On trial

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Klaus barked out a laugh before grabbing Percy's wrist and yanking him into a headlock. The two began to fight rolling and snarling trying to tear each other apart with their inhuman strength.

Annabeth heard a low growl behind her and two dark blurs flew past her as Nico and Tyson joined the fray. They looked almost cartoonish as an actual ball of dust rose around them as they rolled into the graveyard.

The group ran after them as they passed through the gate. A barrier slammed into existence behind the brawling vampires. She pounded against it desperately. Hazel pulled her back.

"It's no use," she said, "this is the magic of an elder witch. We need to find the caster to free them." Annabeth glanced sadly at the graveyard before following the magical creatures into town.

Percy sat on a grave stone trying to get back his breath. Tyson sat not far off nursing a stab wound to the stomach. Nico lay groaning with a wooden stake completely through his left leg. Percy went over and help his brothers.

They all turned to the largest grave when they heard the sickeningly familiar laughter of their father. "Well kiddies," he said with a sadistic grin, "welcome to my house of fun! This place is surrounded by a barrier cast by an elder witch to last for two days. During that time, you, Perseus, will be put on trial for the crime of attempted murder of YOUR OWN FATHER!"

Percy placed himself in front of his brothers. "Scatter," he said and they split up. They all ended up in the same open tomb however. "This is not good," Nico said freaking out, "this isn't good at all. He's gonna kill us all."

Percy reached into his jacket and pulled out an object wrapped in a silk cloth. "Not if we kill him first," he said unwrapping the object causing his brothers to scramble away. "I-is that w-what I think it is," Tyson stammered. Percy nodded.

In his hands, Percy held the one thing that could kill his father as well as him and his brothers. A blessed stake carved from the witches willow.

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