Old Friends

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Percy stalked through the streets of New York. His veins, a few seconds ago burning with anger at Thalia, were beginning to calm. A growl coming from a nearby alley made him stop. A sadistic grin spread across his face at the thought of a good fight

He turned and entered the darkness alley to find a young moonstruck werewolf. It was crazed and digging through someone's carcass when it smelled it him. It rose it's bloodied face to snarl at him making his grin widen.

It shoot forward intent on driving this new thing out of its territory. Percy grappled with it beating it to oblivion in a one-sided fight as he let out his anger. Unfortunately, the wolf had some luck on its side and managed to get a good deep bite into his arm causing the vampire to hiss loudly in pain and alarm.

Percy shoved the werewolf away with his vamp strength making it go splat against the alley's far wall. He managed a grin before turning back to his desperate situation. He had to get help soon before the venom k...kic....what....what was he doing again?

The vampire's hands sluggishly traveled to his throat. He couldn't think straight. He was just so THIRSTY! He curled up on his spot on the ground when he heard a gasp.

"Oh my god," shouted a woman's voice. A wonderfully delicious smell snaked him in the face. "Are you okay," the woman asked again concern in her voice. Another scent that was just as appetizing joined her. "Jake call an ambulance," said the woman. Percy felt a hand touch his shoulder and his hand snapped up to grab her wrist in a crushing grip.

"Please," he rasped, "I'm just so thirsty." He yanked her foreword biting into her neck before she could cry out. He closed his eyes in bliss as warm sweet red blood passed down his dry throat. Percy felt the woman's body get weaker as he drained her. As he pulled away from the empty corpse, the other person who Percy's mind registered as 'Jake' reentered the alley.

Jake stared in horror at the monster before him as it advanced on him. He tried to run but tripped on the way out. It grabbed his ankle and pulled him back into the darkness while he scrabbled at the concrete in a desperate attempt to get away in vain.

A new figure entered the alley. There were four corpses. Two were the passed out vampire's victims and the other well he wasn't sure. Gently, he helped the unconscious vampire to its feet, one of its arms slung over his shoulder, and took him to his hiding place.

When Percy came back around, the first thing he noticed was the horrible hang over like headache that came with the after affects of werewolf venom. "Hey," said a familiar voice,"you alright Perce?" Percy glanced over at where it came from and squinted in the too bright florescent lighting. "Grover," he asked.

The Lycan grinned. "The one and only," he said, "so why were you picking a fight with a rouge werewolf?" Percy rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Thalia," he said, "she did something really stupid and I got mad." Grover rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Dude everyone makes mistakes," he said, "besides you have bigger problems."

"So you already heard," Percy asked. Grover nodded. "He already tried to recruit me and my pack," he admitted, "we refused of course. We have too strong an alliance with you. So can we join your little crusade?"

Percy grinned. "It just wouldn't be that same without you G-man," he said. Grover held out his hand and Percy grasped it tightly. "Friends always," Grover said with a grin as Percy finished their creed,"and forever."

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