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Annabeth thought Thalia looked pretty distraught about something. She hadn't even touched her cheeseburger. "Are you okay," she asked snapping Thalia out of her trance. "No," she said with a sigh,"not really."

"Wanna talk about it," she asked. "Well," Thalia said looking away slightly,"its kinda a long story." Annabeth pushed her burger away slightly and propped her head on her hands,"i got all day girlfriend. Talk away."

Thalia couldn't help but grin at her friend. The story just sorta slipped out minus the vampires of course. Afterwards Annabeth looked kinda....well p***ed. "Percy is being a total jerk about this," she declared standing.

"Whoa," Thalia asked as she caught up to her at the cash register while she payed,"where are you going?" "To give him a piece of my mind," she shouted as she walked out of the door the bell ringing behind her.


Percy stood over the rouge werewolf named Jax. His eyes were no longer sea green but a glowing red from the blood that covered his once pristine white shirt. He sighed heavily and lifted up the werewolf's head with the tip of the bat he had been using. "Now Jax," he said false kindness dripping from his tone,"i don't wanna have to hurt you anymore than I have to so if you please."

He held up the gold and red dagger that had been his father prized possession. "Where did you find this," he asked. Jax merely spat blood in his face. Percy took a deep breath and grabbed a towel to wipe it away.

"I'll never tell you," Jax shouted,"he's coming back and your little family will be out of the way so the werewolves will rule again!!" Percy ignored the wolf's rankings as he picked up a knife. "I really don't care," he said calmly,"now be a good little doggie and be silent."

He whirled back around to Jax to fast for even the supernatural's eyes to catch. The wolf made a gurgling sound a look of surprise spreading across his features as he realized what had happened before he died. Percy walked away from the dead wolf as if he didn't just slit a person's throat.

He was shocked to see Annabeth standing there. Nico ran in behind her looking ashamed. "Sorry percy," he said,"i couldn't stop her. She's just too stubborn." Percy looked down at the human he had fallen for already.

On the outside, he looked calm but inside he was screaming. She knew he was a monster. Now he had two choices.

Kill her or turn her.

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