Chapter 10: Impromptu visit

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Well... That's quite the impressive display we got there."

Glynda: Indeed. Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.

Ozpin: Well, running an Academy and a military makes him a busy man. But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore...

"Just great, another war-faring one... Gotta love them, or else you'll have a missile straight up your a-"

Glynda: I think we can understand how you appreciate them, no need to be so graphic.

*Beep beep beep beep beep*

Ozpin: Come in.

Ironwood: Ozpin !

Ozpin: Hello, General.

Ironwood: Please, drop the formalities. It's been too long ! And Glynda ! It has certainly been too long since we last met.

Glynda: Oooh, James... I'll be outside.

Ironwood: ... Well she hasn't changed a bit.

"Guess she doesn't appreciate you all that much. I suppose that's at least something we have in common."

Ironwood: Ah, you must be the new teacher here ? Ozpin told me quite a lot about you.

"Yeah, he's always too nosy with others, I keep saying that."

Ironwood: Haha, he sure is.

Ozpin: So... What in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas ? Headmasters typically don't travel with their students for the Vytal Festival.

Ironwood: Well, you know how I love Vale this time of the year. Besides, with you hosting, I thought this might be a good opportunity for us to... Catch up.

Ozpin: I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends, However... The small fleet outside my window has me somewhat concerned.

'Not like you have a literal army at your disposal with me, but that's besides the point...'

Ironwood: Well... Concern, is what brought them here.

Ozpin: I understand travel between Kingdoms has become increasingly difficult-

Ironwood: Oz. You and I both know why I brought those men.

"... I don't. Unless it's related to that Torchwick matter."

Ozpin: Haaah... We are in a time of peace. Display of power between Kingdoms like that, are just gonna give off the wrong impressions.

Ironwood: But if what Qrow said is true-

Ozpin: If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully. It's the Vytal festival, a time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent

Ironwood: I'm just being cautious...

Ozpin: As am I... Which is why we'll continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can.

Ironwood: Believe me, I am. But ask yourself this. Do you honestly believe your children can win a war ?

Ozpin: ... I hope they never have to.

"... Ominous."

Ironwood: Oh, before I forget, we also got a new element recently. They should be arriving soon, so I'll make sure you get to know them. Miss Shirona will be elated to meet you, i'm sure of it.

"... ... Oz ?"

Ozpin: Yes ?

"... There's a war coming, isn't it ?"

Ozpin: I'm afraid this is a possibility, yes. This has nothing to do with why you're here, so I don't plan on asking you to fight it.

"... I've been around too, you know. I've seen war, and all it can do... But I can't help getting cold sweat this time... Like the light itself just flickered, and is slowly dimming out... Will they really have to fight something so grim..."

Ruby: Alright... Hmmm... Alright ! Yang Xiao Long ! Prepare your kingdom for battle !! I deploy the Atlesian Air fleet !

Yang: *Gaspastion*

Ruby: Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursa and attack your walls directly !

Yang: You fiend !

"I mean, that very idea must have them terrified..."

Yang: Haha !


Yang: Eh, most of them were probably androids.

Ruby: Goodbye my friends... You will be avenged...

"To think kids would have to fight that... Unbelievable..."

Weiss: Hahahaha ! Yes ! Fear the almighty power of my forces ! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms !

Yang: Trap card.

Weiss: H- Huh ?

Yang: Your armies have been destroyed.

Weiss: I hate this game of emotions we play !

"... ... ..."

Ozpin: Why do you keep stopping short ?

"Because I have the distinct feeling that someone, somewhere, is doing something that exactly contradict what i'm saying..."

Yang: Alright Blake, you're up !

Blake: Huh ? Oh, umm... Sorry, what am I doing ?

Yang: You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the kingdoms of Remnant.

Jaune: Hey, can I play ?

Ruby: Sorry Jaune, we already got 4 players

Weiss: Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt you possess.

Yang: Huh, you attacked your own naval fleet two turns ago.

Weiss: Hmph !

Jaune: B- bring it on Ice Queen ! I'll have you know that I've been told I'm a natural born leader !

Weiss: But who ? Your mother ?

Jaune: A- And Pyrrha !

Pyrrha: Hello again !

Jaune: Come on, let me play your hand for a turn.

Weiss: i'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo.

Jaune: Why not ? You've trusted me with way more important stuff before ! I mean you told us all that Blake is secretly a F-

Pyrrha: Fun-loving person whom we all admire and respect !

