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Heyyyooooo, Readers~~~

Author brought you new chapter

Finally, this is the time for Verdade to shine!

02.15 in the morning

This chapter is ready for action!

Boboiboy is owned by Monsta

"Talk to me": talking

'Of course': thinking



Today feel a bit weird. His senses are tingling as if he will receive a surprise, like that time years ago when Tok Kun suddenly made a birthday party with that freaking abomination of an accessory made of combusted vapor inside of an elastic like material that gave him a nightmare the next morning.

'Hmmm..... what is this feeling?'

Supra always believes in his instinct. This is the only supranatural thingy that he trusts, beside his instinct, he labels every supranatural activity that happens on TV as false unless scientific reason can break it. Though aliens already fall into another category inside biology kingdoms in his mind.

Now he is looking back at the levitating ball, which is focusing on refilling the coffee beans. He doesn't know since when the ball has become an attraction to everyone who comes to their shop, but alas, as long as it gave a good impact, Supra will not complain.

The boy with ruby eyes is about to mind his own business, as the shop gradually becomes deserted after those many hours of making coffee, when his instincts blare and he barely dodges in time from something... black?!

A loud breaking noise, and Supra grimaced at the damage that had been unnecessarily created. He could see a shadow take time standing from his crouching position.


He knew something like this would happen, but he never expected this to happen so early, like.... in just a week for the levitating ball living with him!

No, he should have expected this! He should have brought some of his chemical experiments to be used as weapons.

'They are fast, but if they're a big organization, they shouldn't have taken long to retrieve the power sphera' Supra doubting that the one who attacked him is the same child that he saw in the alley. They're chill, but this person is not, and Supra is defenseless. He quickly ran for the counter, but unfortunately, his leg is being stopped by another black thing.

Another curse comes out of his mouth, and Supra takes a moment to glare at the trembling ball, which is hiding behind the shelf. Supra is trying to grasp the black laso(?) When again suddenly he is slowly dragged to the person who attacked him. Finding everything futile, the boy glared at the attacker.

"Who the f*** are you making a ruckus and destroying our shop?!—" his mouth stopped moving. That hand forcefully grasped his face tightly. Instinctually, Supra retaliated with his own hand, trying hard to let go of the hand that was threatening his life. But the grip, is just too strong, and he is just a normal human.

Wild, shocked ruby eyes meet cloudy magenta orbs.


'Huh?' His brain took a moment to register everything. This is getting weirder. It is not long since that Aunty thought that he was someone that she was familiar with, but now this stranger is shouting a name that he doesn't recognize!

'What's wrong with these people?! Is this a trend to pretend you know someone then shout at strangers?! Then attacking them out of nowhere?!'

Oh lord. He is progressively getting irritated at the way his life has just turned from bad to worse. His brilliant brain is nagging him something that he really wanted to deny of the existence of himself.


It seems that his brain skipped some important monologue because his attacker chose another hand to grasp his neck. Supra was flailing his hand. He is choked from the lack of air. His vision is blurry. Is getting more dim as he sees that glass' magenta orb. Looking at him with hatred.

What has he done to deserve that?

What has he done to deserve this?

Is this how he will die?




















"Wake up, Supra!"

He doesn't know if that is Echobot screaming or if someone shouted his name right into his ear... he jolted. Like being jolted when you feel something electrify you to wake up. And he does wake up.

And there is a scorching red lightning that throws his attacker through the tree, meters away from him.

There. In front of him. Embedded proudly to the ground, a pair of swords. Obsidian-ruby swords with the symbol of lightning in the handle.

Supra is stupefied.
















A few minutes before the collision.






















Fang hated to be back on Earth. The planet that once gave him the most beautiful and loved memory turned into his most despised and loathed one. If he could choose, he would just go back and do his mission rather than be here, but his wife is forcing him to take care of some documents that she forgot! He repeats, Forgotten!

"The galaxy must be flipping right now."

He knows that Ying would never do something unnecessary like forgetting an important document when they're about to have a great meeting. Which makes this day so weird in away that he feels his skin crawl with anticipation as he will knock someone out.

"Huff.... I think I have to let some steam out..... Wait, where am I?"

Okay, he is lost. This is not Pulau Rintis.... How in the freaking— oh wait, this is Yaya's city.

"Why am I ending up here??? Am I that lost in thought?"

Fang slapped his forehead then huffed, wanting to go back to his space ship only for his attention on the coffee shop in front of the park, which unfortunately Tok Kun owned. Fang gets a sense of deja vu watching this view. He could see the shadows of his friend cussing in front of a shop, this time owned by an elderly man.

Just for the sake of nostalgia, he let himself walk closer to that shop.

"Maybe some coffee wouldn't hurt—"

Oh, how his decision is. His sentence ended on his lung. His entire body stopped functioning for a second. Cause, for that moment.... he saw a ghost. A ghost of someone that he hates most appears.

That condescending scarlet electric eyes.

"Solar might forgive you, but I won't."

Everything on him snapped. The shadows swirling below him suddenly moved without his consent. His emotion overtook his rationality. Everything about him is mute and black, only to be snapped back to reality by a strong electrifying current flowing throughout all his blood veins and a loud—


Fang stopped in his tracks. He glanced at the thing that stopped this battle from continuing. A power sphera. His gaze fell back to the being that was being used as a punching bag for him. Dare Fang said that he saw something in that kid's eyes. That same eye was staring back at him.

The same way he looks at him.

Fang saw someone behind that boy's back. He saw a silhouette of Ruby Electric staring at him, looking down at him.... briefly, then disappearing.

"Hahaha... I see.... you're not him, but you're his son." His mouth can't control the wicked smile that has been locked up since, so he used it again. 

They're alive!!

"Who the f*** do you mean?!" The boy cuzz is being ignored. Fang's focus fell back on the things that injured him.

The sword in front of the kid is famous for taking down many strong villains. No one would know the owner of that blade, even if it's been a decade since it last saw the world.

"Where is that scum father of yours?! He hid in Earth while letting his sibling mourn! WHERE IS HE?!"

He is half-expecting and not expecting the answer.


Everything slowed down after that sentence got out of that boy's mouth. With those truthfully heartbreaking words, Fang felt like someone slapped his face. He takes a moment to adjust every piece of information that's happened today.

A boy with the same bloody-red eyes.

The famous obsidian-ruby sword has appeared again... yet ownerless.

If the boy really said that he is alone this entire time....

If Halilintar really died.... then Solar really---

"What the hell?"


What do you think?

To be continued~

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