisfaction, you rise from your position. " With that being said, why are you here at this time, Yoongi? You normally don't come a few hours into the afternoon."

Flustering him with the question, Yoongi tried to come up with a reasonable explanation, tripping up his words in the process. Knowing the effort that is being put in, you patiently waited for him to make up his mind.

Min Yoongi, the previous crown prince of the previous Min dynasty, was unlike anything you would expect from the wealthy. Despite having a relatively tough outer shell, Yoongi's inner self was quite sensitive to the changes around him, especially abrupt ones. As a result, this has contributed to making your guys' first direct interaction a little ... unique.

Regardless, his vulnerability, you presumed was caused by childhood trauma. While Yoongi haven't mentioned anything in particular, you have pieced quite a bit of his behaviours to conclude what you have now.

Insincerity. Insignificant. Forgotten; was what you assumed had happened.

Traumatized. Paranoid... Broken; was all that was left of him.

Even in your first meeting, you already had a feeling that Yoongi was different from others living inside the palace. How? You didn't know but you were glad that you have trusted your intuition. At least now, he is being taken care of both physically and materialistically. Emotional-wised? You're working on that.

" ... I-I came h-here to h-help y-you, y-your m-majesty!"

" ... "

Squeaking at your silence, Yoongi's fingers twitch in agitation. " I-I came here to ... The officials asked me to come here!" Squeezing his eyes, Yoongi couldn't help but to imagine what your expression would be. Anger? Annoyance? ... Disappointment?

" Is it about the harem selection?"

Seeing his nod, successfully confirming your original conclusion, you patiently waited for him to calm down.

" What do they want to ask me?," you asked but after seeing him shake his head, you nodded understandably.

Using your legs as leverage to push yourself up, pulling his stiff form with you afterward.

Going to the shelves nearby, you carefully scan over the dozens of scrolls, searching for the right ones. After selecting what you needed, you head back to the desk, spreading out the scrolls.

Yoongi, who was sitting opposite of you, perked up as the scrolls were being spread out. Confused at what you were hinting, Yoongi looked over at your direction. After a few moments, Yoongi shakily grabbed the scrolls, quickly scanning through them.

Setting down into your seat, you waited for him to finish.

" What is this?," Yoongi meekly asked after reading the report.

" What do you think?"

Gripping onto the fabric of the scroll, Yoongi continued to stare at it. Noticing how comfortable he is with using the scroll, you smiled.

At least I don't have to deal with a fake.

" It's a written report of the drought in the last decade."

" Anything else?"

" It also listed down the possible solution for each year."

"... Do you notice something irregular about this report?"

" ..."

Leaning your upper body forward, you pointed at a blank spot on the report. " What is this for?"

" The Imperial Jade Stamp."

The Jade Stamp is a valuable treasure that gets passed down from one generation to another. Acting as the official monarch's words, as long as the mark is there, permission and approval is an absolute.

As a result, even if a rebellion happens, the opposition party is encouraged to obtain the stamp to gain the civilians' trust. Meaning that whoever gets their hands on the Jade Stamp has the ability to rule the nation.

Spreading out the other scrolls, you pointed to the exact blank spots of each one. Seeing the repeated occurrence, Yoongi could only duck his head down in shame.

" It's not your fault, Yoongi," you comforted, " Even if it is, there are always ways to rewind your ways."

" Rewind my ways?"

" Mhmm. So from the blank spot and what has happened in the previous decade, what can you conclude?"

" Despite having many possible solutions, drought seasons are always dealt with little to no help from the government."

" Why is that?"

" ..." gulping down a chunk of air, Yoongi let out, " Because the previous dynasty didn't care."

Nodding at his answer, " Now tell me, would you repeat the same thing your father did if the Imperial Jade Stamp was in your hands?"

Flinching at the mention of his father, Yoongi took time to think. Overlooking your prescience, Yoongi's eyes naturally focused on the wall behind you.

Licking his dry lips, he answered, "... I wouldn't."

" Why so?" You asked, cocking your head to the side, " With all this power, you could have the entire country kneeling at your feet, ready to serve you."

" ... I don't want that," he whispered out, " I despise power and the greed that comes with it. It makes us so ... inhumane, going to the point of forgetting that we're mortals."

