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Hello, Readers~

Author greet you in beautiful mood!


Anyway, the author brings a new chapter

Are you waiting for it?

Start reading then!

Boboiboy is owned by Monsta

"Truth be said": talking

'Hell broke loose': thinking



The shop is crowded when Supra helps his Atok.

"What takes you so long?"

"Nothing gramps, what can I help?" Supra grabbed an empty glass and filled it with black bean powder. Tok Kun double took his grandson's expression.

'What can possibly annoy him?'

"I want you to take....." And so Supra helped his atok like a good boy he is.


Later that night, after helping his grandpa do what he needed to do and have dinner, Supra was finally able to do what he wanted to do. Precisely, continue interrogating the power sphera only for him to see that the power sphera is charging.

"... electricity bills... how am I supposed to explain this to Atok?" Supra could imagine what his Atok would say. Just the explanation already made his ear ring.

"It should pay the bill. It has to work..." Supra complementing on what to do with the flying ball.

Supra is really tempted to kick the power sphera, but stops himself doing that.

'What kind of things are happening outside Earth? Is there more intelligence being like humans up there?' an idea appeared out of nowhere "Yeah... Life is not free, you should pay for your food and living..." the boy gave an evil smirk at the unfortunate victim.

"After all, nothing is more expensive than information and knowledge..."

The sound of tapping keeps Supra awake. He opened the window and looked at the moon above.

' What is this ominous feeling? Why does it feel like my life will turn into something troublesome if I let that thing stay with me?'

Sighing in defeat, Supra grabbed his phone and browsed about secret organization.


In the morning, we see Supra accept Echobot. The power sphera is happily dancing. After all, it has been so long since it found a safe place. Echobot was tired of running away. It would be great to find a being that would accept it not because of its power, but because of its very being. Though this boy's purpose needs to be questioned.

"I have condition that you must accept and obligate" that order make the power sphera immediately stay still.

"First and foremost, don't ever bring trouble to My Atok"

Echobot quickly nodded after receiving a nasty glare from Supra.

"Second, you by all means have to do what my Atok says."

The power sphera think it was basic standard to require satisfaction from their master. It doesn't need to be told twice!

"Listen, there is no free meal in this world so you better start working"

Supra's eyes are glowing red electric, causing the petite power sphera stumble back.

"Um.... um... What can I help?" The power sphera is a bit innocent and purely ignorant about how to have conversation with human.

"Cleaning, washing...."

'Really? Am I a janitor?'

"And tell me... what's going up there" Supra pointed out at the sky. It took a few minutes for Echobot to understand the last condition.

"Then, I will tell you about space while I learn how to live like a human?"




The next day would be the weirdest day that ever happened in the entire life of Supra. He was about to inform his Atok about the robot when the old man found out about the power sphera and he decided to kick the ball out of home because he was freaked out at the sudden flying and robotic voice.


"Atok wait!"

Supra was so speechless that his brain just stopped working for a full minute after seeing the bizarre thing happen. Just to let you know, he was in the bathroom when his Atok decided to make a-home-run. The crashing of glass was the only thing he saw of the unknown fate of Echobot.

Then the next thing is his Atok grabs his shoulder so tightly that it starts to hurt and give him a grounding stare like he has done some wrong thing. He hasn't done anything, right?

"Supra... what is that thing?"

"Um .... a robot?"

"Tell me the truth young man... what is that thing?"

"Thats a...."

"And you stop coming here!" Atok Kun outwardly shouted at the things. Echobot is quivering behind Supra's bedroom window.

"Atok, calm down. That thing is a robot... ummm the school lend it to me because I'm their only genius able to understand this kind of thing" Supra wears a smug expression on his face. Tok Kun wisely ignores Supra's narcissistic attitude.

"Oh, I see.... it will not attack us, right?"


"It will not eat us?"


"Why would I eat human?"

"Just be silent, Echobot."


"It will not open our heads and experiments our brain, right?"

"Atok! Stop watching Alien!"

"I can't help it, Supra!"

And so the next hour is wasted on the bickering between young man and old man. After the whole fiasco to persuade Atok Kun. Finally, Atok Kun accepted Echobot in exchange said robot become their mascot, promoting their coffee. That garnered a deadpanned look from his grandson and the AI.

"It should pay its own life!"

"Yeah, yeah. I've already told it. Now get out of my room!"

"Hug me!"


Supra slams shut the door as his Atok get out of his room. He floped on the bed and started thinking about the next step on what to do with Echobot.

"Um... Supra?"


"Have you ever thought of receiving power?"

Supra silently looked at Echobot.

"Why would I need power? There's no use in power when there is no purpose of using it"

"So you don't want it?"

"I say there's no use having one."

Supra's heart gave a heavy thump. He felt like the more they talked about this, the heavier his heart would tell him that something was indeed wrong. Supra looked at his reflection. Sometimes he can sense someone standing behind him. A black shadow staring intently in his sleep.

Echobot says something out of the blue.

"You know... you are a strange person for a normal human"

"Have you ever met a human beside me?"

"No, you're the only human that I know... besides your grandpa."

"Then you don't know humans. There are many kinds of human and I included in the normal category."

"Are you sure?"

"What do you imply?"

"I mean, maybe this is only my assumption that you.... have power?"

Another heavy thump. This time, it's accompanied with the feel of electricity.

"... you must be hallucinating" says Supra deadpannedly.

"Do you want me to scan you?"

"No thanks"

'I'm just not ready for what's about to unfold...'


To be continued~

Supra is having anxiety~

See you later~ 

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