Chapter 1: Birth

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This is solely, at least the beginning chapters are only their childhood.

At some point I'll be slow in updating this because I don't want to catch up to the manga completely.  I don't think I'll go completely by the manga nearing the further chapters since there will be some definite changes.

I have to go back to work in a few days, so sad that my vacation is over, and first thing to do is having to go to a meeting, all day.  Yay! Note sarcasm.  From eight in the morning until three in the afternoon, and won't be home until almost four since it's a distance away from where I am.  The staff will be separated, one part will be going to a different town and will be from eight to twelve, and myself and another of my coworkers will be going to a different town from eight to three.

So, depending on the department we work, we each go to different meetings.  Wonderful, when I could have spent that day preparing for the week, I have to spend it in a meeting.

Anyways, sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.



It hurt.  A single strangled breath hurt as she laid on the ground.

"Can you hear me?"

"You're going to be okay."

"Her heartbeat is getting weaker."

The words of the people trying to help her sounded so far and faint, almost as if her ears were clogged up with water.  A water she felt she was falling into deeper and deeper as the seconds passed.  A water pressing against her body until it had made even blinking an impossible task.

A water that was slowly turning into a deafening darkness making her feel numb to everything around her.


No matter how many times she tightly closed her barely opened eyes, she was still met with a sad reality.

It felt like it had merely been seconds since she laid unmoving in a growing puddle of her blood in her bedroom.  Hearing hurried voices and hands on her body as first responders worked to keep her conscious and alive.

The pain felt like a distant memory, a dream.  A dream in where she could still the warmth of her own blood on her skin.  A warmth that was turning cold as the seconds passed.

She didn't know how much time had passed since she realized she was a baby.  But for sure it had been a while, because now she was in a room full of crying and sleeping babies.

Even though her vision was still blurry, she could make out faint outlines of people walking around.  Nurses she deduced.  Nurses who would change them.

The baby in the crib bassinet next to hers cried.  It annoyed her, because it didn't allow her to think but, was it because she was now a baby and emotionally unstable or was it because of her own fear and sadness, she didn't know, but she cried.

She cried her little heart out, her cry mixing into a chorus with the babies who were crying.  The tightness in her chest grew as she cried making her feel as if she were suffocating on her own cries.  A tightness that felt as if it were slowly squeezing her breath away and lodging itself in her throat.

'Why?' Her small hands moved inside the swaddled blanket around her, 'Why did this happen?  Mom .... dad ....' She cried until her eyes stung.  She was afraid and sad, her life and family were gone, she was all alone in this new and unfamiliar place.  Thinking of her family and friends made her crying increase until her eyes stung even more than they had already, and she slowly fell back to a welcomed slumber.

She was only faintly aware of soft pats on her body.  Was it one of the nurses calming her?  Or was it her own imagination of years before when her own mother would pat her to sleep in her younger years when she was scared?

She didn't know.  But she preferred to think it was a memory of her past, a memory that brought her faint comfort.


The next time she awoke she was in a different place; she knew that for sure.  There were no longer any sounds of crying babies, the feeling of the 'bed' was different, and even the blanket around her felt different.

But she was still swaddled in a blanket, her small hands were obviously in mittens.  She remembered that babies tended to scratch themselves on their faces, so maybe that's why she had mittens on her hands.

Every time she heard someone talk to her.  Call out 'her name', hold her, she felt her chest ache.  She felt an empty and aching feeling in her chest and stomach.

It ached at the reality that was slowly setting in.  That she was no longer "Sam" and was now "Shina" a newborn child, and apparently the second child of the family.

Every time her still blurry eyes would look around, expecting to see a different ceiling, to see a familiar face, but saw none, it hurt.  There were countless times she wished it were all a dream.  Every time she tried listening for anything familiar with a faint hope that she was merely dreaming, her small hope was shattered each time when she heard a foreign language, and hear the voices of people she didn't know.

'Some people have realistic dream.  Maybe this is just one of those?' She tried to find hope in her own words, 'Dream-reality confusion.'

Dream-reality confusion, in where dreams seem and feel so real that the person themselves can't tell whether it was reality or just a dream.  Some people have even lived an entire life in the dreams, and when they awake to reality, that may feel like a dream to them.

'Maybe the blood loss is the cause of this?' She tried to find reason in anything she could think of.

Even though she had already begun to accept this new reality of hers, she still hoped that by some chance, no matter how small it was, that it was all just a dream.

A futile dream.

On many occasions she refused to drink the milk offered to her, something that greatly worried her new family.

