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"Should keep them away for a while.", Vik sighed while he climbed down the stairs back into the basement.

"Happens often?", you couldn't help but feel bad that you had interfered with his business without notifying him.

It was wrong to meddle in his affairs. Perhaps he would have preferred to sell and if so that was his right to do. You just felt like he would have done it without actually wanting to.

Night City made people desperate and brought their worst qualities to light. Vik was a reasonable guy but even he had his limits.

At some point he'd break just like everyone else around.

With a low hum, he stopped on the last step of the stairs. His head tilted to the side, throwing a glance into his clinic. His lips pressed into a thin line.

You could feel how his mood shifted. He wasn't happy but you couldn't tell why.

"Vik.", you wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your chest to his back. "I didn't mean to make a decision for you. I... Misty just wanted help. I should have talked to you. I'm sorry."

You could feel him stiffen underneath your touch. His hand reached down to wrap around yours and give it a squeeze.

Confused, you looked up and only then realised that his attention was still fixed onto his clinic. Your gaze followed his.

A cold shiver crawled down your spine.

Everything was in ruins. The entire clinic had been turned upside down. His desk was shattered, displays cracked and machines destroyed.

Cables hung from the ceiling, pouring sparks of electricity across the floor.

"What the-?!", alarmed, you tore the gate open and rushed inside. "Julie! Julie where are you?!"

Like crazy you chased around the clinic, from one corner to another and tore everything up that was still left. Blankets and what seemed to be curtains fell to the floor as you dug your way through a pile of something.

Your body was shaking all over. Cold sweat made your face shimmer.

It felt like an invisible rope tied your throat, making it impossible to breathe.

Where was your sister?

She had been in Vik's surgeon chair all this time. But that was smashed to pieces, the green leather torn open to reveal the foam that filled the inside for comfort of the patient.

Julie couldn't move on her own. She didn't even know how to talk no more. So whoever had been in here had either taken her or she was somewhere stuck between this mess.

"Julie!", relief made your voice tremble as you pushed one of the lockers aside that had smashed to the ground.

Your hands wrapped around her shoulders as you pulled her close to your chest. A low groan escaped her cracked lips. Her mouth moved and she seemed to try and say something but it only came out as gurgling and sighing.

Clenching your teeth, you bend over her to hide the anger that boiled in the pit of your stomach. Your nails dug into her shoulders.

You would have given anything to made these corpo fuckers have a taste of their own medicine.

"Sweetheart.", all of a sudden Viktor's hand was on your shoulder. "You're hurting her."

Startled, you loosened your embrace. It was only then that you realised that both you and your sister were covered in blood.

And it wasn't yours. You were more than sure that you weren't bleeding.

A gasp escaped you.

"N-no...", your hands trembled as you wiped a strand that stick to Julie's sweaty forehead out of her face.

She flinched at the touch. That was the very first real reaction you had gotten from her in years. The very first reaction and it was caused by pain.

"Ju... Julie..."

"Sweetheart.", gently, Viktor pulled you away and kneeled down to have a look at your sister.

You watched, eyes trembling, hands clenched into fists, while his hands patted down your sisters limb body. Every now and then Viktor let out some kind of sound and you believed that none of them were meant in a good way.

Whenever he reached certain spots Julie's legs would twitch or her breath hitched and she tried to breathe away the discomfort.

You just sat there, her blood all over your shirt and pants, covering your hands. It stuck to them like honey, equally sticky and uncomfortable to live with.

Again and again you tried to wipe the feeling away on your pants but it was no use. You just couldn't shake off the feeling that her raw flesh tried to pull you in.

The stench of iron and bloody meat was in the air.

"No...", you muttered to yourself, grabbing your own wrist to keep your hands from shaking. "No... No. No! She'll be fine. Tell me Julie will be fine."

You reached out to grab Vik by the shoulder. Your nails dug so deep into his skin that he flinched, turned around and grabbed both your hands to force them together.

He wore his glasses again. You could see yourself in the reflection. How desperate you were. You couldn't remember the last time you had felt this helpless.

"Vik...", your voice almost broke as you said his name.

So many wishes, so much begging.

But he couldn't do anything. Viktor was only so powerful. Even he had his limits.

Gently, he shook his head. His thumb drew circles onto the back of your hand.

"Sweetheart...", his voice sounded even more powerful now that he tried to whisper. "(Y/N). Her organs are shutting down. She's loosing blood."

"Can you put her on life support?", you grabbed him by the collar, tears and anger clouding your vision.

His lips moved. He seemed to think.

"Would that be what you want?", he asked. She's barely alive now.

"I promised to keep her safe. I promised, Vik!"

"But you can't.", finally, he grabbed you in a harsher manner and forced you to sit down in front of him. "And that's okay. You cannot safe her. She was responsible for the damage on her body. And now she ran out of luck. Life is like that."

Pressing your lips together, you closed your eyes. Fingers entangled in his collar. They shook with anger.

"Put her on life support. Please.", you asked. "Just... just until I made it."

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