Chapter 9: Fierce Rose

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... So, Oz, why did you call me over ? If it's about the stuff you told me to attend to about the Festival, it's all been done already."

Ozpin: Oh, I know that, don't worry. I wouldn't have put that on you if I didn't know you couldn't handle in in time.

"So what ? Did you guys finally managed to get to Oobleck ? You probably should have him switch to decaf or something."

Ozpin: Professor Oobleck has switched to decaf years ago. Things weren't such a nice sight before that.

"Oh my old man... Well, if it isn't either of that, then what ?"

Ozpin: I'm sure you're aware by now, but Roman Torchwick and the White Fang have joined forces by now.

"Oh, that stuff... Yeah, and it doesn't make any sense... By the look things had back there, it was more like the White Fang members were under his orders..."

Ozpin: Indeed, things have taken quite the concerning turn. Normally, The White Fang would never work under such a man if their lives depended on it, yet it doesn't seem as they've raised a single opinion on this matter... Do you have any idea why ?

"... That Torchwick has only been showing interest in Dust as of late... And now he joined forces with a large-scale renowned criminal organization... Honestly, they could be trying to arm themselves for some kind of full-blown war that it wouldn't surprise me that much... But why would they need Torchwick's help..."

Ozpin: I see you've reached the same conclusion. No matter how you look at it, Roman Torchwick has nothing to gain by working with them. In other words...

"Something, or someone, is forcing him... I doubt they could have him blackmailed, with what he's already done... So there's someone behind the scene, pulling the strings. Either the White Fang, or... Could it be someone else entirely ?"

Ozpin: Sadly, I don't have the answer to that question yet. But one thing is for sure, that this probably reaches way deeper than we can think...

"... You know, Oz, something's been bugging me for a while now. Your laid-back attitude about that whole thing makes me think you know a bit more than what you're telling me... or maybe a lot more."

Ozpin: ... A sharp intuition, as always. However, I can't tell anything just yet... the time has yet to come.

"Suits yourself. But, Oz, please remember one thing. I wasn't sent here to help you out. It just happens that our objectives seem to be the same on that matter. The moment I get what I need, all of you can die for all I care about."

Ozpin: ... Then I suppose it's a good thing I appointed you as a teacher. Don't try to act harder than you are. You just hate saying farewell to people after you've grown close and attached to them, don't you ?

"I never asked for your opinion, and I don't remember asking for advice either. I'm off."


Ozpin: ... ... He's still a bit of a child at heart... Where did my coffee go ?

"Swear to pops, how can he be so secretive about himself but so nosy about others... *sip*"

Yang: Watcha doin' ?

Blake: nothing. Just going over some notes from last Semester.

Yang: Lame.


Ruby: Hr-Hm. Sister ! Friends ! And Weiss...

Weiss: Hey !

Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang: This oughta be good.

Ruby: A dream that one day, the four of us would come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever !

Weiss: Did you steal my binder ?

Ruby: I am not a crook.

Blake: ... What are you talking about... ?

Ruby: i'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang !

Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a Yang ! Ehh ? Guys ? Am I right ?


Nora: Boooooooo !

Yang: Grrrmbl...

Ruby: Look guys, it's been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great ! But, classes start back up tomorrow. Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today !

Weiss: I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store...

Blake: I don't know... I think I might sit this one out.
Weiss: Sit out or not, I think however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team.

Nora: I got it !

Weiss: I for one think that-


RWBY: ... ... ... ...

Blue: Man, that's harsh.

Sun: So then we were fighting side by side, and she was super fast, and I threw a banana at a guy, which sounds gross but it was awesome !

Blue: Nice !

Sun: Right ? And then that teach was all like "Let me handle this", and he just casually threw the boss like a block away ! And the best part is, she's a Faunus ! But that's a secret, okay ?

Blue: Got it.

Sun: And not a "I'm gonna go tell Scarlet the second Sun turns his back" secret, i'm talking secret secret !

Blue: Whoah, chill out man, Okay ? I got it. I got it.

Sun: You better. I just don't wanna screw this up, ya know ? The people here are the coolest ! No offense to you guys.

Blue: None taken.


Jaune: Awwww...

"Oh. Sun. I see you're through all the lectures from the Haven teachers, are you ? I hope they weren't too harsh on you."

Sun: Urg, that was the worst ! They were going on, and on, and on, for hours ! Seriously, I even fell asleep ! And they gave me extra work on top of that !

"Well, next time, maybe you'll take the same ride as everyone else instead of just boarding a random ship to get here faster. *Sip*"

Blue: ... Who's that ?

Sun: Oh, that's the teach I told you about ! The one who took the bullets and then got crushed by a crate !

"Why do you consider that as such a feat ? If you need to take hit from things like a Deathstalker, isn't butting heads with a crate not that much of an accomplishment ?"

