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Hello Readers

I as the author owe you guys an apology

I'm sorry

For me to up this book once a year is... unforgivable in Author opinion

I'm sorry

I'll try to up as frequent as I can

Thank you for your support

Boboiboy is owned by Monsta

"Try to adapt": Talking

'Or you can just shut him' : Thinking



Tok Kun is enjoying the scenery while pedaling his bike. He did feel a bit heavy, as there were many things in the bicycle basket. Mostly ingredients for their small shop, two wrapped Nasi Lemak, and an oil that he buys from the nearest garage. Do forgive him if he is wrong about what to give to his new employee. He doesn't know what to give to a robot, even if Supra insists on not giving anything to the levitating AI. "Because this ball only needs electricity to charge nothing more, nothing less!" he says a few days ago, but Tok Kun doesn't believe him since the levitating ball only per se nodded along with Supra's instructions. He feels it is a bit inappropriate to not give something to the new addition to their family (not knowing there will be more).

Coming back home, he is already imagining a few things: customers flocking and Supra's grumpy face saying that he is slow as a snail. Of course, he bribed his boy with the Nasi Lemak that he bought, but not this. Especially not this.

What is greeting him is—

A bit destroyed shop.

A mostly destroyed yard.

A— wait Is that swords?!

And his grandson wobbly holds himself while staring hostily at a man that he never knew?

Bycicle forgotten, Tok Kun chose to run as fast as his old body could take him.

"Supra?!" His instincts were seeking his wayward grandson. He held Supra's shoulder, asking many of his concerns before his grandson swat his hand and made him stand behind him as if the man in front of them was much more dangerous than he let on.

Tok Kun steps forward. He stared menacingly at the man. He needs an answer to what is going on. He needs to protect the child. If he notices the red mark on his grandson's neck, he does not mention it. His anger is palpable, yet he restrained it as far as he could.

Besides, Supra is so stubborn. The boy doesn't want to back down. Probably thinking along the line that he is the one who brings this misfortune to their home, so he should be the one who solves this. And Tok Kun only wanted his grandson to let him take care of this. Even if the end would be futile.

Both Supra and Tok Kun try to protect each other, only to make Fang agitated. The boy is supposed to be in their care, not in this old man's care. He feels so troubled and is adamant about taking the child away from here to the place he is supposed to be.

He will not let this opportunity slide. The son of the legendary duo is right in front of him, and no one in their right mind will ignore someone of such high caliber, a combination of the strongest duo that ever graced the universe, to be left alone. Fang doesn't want the boy to fall into the hands of their enemy.

Maybe he will just introduce himself so that the problem will end quicker and he can get to the main point.

"Ehem, let me introduce myself. My name is Fang, and I'm your father's friend—"

"Get out..." Supra doesn't want this. He doesn't want his normal life to end here after being attacked by someone he calls his father's friend. He wishes he was deaf and would not feel any attachment to anything related to or regarding his parents.



And if the swords separating him from that man spark out with electricity, gaining everyone's attention, he will ignore it.

He doesn't want his whole world—the world that he knows and that he believes—to come crashing down—


The old man holds his face dearly, and Supra finds himself able to breathe, to find comfort in that touch, to feel grounded in the situation that he doesn't want to face.

Everything finally feels calm. Maybe the calm before the storm that he thought would come sooner will end here, or it will just continue and he will be dragged into its current. Supra doesn't care. He found his haven, lulled to rest with that simple hold.

Tok Kun immediately caught his grandson's slack body. The boy looked more exhausted than he had ever been.

The old man heaved out a heavy sigh as he addressed the man in front of him.

"Please let me explain, sir—"

"Mr. Fang, yes?"

"Ah, yes?"

Tok Kun doesn't know. Should he believe this trembling man whose eyes look like he has finally found something important?

"My name is Fang, I'm... what you can say as that child Godfather."

It stings both of them. The black one actually doesn't want to be acknowledged as such, while the elder feels that he doesn't belong in this family squabble.

"And you just came here to take him away from me?"

Fang flinched at the tone. The desperation that the elder man gives him is the same one that he feels when he gets that news.

