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Hello, my readers~


Author has come back from Atlantis bringing you a new chapter!


"I hate it...": talking

'Tonight': thinking



It has been 15 years since Kuntara adopt the baby.

"Supra, come here!"

"Yes, Atok" A teenage boy with ruby-silvery eyes rush to the kitchen. The baby that he adopts that day has become a fine teenager. Fine in this case is the unusual trait that Supra has. The boy has turned into cold and silent individual, to the point that their neighborhood asking the old man about Supra attitude. The old man could only explain that Supra gets the trait from his parent. Even so, they still doubt it.

The young lad like to help his caretaker. He knows that without the old man's generosity, he will not survive till this day. He is indebted with the gramps. The old man opens a small shop selling a homemade coffee to support their daily lives.

"Tok, where mom and dad?"

The old man letting out his grimace smile. Hundreds of the same question has been attacking the old man and yet Supra never get the answer. As a teenager with unbelievable thinking capacity, Supra analyzes his surrounding and Tok Kun is not an exception.

His brain is bright. He has this suspicious thought. His heart aches everytime he come to the same conclusion.

"I'm unwanted child, right?"

"Hush, how could you say that?"

"Your expression tell it"

"No, Supra. You're loved by your parents"

"Then where are they? Why I never meet them? Am I disable? Not perfect or ..."

"No, you're perfect. You're my superb grandson"

"Don't change the subject, Gramps! I need answers!"

The old man stares into that ruby eyes.

"To be honest, Atok don't know who is your parent. The only thing that Atok know, you already in front of my house trembling in fear and cold"

"I believe that your parent have their own reason to do this. You should believe them. Maybe they are searching for you and when the time come for you to meet them.... I will be crying tears of happyness"

Supra stare flatly at the old man.

"I hope I'll never meet them"

"Hey, don't talk like that" Tok Kun pinch Supra's cheek.

"Owww stop that!"

"Parents love their children, Supra. I believe your parents love you so much"

Since that day, Supra stop asking that question. For him, the very thought of mom and father is alien to him. Even more alien to the already bizarre world that he lives in today


"Waaaaa~ look is the cold prince!"

"Awwwww~ He is always handsome!"

"When will he notice me???"

Screams of fangirls are a usual scenery in the school. Supra is quite famous in his school. Having ruby eyes, flat expression, smart brain, and cool attitude make every girl swoon for him, just like them.

"Kyaaaaa! He look at me!"

"No! more like glance at you!"

"Hmp! At least he saw me, not you!"


Supra deadpannedly stare at the crowd girls whispering about his ownerships.

'People this day...'

He ignore the chattering around him, as long as it is not annoying he could bear it. Sadly, eventhough Supra is popular among girls, he doesn't have close friend. Scratch that, he doesn't even have a friend. His cold and nonchalant demeanor creates a gap for everyone to reach him. Group project always he finishes by himself. Being smart have many flaws and benefit you know~

Supra like to hang out on library. That place is like a haven for him. Reading novel and journal science are his favorite. He is a quite introvert person. Talking with someone is tiring job in his not to do list. Laboratory is his girlfriend that would never be forgotten and experiment is his beloved creation. His hand itchy to grab beaker and prove the theories in his brain.


Just like any other day, today is uneventful. Nothing interesting happens.

"If boresome could kill, I would have die 100th time"

Something piqued his interest, loud whisper come from dark alley


'What?' question popping up as Supra couldn't understand what those people talking about.

'A cosplayer? Why would Japanese come here? No.. not Nihongo' suspicious arise, Supra saw the group attire are not something that he found on Earth. He hides behind a pile of cardboard.

"DZò ÿØÛ £¦nD 7fi€ ƿòweR 5&fi€†à?"

'hm.... Pow--- er sp—hera? Power sphere? What is that?'

"¥£s l^5+ ∕•çÀ±|oN 1nj ±h\5 ƿıàÑȱ"

'Ugh, logically thinking this group is suspicious. Mafia? Terrorist? Or something?'

Slowly Supra back off from the alley. He doesn't want to endanger himself.


'F***?! Busted?!' Supra turn around and found out that the one who he think shout at him is actually not the weird-alien group, but another weird group under the lead of a boy.

The boy wearing a simple garment gives a smirk to his prey.

The weird-alien group is under panic mode. They do not anticipate to meet one of the agents from T.A.P.O.P.S.

"Frost... we're ordered to silently catch them"

Another boy appears, stand side by side with the smirking boy. He uninterestly stares at the alien group.


"Yo! Why an alien group like you all come here? Searching power sphera?" The boy smirk grow large.

'Oh, alien is real' Supra glance at the two groups.

"5fi‽† ȷ±, |zoY!"

"Whelp, we shall stop chitchatting and let's get to the main point"

"Can we talk like a civil being? I'm tired..." the other boy yawning and get a smack on the head.

"Do you think they look civil enough?" the boy point out the obvious weapon to his siblings.

'That's a real weapon? ... no wonder I don't recognize it'

"Ugh, troublesome"

"Let's hunt the villain~"the boy grinning in anticipation.

Fight breaks out. Supra analyzing the probability of the twins winning this fight. Why he is betting on the twins. Why?, well for Supra, the alien look stupid.

'The smirking freak is agile. He could maneuver his attack perfectly. The lazy yawn is a good tanker, have incredible durability'

Gunshots ringing across the alley and to be honest is a miracle that Supra decides to not call police.

'The battle is loud, but why no one outside notice this?' questions piling up. He keeps watching the fight. At least he is not bored, right?

'Is that a barrier?' Supra notice there is a transparent looking wall in the sky.

'Must be some damage reducer or something... no wonder'

"G0+ ŸòÛ!" one of the alien grab the smirking boy leg.

"Are you sure touching that?" the boy give a mocking smile.

Little by little frost penetrate the alien hand until it completely frozen. Snow starts appearing out of nowhere.


"Are you stupid?! You're not listening to anything I said aren't you!?" one of the alien unconsciously use the language of human. He is feeling ridiculous at his teammates. There are rules that you need to know. First rule, do not hold
T.A.P.O.P.S agents if you still love your live. You don't know what will happen if you accidentally hold them, maybe you can turn into popsicles like what happened right now.

' ... that ice right?! How come there is ice on that alien hand?!' Supra is getting a headache at what he saw.

The fight ended with the yawning boy technique. The ground becomes crater imprisoning the alien group.

'What the---?! Ughhh, I feel like killing my brain cells' think Supra of how odd the fight ended. Slowly Supra creeps out from that alley. He could think everything at home, first thing first is getting out of there and must not be noticed by those two which he successfully doing it as the twins is busy with the Aliens.


"What is it?"

"It's just my instinct or someone is spying on us?"

"Nah... its impossible, we're the spy! We already erect the barrier!"

"I hope so"


To be continue~


See you again desu~

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