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Hola, Readers~~~

After so long, Author finally appear!

Thanks to every divinity above, I have time to up new chapter

Readers you still in here right?

Boboiboy owned by Monsta

The plot is owned from Author's brain

"Again": talking

'Freaking shit!': thinking



After running away from the dangerous situation that he got himself and successfully escape, Supra is in deep thinking again.

'What was that? How come there was ice when those alien touch the leg of that crazy boy... wait that is not what I should thinking!... I've just met an alien! In the middle of day in alleyway, that's so bizarre and not aesthetic enough... I should be happy, but I have this sense of foreboding... Ughhh what a mess...' Supra keep musing with his brain that he barely notice he already in front of his house

"So the theory that humans is not the only one who is living in this vast galaxies, is true" says Supra as he watch sunset slowly changing into sparkling star on the vast sky.

"Oh welcome home, Supra. How is your day?" Tok Kun as always ask that same question everyday. He just want to make sure that his grandson have a healthy and excited experience on school.

"No-... hmm maybe?" Supra shrug his shoulder. He won't tell to his grandpa that he just met a group alien and two kids not older than him fighting those alien.

'Bad idea. Atok will think that I've gone crazy and that's troublesome' Supra conclude so he keep it to himself. He went straight to his bedroom. Tok Kun is quite curious at the change of attitude.

"Hm, he must have found something interesting"


In the bedroom Supra start tidying himself. After taking a bath he grab random book. Supra is trying hard to focus on the book, but it seems his mind is still preoccupied with the two boy.

'Human with power?..... how could there is magic in this world?... aren't magic supposed to be fake.. or it is a cover up for something that government hide?' as he mumbling, Supra stare at the pendant on his neck. Tok Kun said to him that the pendant is the only identity that he have as Supra. Even Supra himself doubting his name, but that will be question another time. He don'e want to think about crisis identity.

The star and thunder crisscrossing each other symbol, embedded in the pendant always caught his attention. As if encouraging him to find the truth behind this pendant.-Though he remind himself there will come time he will uncover all the secret. This is the only thing that Supra have from his parent

'Irresponsible parrent' Supra said in hatred. If his parent really hate him so much, why not just kill him instead let him live in this stupid world.

Supra have a lot thinking when something start moving inside his bag. Supra is very perceptive and cautions person. He jump from his bed and took out a little knife that he put inside his cupboard, just in case something unexpected for example like this happen.

'What is that?!'

The bag keep moving and Supra throw his bag on the corner of his room. The sound of metal touching the ground resonating across the room.

'Wait metal?' he get the idea what is inside his bag.

Something come out from the bag.

'Ouuwwwhhh my softdrive' a ball like thing is rolling then stop.

"What are you?!" hearing this, the ball start facing Supra and surprised as it saw a teenager ready to attack it.

"Wait wait wait wait! This is misunderstand! I'm not gonna harm you!"

Supra is very skeptical at the ball like thing saying.

'Like I could believe that' he saw the thing start to levitating.

"How can you be in my bag... no wrong question, you're the thing that alien want" Supra is blaming himself for not caution enough, to let something like that thing enter his backpack.

"Yes I'm..... your bag is the safest place that I could think off" the droid thing, is nearing him.

"Dont come near me!" the ball stop. It doesn't want to make the teenager more aggressive than he already did.

"Why are you not stand behind those two? Aren't they supposed to retrieve you?"

"Their power is too destructive! I'm afraid my soft drive would go error!" Supra glaring at the android not even believing an inch of the ball said.

"... You're scared of them"

The ball flinch hearing that.

'Why trouble always come to me?' this is not the first time Supra got into trouble, just a few days back he is fighting a bully and get sent to principal office. Even though he is not the type of bad boy, that bully is ticking him off by throwing his potion.

"Ah, um... I'm Echobot.... you???" The ball try to come up with a good conversation.

Supra mind is in chaos. He is thinking whether he should give his name or just throw this thing away from here.

"I'm Supra"

And he choose to entertain his brain. Welp, not knowing the disaster that will crash into his life.

"Ah um... I'm sorry for bothering you"

"You've already bothering me more than enough"

The droid flinched again. It saw how the teenage keep muttering something and pinching his nose.

"Say, why are you targeted by those thing?" to be honest Supra is really a curious person. When he finds something interesting he would investigate further until he feel satisfied. His clear mind still remind him that the thing in front of him is dangerous and can bring harm to his grandpa.

"Because they wanted to abuse my power..."

"Abuse you power????" know Supra is really interested.

"Yeah... I'm power sphera who could use the power of echo or sound.. you see..." Echobot explaining what is power sphera.

"So power sphera is something like AI or high technology.... which can give power to someone and making them the user of power?" Supra eyeing Echobot.


"And that is the reason you're being targeted by the alien... it is alien right?"

"Yes, it is alien. Or you could say living being. They're categorized as living being" Echobot shrugging.

"Because they need your power...."

'Why does their creator create power sphera if at the end of it, it will just bring disaster to the universe' Supra is having a headache just trying to comprehend the existence of power sphera.

"Thank you... for saving me..."

"Okay, listen. I have to make things clear that I'm not the one who save you, but them and second I don't want to be included in the so called Mafia Alien thingy or whatever it is. Third I'm just a normal human being who is not interested in this kind of thing"

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely" Supra gives his most piercing glare which make the petite power sphera tremble in fear.

"Now please get out from my room and goes to your merry way searching your hero. I don't want alien suddenly attack my room and ended up hurting my grandpa"

"Please, I beg on you. Please, let me stay here. Please, protect me from them. I will abide your order or do you want to receive my power?"

"How selfish! We just meet and you wanted me to protect you and not only that, giving me powers while I don't want it?" Supra tch-ed.

"Um... I though it was a nice bargain?" Supra helplessly facepalm and literally look at Echobot in disbelieve.

"No wonder your kinds easily targeted. You're stupid"

"Hey! We're power sphera! We're intelligent!"

"Yeah, intelligently stupid"

Echobot want refute, but remember that this teenager is it only benefactor.

"Please protect me until T.A.P.O.P.S. come.."

"As I said No---"

"Supra! Can you please help me?!" A shout come from below startling the power sphere. It suddenly hide behind Supra.

"Oy! Stay away from me!"


"I'm coming! Geeezzzz!" the boy ruffled his own hair, taking his hat and get out from the room.

"W-wait! What about me?!"

"Do whatever you want. Just don't destroy my room or even touch everything in here... I will dump you into trashcan if you defy my order" says Supra leaving Echobot alone in the room.

"What should I do?" the power sphera showing anime cry expression.


To be continue

See you again desu~

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