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Author teleports here with the power of your calling!

I come with a new chapter

Boboiboy is owned by Monsta

"Because it is": talking

'On the way to heaven': thinking



Two boys in a room face-to-face. There is a serious expression on one of the boys, while the other is peacefully sleeping, and doesn't have a care in the world. The boy let out a frustrated scream, creating a ruckus in the silent room.

"Frost stop. You're disturbing my sleep. "

"That's what I wanted to do! I can't stand still doing nothing!" said the energetic one of the two.

"Then why are you not playing your game?" a shuffling, the other boy draping a blanket over his body.

"My gut feeling tells me that we're in a big trouble!"

"Hooh, impressive," the boy in the brownish-blue hat said half-heartedly.

"Glace! You're not supposed to say that!"

"I don't care. I've told you, didn't I? To not use force. We could just trap them with my power, but noooo, you wanted action. Am I right?"

Frostfire sheepishly looks away under Glacier's uninterested stare.

"So be a good big brother, gimme my sleep time before the time for us to be judged."

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad!"

"It's not, but this is our first mission. I would not be surprised if Admiral Kaizo failed us. "

"Don't jinx it!" Frostfire is annoyed at his brother. He is in need of being comforted, not dumped with more negative probability. Glacier rolls his eyes and gets comfortable, again on the sofa. He intends to catch some sleep, before sh** goes downhill. Anyway, he learned that word from their father.

"Glace, what do you think about our mission?"

'Can't you give me a few minutes to catch sleep?!' Glacier is tempted to bury his elder brother.

Taking a deep breath, Glacier opened his eyes and stared at Frostfire.

"I think its... fine? Even though we do not do the exact order" the blue-brown ice user hugs his plushie, a gift from their father when they reach pre-teenager.

"Oh shit... we're screwed," a horror expression appeared on Frostfire.

"Yep," Glacier calmly stated. He would laugh loudly if it isn't for the fact that he is lacking his sleeping time! He really doesn't care. He just wanted to sleep... but then again, he doesn't want to disappoint his mother.

"Ughhhh moms gonna train us till we drop death..." Glacier moaned.

"Oh! I guess that's not a bad idea. "

"Not a bad idea, you said? Well, let's see if this is a general idea that goes with your way, because if it's not, I'm so gonna bury you and freeze then tear apart your chicken plushie. Would that be not enough? Then I will cook your living chicken. What is it name again? Mr. X? Oh yeah, I will cook curry with Mr.X as the main ingredient. " Glacier's dangerous voice makes Frostfire shut his mouth. Apparently, he chose to live.


The meeting room became deadly silent when Admiral Kaizo stepped inside. Every person stood straight, even Ice, who was sleeping. He gave his respect to the admiral by nodding his head. The man is one of the few people that help them in searching for their lost family because he is included in the victim's family. His wife is declared dead, along with their eldest and youngest. Until this day, Ice recognizes that agonizing eyes are still mourning for the love of his life. Ice can't fathom how sickening the feeling of losing part of your life is. He hoped something like that would never grace his family again.

Sai has the same thoughts as Ice. He sometimes feel troubled looking at Kaizo. He is furious, dejected, and sad, looking at the current Kaizo.

'Neglecting your son is not the answer.' Sai wanted to say that outloud in front of Kaizo's faces. Yet, he couldn't. Kaizo's son would often beg them to just stop. Because it's meaningless. Praise Fang for taking care of the poor boy. The boy would come to Sai and Shielda's home from time to time. They know that the boy is traumatized by his own father.

'Why everything becoming like this?' He missed the past when everyone was happy and could be silly. He missed the warm atmosphere in this station, not this humongous, cold building that had become his prison.

'What has been done can't be undo' they only effort is to continuously heal the scar.


When they are called, the atmosphere in the room is not improving at all, added with the Admiral's glare makes Frost twitch.

'Frost, you can do this! stop squirming'

Somehow in the crowd. "Look at Frost. He is trying to be brave." Ice nudge Blaze. "I'm proud of them for standing straight in that glare..." Blaze feels a tiny bit sorry for them. The situation is like in court.

"Is not like they will be sentenced to jail." Taufan sweatdropped at the atmosphere.

"But it seems like the admiral is not pleased with the outcome." Ochobot casually appeared in front of the other, making the other almost slam the power sphera.

"Don't do that again!"

"What if I accidentally throw you?!"

"Or punch you?!"

"You won't do that. All of you love me too much," Ochobot proudly stated.

The boy beside Thorn giggled upon hearing that, while the others just rolled their eyes.

Gempa's big family is watching with anticipation the result of their kids' first mission. whereas everyone besides Ice's circle is talking behind the back of the admiral.

They're talking about why and how Admiral Kaizo is stationed at T.A.P.O.P.S when he previously led the Tempura-A station. Many guessed that it was connected with his wife's absence. Yet, everyone never knows the reason.

The person that has become the center of everyone's whisper is ignoring the noise. Kaizo is reviewing the twin missions and having this moment where he wanted to sigh but couldn't do that. With piercing bloody eyes, he stated the final outcome with a straight face.

"You're failed."

And dared Kaizo hear a stifled laugh from somewhere behind him. He knows who the person is.

"WHAT?!" Frostfire's shout was almost deafening to everyone's ears.

"Told you" Glacier is definitely not surprised. He just sighed because his effort was wasted. His lovely sleep time is wasted.

"You didn't bring back the power sphera." The admiral added what was missing in the mission.

"That's.... the thing that we forgot!" Frostfire was tempted to shriek at him. He just realized it.

The parents are not really happy with the result.

Gempa and Blaze are exasperated and face-palming, while Taufan and Thorn are snickering at their nephew's first mission. The only boy in that circle is loudly laughing.

"I can hear you, Springwind!" Frostfire shouts, again.

"Sorry!" the boy answered, with an equal shout.

"They really amaze"

"You're not supposed to be impressed." Sai sometimes questions his life on why he is included in this kind of messed up connection. Oh wait, his wife is bestfriend with them.

"What can I do? They're my boys. "

"The past is really replaying again," Sai mentioned, amused that it happened again.

Ice remembers fondly their first mission. You can guess it went chaotic, making the siblings want to murder Admiral Tarung.. of course they couldn't do that.

The holder of the ice element noticed that people started badmouthing his sons.

"Really? These people, don't they have more business than commenting on children's first mistakes on mission? I bet Kaizo is softer than they're"

The room was filled with an icy glare. Everyone's gaze ended at the cyan orb. They shiver so much.

"You're too overkill," scolds Gempa, already held one of Ice's hand. Ice roll his eyes. He can't dislike the gesture. They heard Frostfire bickering with Admiral Kaizo.

"I don't know. Should I call your son brave or idiot?"

"Both can be good."

"Bravely idiot or Idiotly brave"

"Are the two of you sure you don't have more important things to discuss?" Gempa is glaring at Ice and Sai. He will undoubtedly discipline the boys as a result of this.

'I have, yet I don't know how you react to receiving this new' Sai wisely shut his mouth.


To be continue

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