Sun: Maybe, but man was that still cool as hell.

"All's a matter of perspective, really. So, I hope beacon's to your liking, since you'll be staying here until we get to the tournament."

Nora: Hahahahahaha ! I'm queen of the castle~ ! I'm queen of the castle~ !

Ruby: Justice will be swift ! Justice will be painful ! It will be delicious !!

Nora: Off with their heads !

Sun: Oh yeah, really love the place. Kinda got that "upper-class" feeling to it, you know...

"Yeah, yeah, the castle often does that. Did that to me too on my first day here, but you get used to it pretty quick. I mean, pretty much everyone got used to it right away."

Blue: Yeah, I kinda meant to ask that earlier, but... What's happening inside here ?

"Oh, just your regular food-fight, nothing to worry about. Happens all the time."

Sun: That one sure does look heated up.

"Well, just proves they have loads of energy to give, that's quite the relief if you ask m-"



"... ... ... ... if you'll excuse me, I have some detention to distribute..."

Sun: ... I love these guys.

"... I give up. At this point, i'm questioning whether or not we should be giving deadly weapons and martial education to children like that...


Glynda: Grrrrrrr...

Sun: Woah... And who's that ?

"Usually, a fun-killer. But on that occasion, I'd say the seething is very much appropriated, so... Just step back a bit, alright ?"


"And now everything's back to normal... Well, besides all the food splattered everywhere... Just so you know, there's showers and laundry rooms at every floor, just look for the blue sign on the door."

Blue: ... Thanks...

Glynda: ... Children, please. Do not play with your food. Hrrrrr...

Ozpin: Let it go.

Glynda: *Sigh*. They're supposed to be the defenders of the world...

"Well, that's what they're bound to become, that's for sure... *Sip*"

Ozpin: Ah, I was wondering where that went. You can have it, I've got plenty others. Just don't touch the button underneath the grip.

"I know, I know... Almost blew a hole in my foot with that..."

Ozpin: Hm. The defenders... indeed, they will be. But right now, they're still children. So why not let them play the part ? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.

"... Isn't that the whole reason Huntsmen and Huntresses exist ? So that children can be children, enjoying themselves at least for a little while ?"

Glynda: ... Even so, they won't be able to enjoy it for long...

"Oh, I think they're very aware of that. And that's why they want to enjoy every last minute of it, and honestly, who could blame them... They should enjoy it while it lasts... the calm before the storm..."

Roman: Oh look, she sent the kids again. This is turning out just like the divorce.

Emerald: Ugh. Spare us the thought of you procreating.

Roman: That was a joke. And this, just might tell me where you two have been all day.

Emerald: What ?!

Roman: i'm a professional, sweetheart. Pay attention, maybe you'll learn something; Why do you have this address ?

Emerald: Wouldn't you like to know ?

Roman: yeah, I would. Now, where have you been all day ?

Mercury: Cleaning up your problems. One of them at least.

Roman: I had that under control.

Mercury: Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise.

Roman: Listen you little punk. If it were up to me, I'd take you and your little street rat friend and I would-

???: Do what, Roman ?

Roman: Hehehe... I'd, huh... Not kill them ?

Emerald: Cinder !

Cinder: I thought I made it clear that you were to eliminate the would-be runaway.

Roman: I was going to !

Emerald: He was going to escape to Vacuo. Mercury and I decided upon ourselves to kill the rat.

Mercury: I think he was some sort of cat, actually.

Emerald: What, like a Puma ?

Mercury: yeah, there ya go.

Cinder: Quiet. Did I not specifically instruct you two to keep your hands clean while in Vale ?

Roman: Hehehe.

Emerald: I just thought-

Cinder: Don't think. Obey.

Emerald: ... Yes ma'am. It won't happen again.

Cinder: And you. Why wasn't this job done sooner ?

Roman: Uhh... Eh ? Eeeh ? EEEEEEH ?!

Roman: Sorry if I've a little busy stealing every speck of Dust in the kingdom !

Mercury: You're an inspiration to every punk with a gun and a ski mask.

Roman: Look around Kid, I've got this town running scared. Police camping out at every corner, Dust prices through the roof, AND we're siting pretty in an old warehouse with more Dust crystals, vials, and rounds than we know what to do with. Speaking of which, if you guys wouldn't mind filling me in on your *Grand Master Plan*, it might actually make my next string of robberies go a little smoother.

Cinder: oh, Roman. Have a little faith. You'll know what you need, when you need to know it.

Roman: ... Ugh.

Cinder: Besides, we're done with Dust

Roman: Oookay, then what now ?

Cinder: We're moving. Have the White Fang clear out this building. I'll send you details and coordinates tonight.

Roman: Coordinates ?

Cinder: We're proceeding to Phase two.

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