A Vampire's begginging

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Percy stood over the young girl as she retched her own blood on the ground at his feet. "P-please," she begged and he kicked her on to her stomach and pressed a heavy boot on her ribs making her gasp out. "I'll ask one more time," Percy said evenly,"what is your plan with The Moon*?" She coughed and struggled,"Dr.chase wouldn't tell us. I promise I don't know anything of use!" Percy lifted his foot and allowed her to curl up trying to recover. Thalia, who had been watching her creator with quiet resignation, looked up at him,"should I call the paramedics?" "No," said the green eyed original,"let the night walkers have their snack." Just as the sentence left his lips the young vampires closed in. Thalia looked away and quickly walked away with Percy trying desperately to ignore the screams. She knew he could be cruel but she had learned to deal with it. She was held in high regard because of his favor and knew that he was truly a good person but sometimes she couldn't help but wonder. "Are you going to hang out with that human friend tonight," asked Percy breaking her from her thoughts. She nodded,"yeah. She's a great friend." "well go then," he said turning slightly to give her a kind smile that always made her feel warm and loved,"i won't keep you." With a happy smile she left to hang out with Anna.


"Hey," yelled Thalia making Annabeth turn around to smile at her. "Hey Thalia," she said as Thalia fell into step beside her,"how was work?" "fine," she replied,"Percy is a really cool guy." Annabeth suddenly looked thoughtful,"his last isn't jackson by any chance is it?" "yeah," said Thalia surprised,"it is how'd you guess?" "I think I met him yesterday at Starbucks," she replied,"he was really sweet and funny. how'd you end up working for him?" "Well it's a long story," Thalia said eyes unfocusing a bit as she was lost in memories. "Well we have all night," said Annabeth with a smile,"tell me."

-this is a flashback Thalia is telling Annabeth all this but it's easier to write it this way. Thank you.-

Thalia huddled in the corner of the rundown house. She was rethinking her plan to run away but she couldn't go back to her monster of a father. Lately she had resorted to stealing from people to get money for food. Her head snapped up when she heard the clicking footsteps of a new victim. Drawing the old pistol she had managed to steal from her house she ran out into the open behind the man. Quickly she rushed him catching him off balance. She pinned him to the wall a gun at his temple. "Give all your money," she said inwardly wincing as she sounded like a cliche mugger. "What's a little thing like you doing out on the streets," the man replied in a New York accent. "Shut up," Thalia replied and tried to punch them man but he was too quick. After a short scuffle he took the gun and tossed her to the ground. "I like you," he said,"your strong willed. How would you like to work for me?" "what's the catch," Thalia asked because she didn't want to end up selling her body because this guy dressed like a pimp. "You wound me," he said putting a hand over his heart dramatically earning a grin from her,"i will give you a home and food and power. So do we have a deal?" He held out his hand to her and Thalia took it. From that point on her life was completely changed.

-end flashback-

"Wow," said Annabeth,"he sounds like a really nice guy." "he is," Thalia agreed,"he's done more for me than anyone. He's like my older brother now and I've helped him through something's as well. We are like family. we look out for one another always and forever."

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