Secret love

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Thalia glanced around frantically before stepping into the abandoned building. Nico was waiting for her with a wide grin. "Hey thals," he said kissing her cheek.

They had a wonderful date of a picnic Nico had managed to set up. Afterwards Thalia couldn't hold it in anymore and shouted,"i just can't stand it. Your brother is so kind to both you and me yet he denies us any ability to like each other. I love you! Why can't I show it?!(a/n-I am well aware of Nico's sexuality in the real book but I cannot use it. I have nothing against it. It just doesn't fit the storyline I planed beforehand.)

Nico gave her a small smile in comfort. "Percy just doesn't want to lose me yet," he said, "he will eventually." Thalia looked at him with pity. Nico flinched and looked away.

"I joined your coven in the forties," she said, "we fell in love after a few weeks. We asked for his blessing in the fifties and now it's 2015 I don't think he's going to say yes anytime soon."

Nico nodded solemnly then leaned down to kiss her. "I don't want to do anything rash," he said,"I think it's best we just wait patiently." With that he smiled and walked away.

Thalia was now standing alone. She glared up at the night sky as if it was the source of her problems and in a way it was. In her heart she knew Nico was right. Percy would come around eventually but her mind couldn't wait.

She concocted a plan. At the time she thought it was genius. Later in her centuries, she would discover just how grave and horrible a mistake she made.


Percy talked with Annabeth as they left the theater. "I can't believe how good Disney made the new marvel movies," he said(an-I know Annabeth probably isn't into marvel but I couldn't think of anything else.) Annabeth nodded shamelessly admiring his face as he rambled on. "ANNABETH WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU DOING," shouted a voice that made her wince. Percy turned to see Fredrick Chase standing behind them panting as if he had just run a marathon. He grinned at the man.

"Hello sir," he said pretending he didn't know the joke of a slayer,"is there something I could do for you?" "You can get away from my daughter you blood sucking monster," he shouted drawing crossbow from beneath his coat. Annabeth screamed at her dad to stop this madness as people fled in multiple directions.

Fredrick ignored her and fired but his daughter tackled his arm as it only embedded itself in Percy's arm. Percy groaned faking more pain than he was in as Annabeth rushed over.

While the police apprehended Fredrick, the paramedics, whom Percy had informed about the coven and other supernaturals long ago, tended to his arm.

"I'm so sorry," Annnabeth apologized over and over again. She was surprised when Percy dismissed her. "It's perfectly fine," he said,"we all have our crazy parents. Besides it wasn't your fault. In fact want to meet me for dinner next Friday. I know a good place."

Annabeth couldn't believe she was lucky enough to find this guy. She agreed eagerly and, despite the fact that her father was most defiantly going to spend some time in jail, she felt like she was floating on cloud nine.

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