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Hello, readersssssssssssssssssssssss!

Finally Author can up new chapter

*deep breath*

Please enjoy it

Boboiboy owned by Monsta

"Another?": talking

'Bast***!': thinking


A large dome-like structure dangling in space, containing many beings.A woman quickly walks beside a man. Her pink hijab flutters under the non-existent wind. Her eyes were full of determination to uncover something.

"Can you tell me what makes you this agitated?"

The man beside her opened his mouth. He grabbed her hand and caressed it to calm his wife.

"I don't know. All I know is that I just met someone that we thought died. "


"If... if they knew this? What will happen? "


"I- I want to make sure that he is someone important to us!"

"What do you mean?" I don't understand. Calm down"

"I can't calm down, Sai! I see someone who looks exactly like Halilintar at the park! " Yaya's almost histerical scream shocked Sai.

"Yaya... that must be your imagination."

"No, I believe in what I see. If they were the ones who saw him, they would have dragged him.

"Tell me, about this Halilintar" Sai can't just suddenly believe this news.

"He... has that ruby orb, that glare. He.. look young? Like, at the same age as Frostfire and Glacier? " Somehow, Yaya realizes something is wrong. Yaya nimbles her lips. Maybe the person that she saw was just an illusion?

"That must be not Halilintar. If Halilintar is alive, he will age like us. "

"Unless the one that I meet is... his son?"

A realization kick in, finally after so many years of missing the lead of the Legendary couple they found a piece of hint.

"Yaya, I think you should meet Ying. She might help you with this. I will think of a way to inform them of this later after the meeting. "

A tiny smile showed up. "Sai, thank you for understanding me." Yaya felt at ease after telling her partner about this issue.

"Well...." the man blushed a bit and turned his body facing the wall. He can hear a soft giggle.

"I will meet you at the meeting then. I believe Ice's brats just found something on their first mission. "

"You mean Ice's sons?" Yaya amusedly poked her husband's shoulder.

"I still can't believe how he could make those two bend to his will."

"That's how love... just like Captain Kaizo with Captain Ram..."

Sai sighed at the mention of that particular person. Yaya frowns slightly as she brings up the painful subject.

"Ehem, I believe they do well. Because Ice teaches them the best. "

"Ha. I hardly believe that. The lazy bufallo would never do his job if not for his wife's order"

"Hihihi~ that's so true, just like you."

"Hey! I'm not!"

"Hihihi~ bye darling." Yaya's running away from her husband.

"Yaya, come back here!"


Fortunately, Yaya met Ying on the hall way, yet unfortunately, she was dragged by Ying to the meeting room.

"Ying, I-"

"We're late, Yaya! I've been searching for you!"

"Wait, listen to me first!" Yaya's speaking couldn't be compared with Ying's speedy mouth movement. She could only let herself be bombarded by the information that her friend had given to her.


The meeting room is packed with a few people.

"Why am I having this feeling that the kids are playing on their first mission?"

"Awww, don't be such a mother hen, Gempa, they must have finished the mission with flying colors!"

"I doubt that..."

The two men talk while being lazily watched by their husband.

"Why am I in here, again?"

"For your sons," Sai deadpannedly states the obvious.


"Uwaaahhhh, we are almost late!"

"Awch awch! Sorry Gem!"

Another couple approaches the two men. The red one is pinching the green cheek while the brown one is smacking the blue shoulder.

"Aren't you joining them?"

"Are you still jealous?"

This time, the light blue is being smacked in the stomach by Sai. The man is grunting in pain.

"I already let him go, so don't you dare mention that again."

"I'm not promising"

A boy that came with the couple is looking around, searching for someone.

"Momma? Where are Frosty and Glacy?"

"They're in a separate room. They're the stars in this room. "

"Well, let's just hope those two are not ditching their mission."

"I bet they're," the blue one laughed at the mention of his two nephews.

"Thanks for the support, Taufan," the brown sarcastically answers.

"My pleasure, Mother Earth"

As the meeting room becomes more crowded, the light blue starts getting serious.

"This is strange, something at the scale of a new cadet mission shouldn't get this much attention"

"Who do you think you're? You're famous person here" Sometimes Sai wanted to smack this guy's head.

"Do you never think about others' opinions regarding your family?" Sai continued while leaning against the wall. He doesn't really like the crowd that starts mussing around as if they got something important in this meeting.

Ice sigh. He knew very well his family's reputation as elemental users. Their reputation is renowned throughout the galaxy, with the name of their organization flourishing. Seven men hold the power of the elementals, tarnishing evil organizations and saving power spheras. Out of the seven, there are two that shine brighter, like the star, the user of lightning, Halilintar Thunderstorm, and the user of light, Solar Light. They're what you call, the epitome of strength and intelligence. The best duo that ever crashed the galaxy. They even get the nickname "Legendary," a title that no one has ever held before. Yet, their family name dims with the fall of the legendary duo. When the news of his brother's unfortunate accident spiraled around, many people inside this dome were angry and sad. Angry because one of their best combatant captains has gone missing or died along with his wife, the best intergalactic scientist who is currently carrying their child. If the baby was born, he/she would be hailed as the strongest and would be loved and respected across the galaxy for his/her parents' reputation. But that's only an if, the truth is they don't know if the baby survived or not. All Ice and Taufan can be found at the scene, which is the aftermath of a big explosion destroying an entire planet the size of Earth's moon. It was a big blow that made the other brothers go on a rampage, almost destroying the station in their anger. Ice still doesn't want to believe that his eldest and youngest just went like that without even a last message. Even today, they still hunt for their brother's murderer.

"You don't have to remind me, Sai. I don't care about my family's reputation. All I want is to find peace with what I have"

Someone as sensitive as Sai can tell that Ice's mood has just gone downhill. That calm expression is only an illusion of the blizzard inside of that man.

'I hope Yaya's assumption is wrong'


To be continued

See you again!

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