Jaune: R- Right... That. Ladies... Enjoy your battles.

Sun: Sup losers. Ruby, Yang, Blake, Ice Queen.

Weiss: Why does everyone keep calling me that ?!

Sun: I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend.

Neptune: Uh... Aren't libraries for reading ?

Ren: Thank you !

Nora: *Snort* Pancakes !

Sun: Shut up, don't be a nerd.

Neptune: Intellectual. Okay, thank you. I'm Neptune.

Weiss: So, Neptune, where are you from ?

Neptune: Haven. And, I don't believe I caught your name, Snow Angel.

Weiss: Um... I'm Weiss.

Jaune: 'Are you kidding me ?!'

Sun: So, I never took you for the board-game-playing type.

Blake: Right; Well, actually, I think i'm done playing. I'll see you guys later.

Nora: ... ... Women.

Blake: Brothers of the White Fang, why are you aiding this scum ?!

Roman: The White Fang and I are going on a joint business venture together.

Ozpin: Well. This has certainly been an eventful evening.

"You don't say. Thwarting a whole large-scale robbery was *not* something I was expecting to do when you put me in charge of greeting aboard students."

Ozpin: Well, you handled your part admirably, if I may. But, even though i'm sure that after a night like this you probably just want to go home and take a nap... I was hoping that maybe we could have a chance to talk, Miss Belladonna.

Blake: ... Of course.

Ozpin: Wonderful. As you know, in order to enroll at my academy, students must first pass a rigorous entrance exam. Most applicants spend years of preparation training at one of the many combat schools around the world... You are one of the few who did not. And you passed the exam with flying colors.

Blake: I was raised outside the Kingdoms. If you can't fight, you can't survive.

Ozpin: Well, you have most certainly survived, Blake. I admire your drive, and I am proud to run a school that accepts individuals from all walks of life. Rich, poor, human... Faunus.

Blake: ... ... ...

Ozpin: Why do you wear that bow, Blake ? Why hide who you are ?

"I don't think it's a matter of you, Oz... But rather as a whole..."

Blake: Exactly. You may be willing to accept the Faunus, professor Ozpin, but your species is not.

Ozpin: True. But we are continuing to take strides to lessen the divide.

Blake: With all do respect, you need to start to take some larger strides... Until then, I'd rather avoid any unnecessary attention. I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am.

Ozpin: And what are you ?

Blake: I- I don't understand what you're asking.

Ozpin: How did you know that the White Fang would be at the shipyard tonight.

Blake: I didn't... We just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

"It was more a process of elimination... We knew a massive shipment of Dust had arrived recently, so if they wanted to have a shot at it, they'd need to act fast, before it got sent away."

Ozpin: I see... What happened tonight was not an isolated incident. I may be your headmaster, but I am also a Huntsman. And it is my sworn duty to protect this world from the forces that conspire against it.

Ozpin: Blake, are you sure there is nothing else you would like to tell me ?

Blake: ... I'm sure.

Ozpin: Very well. Thank you for your time, Miss Belladonna. If you ever need to talk to me... Please don't hesitate to ask.

"Yeah, no doubt that was a harsh one for Blake... She must've felt pressured for most if not all of her life... So for her to be so suddenly questioned about what she already left behind..."

Ruby: Board game !

"Miss Rose, if you're talking about your 'Risk: Remnant of Conquest' game, it's already been taken by the night staff at the library. You'll have it in your room by tomorrow morning."

Ruby: Aww, but now we can't plan it ! Oh, we'll have to draw them ourselves, I guess...

'... I don't know what they're on about this time, but I doubt it's anything good... or even obeying the school rules...'


???: Ow ! Hey, could you watch where you're going ?

"I wasn't going anywhere. You just bumped into me all on your own. Speaking of... I don't remember seeing you guys here before... Did we get some new students ?"

???: Visiting from Haven, actually.

"... ... Oh, the festival. Well, good luck on that, you'll have some fierce competition if you choose to participate. And on that note, you're completely opposite to where the exchange students' rooms are."

Mercury: I guess we just got lost. But if you're a teach here, I'm sure you could tell us.

"Second hallway on the left, follow until you reach the spiral stairs, then it's the building on your right after the fountain. Can't miss it."

Cinder: Thanks. Maybe we'll see you around.

"Oh, I don't doubt it... Enjoy your stay at Beacon."

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