That was something she would regret.  The hunger she felt was painful, so she could only greedily drink what was offered to her.


As the days passed, she had begun to accept her new reality.  To accept that she was now 'Shina' and had a new family.

And after that acceptance, she realized just how embarrassing it felt to have an unknown woman change her diaper, to be bathed, and be fed.

It was an odd and embarrassing feeling of nursing, feeling her 'mother's' bosom against her lips.

'It's nothing new.' She told herself as she suckled and drank the milk, 'You were a girl before and still are one.  Nothing to be embarrassed about.' She reasoned with herself to lessen her embarrassment.  It worked.

But still she was still thankful when she was 'graduated' from her mother's milk to milk formula in a bottle.

"You're eating so well." The man, now known as her new father, said as he pulled the now empty bottle away from her, and cleaned her mouth with her bib.

He lifted her up and leaned her over his shoulder and softly pat on her back.

A few pats in and a small burp came out.

'Ew, I'll never get used to that.' She sighed with a grimace.  Along with the burp came some of the milk she had just drunk, leaving a weird taste in her throat.


Her days consisted of mostly sleeping and eating, and of course having to have her diaper changed.  Though one thing that changed was that now she could fully see, though the color of things were a bit off, and the perception of distance was unbalanced.

To her some things looked farther than they were, almost as if she had glasses for the first time and getting used to them.*

It took time for her to finally get her sight fully accustomed to her surroundings.

Every day from the moment she woke up, she was met with her brother, Yuuji.  Though sometimes she woke up earlier and would hear him walk into her room and walk up to her crib and just look at her from the other side of the bars and whispering to her.

Telling her of the things he's been doing, everything little thing, "Why don't you cry?  Mama and Papa say babies cry." Yuuji had asked her one particular morning with a tilt to his head, waiting for a response.

Shina opened her small mouth and a small cooing squeal that made her pause then made her let out a small giggle at her own sound.

'That was so cute.' She thought as she made that same sound again gaining the attention of her brother who laughed.

That night, a month after her birth she had a dream that woke her up with a cry.

"Samantha, you're going to be late for school if you don't get ready soon."

Samantha sighed, "Mom, it's barely six, the bus doesn't come until 7:30." She said as she stabbed her fork into her sausage link and took a bite of it, "And besides the bus is probably going to be late, it's only been three days since the school semester started.  And then there's the freshmen orientation going on this week, so sophomores, juniors and seniors don't have much to do since the gym is going to be used for them."

Samantha and her mother continued talking, though eventually it was one talking while the other ate.

"Take care.  I'll leave some food in the refrigerator when you get home, your dad and I are going to be late today." She said as she walked Samantha to the front door and watched as she headed towards the bus stop with the other kids in the corner.

Shina cried the moment she woke up, it was completely dark, expect from the red light from the camera in the corner.

She cried until her throat hurt, and she heard hurried footsteps down the hall until they reached her room and turned on the lights.  Lights that made her close her eyes for a few seconds.

She soon felt hands quickly, but gently pick her up, "It's okay.  Papa's here." He said as he held Shina and rubbed soothing circles on her back, but that didn't help.

She cried and cried; she could faintly hear another set of footsteps enter the room.

"Give her to me." Her mother said as she felt another pair of arms taking her from her father.  Shina felt as her new mother felt her diaper and clothing, "She doesn't need to be changed.  Are you hungry?" She asked as she motioned for Jin to get her the bottle and formula.

Soon enough Shina saw and could feel the nipple of the bottle being pressed onto her mouth which she turned her head away and brought up her small hands to try and push the bottle away.

They tried over and over to give her the bottle, "What do we do?" Jin asked his wife as he saw the tears well and slip past the corners of their daughter's eyes.

"Do you want to hear a song." Her mother hummed out and slowly began to sing a song.

A song that soon began to lull Shina to sleep.  And without her knowing, her small mouth made the same motions of when she would be drinking her milk.

"Give her the bottle." Jin handed the bottle over to his wife, to which she accepted and placed in her daughter's mouth.

It was then that Shina began to drink to milk and seeming to fall back to sleep.

"This is the first time she's cried this much since her birth." Her mother commented as she sat on the chair with Shina in her arms.


So, what did you guys think of this chapter?  I liked it, but I feel like it needed something else.

* Years ago when I got my first pair of glasses, I went to pick them up from the optometrist and put them on.  It took me a while to get used to them, because I couldn't tell at first how far or near something was.  Like here I was walking all weird because I thought the sidewalk was closer than it really was.

I don't know when I'll be updating, so I hope you all have a great and wonderful new year.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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