" Then if you have the Imperial Jade Stamp, what would you do?"

" ... I would try to sustain the country."

" Sustain? Why not prosper the economy?"

" With all the damage that was caused by the previous dynasty, I doubt that in my years of ruling, the country would be strong enough to prosper," he answered, " If I want the country to prosper, the first thing I need to do is saving it first."

I'm impressed.

" Mhmm, tell me, how would you help prevent the worst from the drought season?"

Amused by how he scrunched his face while deep in thought, you patiently waited for his answer.

" People of the Amber division would be the most affected group. People— who are already vulnerable will have a harder time surviving during this time," he started, " As a result, I think it would evacuate them to another region. Even providing assistance, and supplies would help them cope through the upcoming months.

Similar to Taehyung's.

" You do realize that we aren't in the best position to provide such things without us losing money right?"

Widening your eyes when Yoongi makes eye contact with you, his eyes flaring in anger? Frustration? " I am aware of that, your majesty. However, I believe that the gap between commoners and nobles is so wide that even if we take a reasonable amount of money out from the imperial treasure room, I doubt that we will suffer anything major."

Chuckling at the sudden fiercely response, you waved your hand to dismiss the tension.

" I will put your input in consideration, Imperial Consort."

Nodding at your words, Yoongi once again shrink himself back to his small self, careful to not annoy you.

So he does have a fierce side.

Continuing where you had left off, you both emerge yourselves into diplomatic conversations. Before you know it, the sun was already setting, and dinner came right after.

Escorting Yoongi to the door, you turned sideways, smiling at him.

Glancing back at the servants," I appreciated your company today, Imperial Consort."

" It was my pleasure, your majesty," Yoongi replied, bowing in greeting.

Reaching your hand out to caress his cheek, you lean in and whisper something in his ear before planting a light peck on his cheek. Feeling his cheeks heat up, Yoongi bashfully nodded before exiting your courtyard, followed by his servants.

On his way back to his courtyard, Yoongi squirmed when remembering back to what had just happened. Cheeks crimson red, Yoongi fantasize over your words.

Don't worry about the harem. Trust that I will be there for you.

Clawing the wooden walls of his carriage, Yoongi wanted nothing more than to let the fluttering butterflies in his core escape at the thought of your words.

It seems like tonight will be another one of those sleepless nights.

☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

Following yesterday's frantic news, today's morning was far from ordinary. Usually, you would start off the audience with minor problems from the many departments, slowly moving up to the major ones. However, today was definitely not one of those days.

Thankfully, you were not the only one that got annoyed by the constant pester. Looking over to the historian, you could tell that he was getting as annoyed as you from the constant repeating questions aaasa he continued to write all the dialogues into his notebooks.

Does every generation do this? Constantly getting pestered by their own servants?

" Your majesty! You can't possibly be serious about admitting the sons of powerful figures into the harem as nameless concubines!"

" Why can't I?"

" The foreign nations will be offended by your gestures, your majesty! That could sour the relationship between Corea and them!"

Finally acknowledging his presence, you tried to remember which department he is from.

Ah, Officer Kang Beom-Seok from the international affairs department. I thought he was a neutral?

Scowling at the realization that he had joined a side, your distaste for him returned in folds.

Kang Beom-Seok was an unruly man. Despite his rude antiques, his intelligence was quite outstanding thus allowing him a position in court. In the past, Beom-Seok never favoured any specific sides, but it seemed like the situation had changed.

Now that would really make your plan harder, not that you didn't expect it would go smoothly.

" Then what can I do? Give them a title so they can plot whatever they want within my harem?"

No one answered.

" There is always a chance of them retaliating against our country. Allowing them to enter the palace is already risky but giving them power? What do you think will happen?"

Again, not a word was heard.

" Besides, we can't be so weak as to bow down to others. Unlike years ago, the tide has changed. There shall be no weakness that can benefit others except for ourselves. To gain respect, risks must be taken as well as power must be obtained. Like any other success, a game of chess is always needed," you announced, " That shall be the end of this topic. Chin-Hwa, the next one?"

" Yes, your majesty," he said, turning sideways to grab the next scroll.

