Awkward is and understatement

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"So," Annabeth said gesturing for him to sit beside her,"your a vampire?" Percy sighed but nodded, "I don't drank human blood though. The idea is just kinda disconcerting and I just drank animal blood." Annabeth felt that she had heard that line somewhere. Maybe a book but chose to ignore it.

"Is there a reason why you kidnapped me," she asked crossing her arms and giving him a stare down. He sighed and explained the situation. Vampiric laws state that if a human discovers a vampire's existence then that vampire must either kill them or turn them.

He told her that he didn't want to condemn her whole future just yet. Annabeth was surprised that he cared so much about her. They had only been dating a couple days.

"By the way," Percy said, "why were you visiting anyway?" Annabeth blushed remembering that after the whole ordeal she had forgotten what she came her for. Percy grinned at her blush, "I guess something like that would make you forget." Suddenly, a boy ran into the room panting. "What is it Travis," Percy asked annoyed.

"Sir it's my brother Conner," he said, "one of the rebels! They took him!"


The two hybrids stood beside that captured witch as, with shaking hands, he cast a spell to summon their master into the city.

"Are you sure we made the right choose Luke," said one of the figures. Luke removed his hood. The once hunter now had given up everything in an attempt to win back a women who would never love him. "I'm sure Ethan," he answered.

Conner jumped back as the spell activated making the paper in front of the 'grave' of the first hybrid burst into flames. At that moment, his savior appeared. Percy pulled him away from the flames as a man stepped out.

The man grinned at Percy. "Long time no see Percy," he said, "we should catch up. Have some father son bonding. But first well I have to take over my city again. See you round." With that, he ran off with the two hybrids.

"Wh-what do we do," Conner asked staring after the man. Percy stared after him with an even expression. "We get help," he said, "its time to get the seven back together." Conner blanched but nodded. The seven we're their only hope.


Jason yawned. It had been a long day at the newest hunter meeting and being a double agent was tough work. He was surprised to find his door already unlocked. Jason drew his gun and snuck inside only to find it empty except for a single envelope on the table addressed to him. He smiled. It looks like Percy needed help again.

Frank left the zoo after another long day. Being a shapeshifter, he got along great with the animals. The people, eh not so much. He opened the door to see his wife Hazel holding an envelope addressed to them. The witch turned to him grinning. "Our friends need us again," she said.

Piper counted the money from her latest scheme. Being the only succubus in town to become a con instead of a stripper sure was easy. An envelope sat tucked under her welcome may. 'Finally,' she thought, 'I was getting bored.'

Leo turned the last socket on the car he was working on. With one hand, he wiped away some sweat. Finally done he headed to his office to finish the dreaded paperwork. Sure, he loved fixing cars. He was a metal charmer after all(a/n-this is a real fairy creature. They were elven like and could call on fire to make all kinds of beautiful objects from metal) but he really hated paperwork. He stopped as he saw the envelope sitting on top of the stack and grinned. Looks like that paperwork would have to wait.

The final person towards Percy. "Why should I help you," he asked crossing his arms and glaring at him, "you haven't spoken to me in years much less acknowledged..." He was cut off by a sigh from Percy. "Father has returned," Percy said making the figure tense, "I truly need your help to...

Tyson stepped into the light and grinned at his brother. His eyes glinted in the light betraying the Hybrid of his power. "Very well brother. I'll help."

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