Chapter 17: The Cake is a Lie

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At school Prince Shroom was handing out fancy flyers. Amanda said "I might go if they're not serving cake." I kept reading and said "It says 'if you don't show up my toad guards will find you and most likely not kill you but send you back here so we can kill you." Me, Jacob and Chris looked at each other and said "We're going!" It's scheduled for this weekend. Amanda said "You three!" She was pointing to me,Jacob and Chris. She said "You guys are coming to my house so I can tell you something about Peach." I said "Why can't you tell me now? Because the Prince will send the toad guards to kill us both." I nodded and after school all three of us went to the castle. Chris said "Um I'm having second thoughts about this, it looks well guarded." I said "Don't worry, me and Jacob been here before the guards are totally clueless to use even being here. Really? Yep totally look we're already here!" Then we found ourselves outside of Amanda's room. Jacob said "Well I'll kn-" then a hand grabbed all of us and the door shut. Then she said "Listen I don't think we should go to that party. I tried setting war on the two kingdoms but I couldn't because my mom said it would kill a few people I mean so what am I rights?" I started twitching and said "Well I'm gonna say what we are all thinking, 'you are crazy and we are leaving.' She stopped us and said "Ok look I know it's a stretch but come on like 100 kids are born everyday." I stated doing a fake barf like noise. Then Jacob said "Right um anyways why don't you want us to go besides the fact you'll blow up the Mushroom Kingdom." Amanda said "Because the cake is a lie! I mean it's in the title you could probably guess that." I said "Look don't break the fourth wall or the castle walls. Just because you don't like the cake doesn't mean we won't like it." Chris said "Yeah and we figured you liked the prince." Amanda said "Well yeah but his mom is so rude. The King is a power up taker, and the cake is a l-." I interrupted and said "Look those power ups saved our kingdoms many times before and his mom is Queen Peach! Sure she use to get kidnaped 24/7 but she's still nice. See ya." Then with that comment we were gone. I said "Ok there's a quick way to leave watch. Excuse me Mr. Idiotic Solder I just snuck in and called you an idiot what are you gonna do about it, yeah yeah!" Then he threw us all out. I said "See told you he may have literally thrown us out but he did carry us out come on let's go to the arcade." There while playing Basket Kong 3 a strange figure said "Don't go to the party." I said "Look Amanda for the last time we are going I'm not dying today ok? We are still going to the party." Amanda said "Why?!" I said "You still never gave me a real reason not to go. I told you the Cake is-. Yeah a lie what ever. Fine I warned you though." Then she walked off out of the Arcade with my coco nuggets and my ice world cream. I was mad but I kept playing. Then after a week or so it was finally time for the party. I put on my red bow tie and fedora that Jacob gave me. Jacob had on a fedora and a red tie too. When we got there Chris had on a blue shell, a green tie, and black sneakers. I said "So you couldn't even go one day without wearing sneakers, no now that I think about it just like 3-5 hours." He said "Well you can't go a day without your 'precious' headphones. Hey shut up, at least I can go tonight without them." Princess Amanda showed up and I said "I thought the cake was poisoned or some other not true thing you said." She said "I warned you." Then the gates opened and we all went in. Jacob said "Wow Shroom this place is huge!" He said "Thank you I bet you wish you could have something like this, this house costs more then all your lives." Jacob said "But that's only 500 coins or more. Shut up, I will send my guards on you right away if you speak to me like that again you floating blob! Blob?!" Jacob started yelling at the Prince, here are the highlights I love: "You know I'm a prince too, I could be as rich as you! *deep breath* But I'm not spoiled like you and I just want to live a normal life like all these peasants, uh uh I mean all my friends... Yeah! I should declare war on our two kingd-! I had to stop him mid sentences because he was talking like someone else we know. Bow said "Calm down he's just a Prince his parents are the ones in charge." The Prince said "Let us feast, I invited a friend that's coming to school his name is "Meta Soldier." Him and Riley got along quickly. Billy Dee said "Hi I think I know your dad from somewhere, is your dad the legendary Galactic Knight?" Meta Soldier yelled "No my dad crushed Galactic Knight while sipping on the blood of a waddle Dee!" The room went silent for a second then Billy Dee said "Well... That's nice...." Meta Soldier said "I'm sorry I just don't want the family name to go down with no honor he did defeat Galactic Knight but it is known next to the double crosser known as Marx the hardest battle my father and uncle have ever had." Billy Dee said "Oh so your uncle is the legendary star warrior Kirby because Meta a Knight never fought Marx." Look you guys know the story of Kirby right? You do,good. What you don't? Then get a D.S and go to your nearest game store and buy Kirby Superstar Ultra! Anyways after a while me and Jacob were making jokes. I said "Hey imagine if you were hanging off a ledge of a fire death and I had to save you." We imagined it and he was on the ledge just hanging there and he said "So are you gonna save me?" I just grinned. "You son of a Bullet Bill." The lava started rising he was yelling "nooooo noooo!" Then I pulled out a broom and started hitting him. He said "Where did you get that broom from?!" I said "I don't know, where did I get this pencil. What pencil?" Then I threw a pencil at Jacob and he fell into the lava ( Buddy if you are reading this I wouldn't do this to you, except I would, wait what?") I started laughing then the broom caught and fire I yelled, what happened? Oh no! Then the lava burnt us both alive. When we went out of day dreaming Jacob punched me. The the Queen said "Ok everyone it is time for the dance." Me and Goombella danced solid everyone else. Afterwards the Prince said "Listen everyone we are having a dance off and our dance judges will be, DJGoomba, Jacob, and Goom. Since they are experienced with being judges." I said "Well I kinda awaited to d-." Then toad guards surrounded me I said "um... I kinda wanted to dare you to stop me from judging hahaha..." After the contest me, Jacob, and Goom talked and we decided, I said "Ok so then Dance King and Queen are Princess Amanda and Ch-." Then toad guards surrounded me again. I said "Oh well it seems there has been a sudden change, the King of dancing is now Tyrant, um Prince Shroom. Then the Prince said "Thank you PJKoopa." I ignored that last comment. "Thank you everyone my mom is making us all a delicious cake." Meta Soldier yelled "I shall slay this beast you call 'cake' and I shall eat it's insides like jelly!" It went silent again then Billy Dee said "You know what that's the most normal thing you've said all night." When we all sat down to eat Amanda looked mad at me but I ignored it then we kept waiting then the cake finally came! They all stuffed it down. Amanda didn't eat any. The next day at school no one came besides me and Amanda. Amanda said "What you didn't have any cake?" I said "Yeah I don't like cake. You made me go to the arcade. Yep. Invite you to my castle so you can insult my guards. Yep. And you didn't eat any cake. Exactly, by the way where are like all our friends. Oh there probably all at home sleeping. Why? Because the cake is so good it makes you sleep for a day. That makes no sense. It's called Pill'o essences it's so good you sleep for a full day. I guess that makes sense." When I came home I found Jacob asleep. I just shrugged and stole his wallet then went on his WII U so I could play captain toad treasure tracker. With Riley who wasn't at the party because he was treasure hunting with his dad, Captain Toad.

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