Listening to what he said, your back unconsciously leaned onto the throne until the end of the audience.

☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

" What do you think of this," pointing to the fabric, you asked.

" No, that doesn't match with the theme of the banquet."

Speechless at what he just said, you couldn't manage to form a proper coherent reply and instead chose to nod, trying to understand what he meant.

Picking up the gold fabric, you caressed it, feeling the material. " Gold and blue is the national color of Ecenyth. Without it, it would just seem like any other banquets."

Shaking his head in distaste, he snatched the fabric out of your grasp before tossing it behind him.

Gaping at the fallen piece of fabric, you winced at how costly that sample is. Maybe, just maybe, Taehyung is right in someway or another.

" This tone is too yellow. The Ecenyth Gold is darker and not as vivid. Such a poor taste in choice, who chose this."

Feeling your eye twitch as his words, you slowly raised your hand up, signaling that you were the poor-taster.

Seeing your raised hand, Seokjin momentarily swallowed what he was about to say, before swiftly standing up and picking up the fabric from the floor. Taking the fabric back to you, he let out a flattering smile.

" Now looking back at this shade, I don't think it's that bad."

Letting out a polite smile, you ignore his words before droughting down another possible shade of gold.

" Chin-Hwa, go see if we have another shade of gold. Preferably one that is darker and not as vivid."

Nodding at your words, Chin-Hwa tiredly walked out of your study to go on the seventh trip to the imperial warehouse.

Letting out a whine, " Y/nnnn-ssi, I didn't know that was the shade that you have picked!"

Perking up at your name, you turned sideways to look at him.

" Well Seokjin-ssi, it doesn't matter if I chose it out or not. It has already been done, let's move on to the next color," you sarcastically said.

" How can I move on if you are being sarcastic?"

Giving him an unimpressive face, before you continue to look at the various colours laying out in front of you.

" Corea's national colors are red, white, as well as blue. If we were to incorporate these colours together, I doubt that it would come off as impressive."

" I don't think it would be if we arrange in a simpler way."

" How?"

Grabbing the brush in front of him, Seokjin quickly drawed a picture of the venue where he added various decorations and flowers. Peering over his shoulder to see his progress, you were starting to understand what he was saying.

After he was done, Seokjin gave it to you to inspect. Scanning over the image, connecting all the words with the picture next to it, you smiled.

" Not bad. I don't believe this is a style of the Ecenyths," you said, " Where did you get the inspiration for this design?"

Setting the brush down, Seokjin Cooley answered, " This type of style is actually quite popular in the west, but with us not having that many connections with it, I figure to incorporate some of Corea's features into the design."

Nodding your head in agreement, " Not bad, not bad. This could be used as a basic framework before the final design. A solid design if I must say."

Beaming at your praise, Seokjin let out an egoistic mhmm.

" Will you sponsor this banquet?" You teased.

" Should I?"

" You're part of this alliance too, Seokjin-ssi. My country is providing the location, why not contribute the decoration and supplies?"

Laughing at your words, " You jest, your majesty. A wealthy person like you would need me to sponsor the supplies? I don't think my products are good enough for such a lavish location."

" Lavish? Please, it's just the courtroom where the throne is present. Nothing about it is lavish."

Smirking at your comment, Seokjin replied back, " Then I shall rely on your majesty's favour to promote my small business."

" I shall do what is in my capabilities, Merchant."

Before Seokjin had the chance to response to your words, Chin-Hwa entered the room.

" Your majesty, I have returned with the all the golden shades that are available in our warehouse," Chin-Hwa announced, placing a pile of various fabrics of the same color yet in a different shade.

" Merchant, since you are more experienced in this field than myself. I shall hand over this part to you."

Letting out a nod, Seokjin bowed his head in agreement, ' I shall follow your majesty's orders."

" Good. Now that's settled, I don't see a reason for trapping you here within my courtyard."

Smirking at your cold way of dismissing him, Seokjin wanted to respond back with a witty comment but ultimately decided not to when he remembered that Chin-Hwa is still present.

" It was my pleasure to serve your majesty," Seokjin said.

Waving to call in a maid to escort Seokjin, you smirked at how obedient the lad was being.

Where is his usual cheeky self?

However, you soon regretted your initial thought with the wink he sent before disappearing out into the corridor.