"No. You have every right to take care of that child—"

"His name is Supra. How could you not know the names of the spouses that you are supposed to protect?"

"Because they never give out the name to us!" Fang snapped. His power snarls at the old man before he pulls it. "Forgive me... I—"

"What do you want from him?" The old man cradled the boy on his arm. The child that was once so small in his embrace.

"I'll take him to the place where he belongs."

"He belongs here."

"Are you sure? Can't you see the power that he exerts from those blades? He is not normal. He is beyond normal. I— no we are more capable of taking care of him than you could."Fang doesn't mean to be harsh, but that is the reality of the situation. The old man would never know how a special human being like the child he holds could control their power. Bad things will happen. Worse scenario, the old man will be in crossfire with the boy power. Furthermore, it will be difficult for the boy to control his power, knowing whose power he holds.

Tok Kun takes a glance at the swords embedded in the ground, sparking lightning in their wake. He always knows that the baby he found in front of his house is not a normal baby, but he always tries to make the child fit into this society. Perhaps he is trying too hard to make the child fit in; maybe this place can't shelter him anymore.

Does his grandson not belong here? What power could he, an old man, a normal human, could give to his boy?

"Will he come back to me again?"

"Of course"

And even if Tok Kun notices there is a lie in those words, he still can't do anything other than weep.

"What if I refuse to give him?"

The man in front of him stilled. That man's eyes are turbulent in the darkness when he answers.

"I would rather be civil with you, as you're the one who takes care of him. But if you persist, I'll take him by force."

Tok Kun concluded it was Supra calling to back to where he belongs. The man, Fang, takes his grandson and the swords, as well as the levitating robot. He can't say whether it is sympathy or something, as Fang was kind enough to give him money. Money worth for year's living. Yet, he doesn't feel happy. He feels hollow, maybe destroyed, just like in his current lovely shop with no one to speak with.


The real meeting commences after the uninvited guest finds nothing worth doing while watching Frostfire throw a tantrum at Admiral Kaizo.

Yes. Frostfire acts as a distraction for any eyes questioning the gathering of the Elemental Family, along with a few renowned agents.

What they really like to call the "Old Team".

"Hayya, Gopal is really running late."


The owner of the name glances back at the person who called her. "Elo, what's wrong with you, la? Keep calling my name, but didn't say anything."

Truth be told, Yaya doesn't want to spill the beans. No, that's wrong. She is afraid to say anything, knowing that the Elemental Family could antagonize her even if she knows they really didn't mean to do that, but still—

"I've just met this boy with red eyes." Yaya softly says right in Ying's ears, as if she doesn't want anyone to pry on their conversation.

"You know that many people right now wear a lens to look cool," and of course Ying doesn't immediately believe that. She doubtfull. With the trend of fashion and multi-cultural extraterrestrial being, it is getting harder to trust words without evidence.

"I guess so..." and Yaya for once, back down. She is, like any of her friends, hoping that they got bright news only to be let down by countless fakes.

'But he really looks like Halilintar...' that's her internal voice, screaming at her to just shout out and make them move. Yet she has made them more disappointed than she already has.

They trust her, and yet she keeps them hanging in hope that might as well never happen. She pointed out that everything that comes from Earth will come back to Earth; the same goes for them. She believes that maybe a part of them will go back to the place they're born, and so Yaya is searching for the remnant of Halilintar or Solar on Earth. Sadly, she found nothing. Nothing at all.

Yaya's mind is preoccupied with many things, ignoring Frostfire and Glacier standing side by side and giving their report regarding their mission.

You can say the first report everyone attends is to deceive them.

T.A.P.O.P.S. today is not the same as T.A.P.O.P.S. 10 years ago. Although it did give her a reason to be able to stay on Earth and have family there,

"Mama! Mamaaaaaa! You know, you know! I meet Abang with beautiful red eyes!"

It was her daughter's childish laugh a few hours prior that made Yaya snap back from her dilly dallying when Blaze opened his noisy phone, only for it to be loud and heard by everyone.

"I found him."

It was Fang's voice coming out of the phone with urgency.

"Who?" and Blaze doesn't know the context of the discussion and could only ask about the inevitable.

"Your brother's son"


To be continue

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