That damn minx.

Shaking your head in disbelief, you slowly turn around, ultimately return back to where you were.

" Did the Noble Consort receive my invitation?"

" The Noble Consort received your invitation yesterday night."

" What was his reply?"

" Reporting to your majesty, the Noble Consort has accepted your invite."

Smiling, you nodded in satisfaction, " Good."

☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

Leaning against the rough walls, you patiently waited for your companion. Dressed in a simple outfit along with your sword, sheathed in another scabbard, you looked nothing more than a mere traveller.

However, what differs you from the rest was the mysterious aura you released. Granted, with your occupation, the mystery is never really far from the truth and seemed to have also affected your day-to-day habit as well.

Regardless, it had seemed to be the reason for you gaining quite a bit of attention. Despite the unsubtle crowd that was starting to jam the district, you continue to dismiss them, putting your attention on waiting for your companion.

Suddenly, you felt a presence going toward your direction, specifically aiming at you. Twisting your feet to turn around, you grasp the handle of your sword, ready to unsheathe it if necessary.

Thankfully, you calm down after spotting the familiar figure.

" You're late."

Sheepishly rubbing his head, he ducked his head down in apology, " I apologize. The maids kept pestering about my outfit. It took me over half an hour to convince them to let me go."

As mentioned in his attire, your eyes naturally examine his outfit for the day. Consisting of an overcoat covering his entire build made from a relatively rough material, he still was not able to hide his pretty self. And it seemed that you were not the only one that noticed this with a massive increase in audience surrounding you both.

Nodding at his words, you hurriedly grab his arm before pulling him through the crowd while spilling out apologies. Eventually, you both managed to fight your way through the crowd, quickly running away to a quieter area.

Finally letting go of his hand, you awkwardly shifted away, not used to being near each other.

" ... The festival is mostly being celebrated in the main street, so let's go there now."

Nodding his head, Hoseok quietly followed you to the main street. On your guys' way there, a word was yet to be spoken. With the awkwardness lingering in the air, both of you prompted to just focus your attention on the nearby surroundings.

Thankfully, the awkwardness was soon forgotten and instead replaced with the excitement of the festival ahead.

Today marks the opening date of the three-day Nurturing Solstice. The Nurturing Solstice is an annual holiday that officially starts the harvest season. As a result, a three-day break would occur to help people celebrate the start of a bountiful season.

Walking side-by-side with each other, you were able to observe the way his eyes sparkled in interest whenever you guys pass by a lively stall.

" Do you want that?" You asked, pointing at one of the treats nearby.

Looking to where you pointed, Hoseok blinked at what was presented in front of him, not sure what it.

" You don't know what it is?"

" What is it?" Hoseok asked after shaking his head.

Sighing in exaggeration, you encased Hoseok's hand in yours, dragging him to the stall.

" Auntie, how much is this," you asked, pointing to the various options, " Choose one that you want."

" No! I'm fine," Hoseok said, frantically waving his hand, wanting to dismiss your statement. However, Hoseok quickly shut his mouth when he met your friendly gaze. Amidst the moment, he randomly chose one, popping it into his mouth.

Smiling at his actions, you took some money from your purse and handed it to the lady. Grabbing another one for yourself, you gracefully accepted the change before thanking her and walking away.

" How is it?"

Raising his head when he heard your question, you smiled at him to let him know that you mean no harm.

" It's good. What is it called?"

"Tanghulu." you said, "... You seemed familiar with the streets."

Pausing on his meal, Hoseok let out an awkward smile, " ... I used to sneak off a lot with my sister when I was a child. We would always save up enough money to rent a ride from our main house to the streets so we could play and go home before anyone notices our absence."

Despite his reasoning sounding a bit stiff and odd, you decided to not comment on it, and instead focus your curiosity on the newly introduced figure.

" Sister? You had a sister?"

Hoseok nodded, a fond smile appearing on his face. " My noona was a capable person. Anything caught her interest, she would try her all to become one of the best at it."

" Were you closed with her?"

" We were inseparable during our childhood."

" ... How about now?"

" ... She disappeared after her 15th birthday and was soon announced dead."

Taking in a sharp breath, you mentally cringed at his answer, wanting nothing more than to shove those words back into your mouth. " I apologize, I didn't realize that such an unfortunate thing happened to her."

Hoseok smiled, shaking his head. " No, it has been years since the incident happened. I've already moved on. It's useless to cling on to the past."

You stare at his face, taking into every curve and crevice, admiring his features while you both walk through the district. Noticing how his eyes sparkled as his chest unconsciously puffed up whenever he talks about his sister, you figured that this person must have been extremely close with him in the past.

" I'm glad that you have done that. I'm sure that your sister would be proud of you."

" You think so?"

You nodded your head, " Of course. People who love you will not want you to suffer."

" Thank you, your majesty."

" Don't call me that here," you said, wincing at your title. However, Hoseok only looked around before questioning you.

" No one is here right now."

" It doesn't matter," you lectured, " It's always better to be extra cautious and not regret it later."

" ... Then what should I call you?" He asked, looking troubled.

" Y/N."

Dropping the stick he had just ate from, Hoseok looked at you, bewildered. " I'm sorry?"

" Call me Y/N."

" ..."

" Call me Y/N."

" ... Y-y-y-y-n... Y-y-n," Hoseok stuttered out, " Y/N."

You nodded in satisfaction, " Get used to it. We shall use it whenever we go outside, or even when we're alone—if you're alright with it of course."

Blushing at your teasing, Hoseok felt his shoulders scrunched up in embarrassment. However, the thought of getting to call you by your name doesn't sound half bad.

" Do... the other consorts also... call your name as well?"

" I don't think so, with the exception of Taehyung though. That rascal would whine right after a formal conference."

Unintentionally frowning when he heard about your comment about Taehyung, Hoseok's heart clenched at the familiarity and fondness you have for him.

" You sound very ... close."

" We are close. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here."

Mentally cringing at your words, you wanted to slap yourself again.

I really had to bring that up.

" ... To be honest, I'm glad that you guys did."

Fluttering your eyes wide open, you stared at him, bewildered at what he had just shared.

" With you here, the country is already doing better with you being here," Hoseok commented, " Besides, I prefer my current life."

Letting out a scoff, finding his reason ridiculous, " You like being trapped within the palace walls and forbidden of the most basic freedom?"

" That's not what I meant. Living in the palace was much better than my life back home. Besides, my life now is pretty reasonable. I get to have a roof above my head, three meals per day, clothes to wear, and getting the chance to go outside."

Smiling bitterly, you shocked your head in disbelief. " You don't want more than just a normal life?"

" No, being able to watch the flow of life already satisfied me."

" You really are an interesting person, Hoseok."

" I'm glad that you find me interesting, yo— Y/N."

" You're getting better."

" ... Right, you said that you were closed with the Royal Consort. Did you perhaps know each other long before this. You do—"

" Don't worry it's fine. Taehyung and I have not known each other since he was ten? Around there so over a decade now. I would like to say that I know him like the back of my hand even but he is like a wildcard so I'm never really sure."

" ... Were ... you guys lovers?"

Stopping your tracks, you looked at Hoseok, obviously taken back to what he had said. However, before Hoseok can say anything, you burst out laughing.

" You thought that Taehyung and I were lovers?"

Blushing at your comment, Hoseok awkwardly nodded, embarrassed by his own comment.

" I wouldn't consider ourselves lovers," you answered, calming down, " It's more like platonic love."

" It's still love though."

Raising your eyebrows, you let out a teasing smile, " If that's love then wouldn't we be considered to be lovers since you're also my consort?"

Stunned at what you just said, Hoseok felt his cheeks darkens rapidly, feeling a little too warm all of a sudden.

Laughing at his current state, you were quick to dismiss the awkward air, " I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

Feeling a pang enter his heart, Hoseok tried to ignore it and put on a smile, following the flow.

" But seriously, being with you is like bathing in an entirely new light," you noted, continue your walk, ". I sometimes wonder is there really is a galaxy within your body."

" You jest, y— Y/N. How can I support such a major system?"

" Still, you give off such a sensation that is incredibly hard to describe. You were definitely what I had expected."

" You're also like that."

" Hmm? In what way?" You asked, humming a small tone.

" You... When I first got announced that I will marry you, I thought that my life would end there."

Snorting out a laugh that you couldn't contain, you amusedly glare at him. " How about now?"

" Now? You're more humane than I thought. Originally, I thought that you would be ..."

" A monster?"

Sheepishly nodding, Hoseok sent you an apologetic glance. " ... Yes, but now that I've known you, I don't think you as a monster."

" Then what do you see me as?"

" ... I-I don't know."

Eyeing the contemplated expression on his face, you smiled fondly, finding his current state adorable.

" Then what do you want to see me as?"

" ... I also don't know."

" You're an indecisive person, Hoseok," you teased, moving on right after, " Do you know what my current impression of you is?"

Not hearing his response, you presumed it was a sign for you to continue, " I see you as someone who is bright, and pretty yet present themself with outstanding confidence. I feel at ease when I'm with you,... and that I could share my secrets with you."

Slowly blinking his eyes, Hoseok took some time to process what you had said. " Share your secrets with me? Are you sure? I'm the son of a minster from the previous dynasty. Aren't you afraid that I will retaliate with these informations?"

" I don't care about your status. What I'm evaluating is you, as a person not your social status. And with that, I don't think that you are the type to use these information for your own gain, you know better that," you explained, shrugging your shoulders, " Besides, it's just an example. Don't worry too much about it."

Despite your last sentences, Hoseok felt butterflies fluttered his core.

" You're a strange person, your majesty."

Ignoring what he had just addressed you at, you replied, " That could also be said to you, Hoseok-ssi."

Unlike last time, this conversation ended on a rather high note. With none of you being uncomfortable with the topics, you both silently walk through the crowd, mindlessly admiring the scenes surrounding you both.

Walking through the crowd, you coincidentally found a tea house on the main street. Upon settling yourselves there, you ordered a couple of dishes along with a pot of tea.

" How are you finding the festival?"

Looking around, Hoseok grinned, " I li— no love it. Thank you."

" I'm glad that you're enjoying your time here. Don't worry, there will be plenty of chances of going outside in the future."

Instead of answering, Hoseok only looked into your eyes, with you naturally understanding what he meant.

" ... Anyways, I have to go somewhere for some time. How about we split up and return to the tea house an hour from now?"

" Of course, Y/n."

" Are you sure that you will be fine?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows in concern.

Quickly shaking his hands, Hoseok brought his hand up, waving to dismiss your worries, " No, please don't worry about me. I'm, believe it or not, the son of Minister Jung. I have had martial arts training in the past before."

" I'm glad. That's why you are so agile," you complimented, '' Why can't Taehyung be like you?"

Chuckling at your comment, Hoseok cheekily added, " I will try my best to assist him."

You broke out to a smile, satisfied with his response. Swiftly bending down, you reach your hand inside your pants, pulling a small dagger out. Handing it to Hoseok, you said, " Use this when necessary."

Eyes widening at what was offered, Hoseok clenched his fist before shakily grabbing it. However, before he can say anything, you did a quick greeting, tossing a few banknotes on the table, before turning away.

" Be sure to show up on time!" You said, indicating that you were off.

Quickly climbing down the stairs, your expression quickly turned gloomy. Swiftly stepping out of the tea house, you looked around before turning right, immediately blending into the crowd. Tightening your hold on the handle, you made your way through the crowds, taking a few turns when needed. Soon enough you have arrived in the Red District.

Regardless of the constant pestering, you were getting, you continue to walk past them, focusing on finding your target. Looking through the crowd, you tried to spot any familiar faces.

Letting out a curse when a drunk bastard pushed you to the side, you glared at the disappearing figure. Sighing in irritation, you harshly fling away the hand clinging on to you before storming off in the opposite direction.

After approximately fifteen minutes of searching, you spotted a familiar silhouette, peeking out from one of the alleys. And it seemed as though they had noticed you as well with them disappearing in the next second after being spotted by you.

Skillfully passing through the street, you make a sharp right turn to enter the alley. Unlike the rest of the district, this particular alley was lit by only a candle, which was currently in the possession of the person in front of you.

Relaxing against the wall, you comfortably looked over at the person to see them still stuck in one place.

" What is your purpose of leaving the territory, Raven?"

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