Central Intelligence (2016 film) Trevor

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It had been a huge blown, Trevor muttered as he wiped the blood off his face as he glared on the floor. His friends didn't even bother to help him, but then again they were all there only for their convenient, including HIS!!!! How the fuck did that loser managed to be a successful person?!,WAIT!!!! That's right! It would be a maddening statement for public to hear!!

Thorough his high school days until now. He still no idea he still retained his overblown pride due to him had been successful in career and being loved by everyone. Sure, the loser wasn't the only one who he had picked on, they were several other who deemed annoying or weakling to him and had made their life living hell into another level. One person such as....

A man in green Tom Ford suit nudged over his friend, who chugged on another drink who glanced at the sight of the unrepentant mean guy Trevor on the floor. His friends were busy applauding the person they made fun of to help their boss, ironic. His friend wore a blue turquoise Armani suit before the two gestured for their other 4 friends at the jackass. They in unison gave a rather strange smiles. Bob Stone may have a soft heart and they applaud his success seeing as he earned it and was one of the kindest soul this school ever received, but not all of them can let this jackass scot- free like that. In fact, one such case had proven that he had deemed himself as a demon in disguise. Sadly, there's nothing the school can do and he and his buddies were left unscathed AND unrepentant.

The man in green smirked as he dialed an ambiguous number and silently chatted with the person in line before the call cut swiftly before they can take action. Hoho... this could be the night he would never forget!!!


Trevor sipped on his margarita as he narrowed his eyes on the floor. Bob fucking Stone had proved to people you don't have to be someone to be loved. Most people applauded him, with his loser friend and lame girlfriend on his side. Fuck, there's nothing he can do! Whatever! He can focus on his work for tomorrow and impress his friends as always. Another drink and he's on the leave!

The man in turquoise had implemented the plan and all of their friends had positioned themselves in their spots. 

They all had exchanged hugs with Bob and Calvin before they had prepared for an unknown show that none but them had plan for a piece of mind of a narcissist jackass!

As the hall were engrossed with dancing, all of a sudden the light ceased and the others gasped in shock. They were all positioned in their spots still shocked before a high pitched squeal echoed the hall.


Trevor, like others who had found himself in the dark, suddenly being pushed to the floor before a pile of fertilizers from the garden outside thrown at him as the stench was enough to make him reek.


Some party goers booed at the smell before Trevor found himself being splashed in cold water, and suddenly found himself lost his pants, leaving him half naked. What the......


Trevor found himself being pushed by a chicken mascot?, he could feel the feathers and beak pointed at the sight of the face.

"What the hell is going on?!", Calvin exclaimed as his girlfriend clutched on his right arm for protection of the whatever source that reek. "AND WHY IS TREVOR SCREAMING LIKE A BITCH?!", without a thought asked with the others snickered loudly


"WAIT!!!! I FOUND THE SWITCH!!!!!", one of the old teachers exclaimed as he used his torchlight to find his way to the control room before the sight unveil......

The others made a threw up face while some recorded the scene on their phones as Trevor was seen sprawled with his face on the ground as he cursed a little too loudly.

"AHHHHHHH!!!! HELP!!!!!", Trevor, who thought of still being in the dark begged to whoever to save his sorry ass.

Bob was about to go there but most of his classmates forbid him, telling him don't, let him taste the moment of his downfall. Calvin and Maggie even seized him.

"You should watch your fucking step, Mister Fuck Up Charming. What a waste of goodness!", the guy in green snickered as he stood in front of him, hands on his hips. "Or maybe you are so busy to find faults again in Bob to blind yourself from other of your losers to give them time?!"

"That is low! Consider you had no heart at what you did to most of us!!!!!!"

The crowd turned and gasped as they saw the friends in fancy suits all lined up in their positions as they smirked, as each of them contributed to something, per say.

"You losers are supposed to be failures!!!! Go fuck yourself!!!! Guys, back me up!!!!!", Trevor, who had now knelt shrieked like a madman to his friends to get involved!

The man in the suit, shoved his foot on his face, preventing to soil with some shits as Trevor trembled on the table fill with wines and pizzas. The others gasped in horror and disgusted as the teachers had red face in fury over their unrepentant student who wanted to cause more scenes and puns.

"WAY TO SHOW HIM, DUDES!!!!!!!!!", one of the old classmates exclaimed.

"Finally, someone showed him who's the boss!!!!", another shouted in support.

Unfortunately, his friends had been backed up to the wall as the other classmates had to ensure Trevor got a taste of his medicine. One can't simply let the demon get away with his actions!!!

"You got your shitty ass lucky as Bob had used that as motivation to get stronger whereas you retained your stuck up ego to blind yourself from your actions.", the man in turquoise.

Trevor, still ignorant to his attitude jabbed at him "Yo...You're that nerdy loser who got shit up at biology class!!!! You're not supposed to be successful. You....."

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TALK TO MY FRIEND LIKE THAT!!!", one of the suits' friends lifted his right knee to shove at his face, as he was left with more bruises.

"Look at yourself!", this time, one of their friends, in red Hugo boss suit approached the scene with a smirk. "And to think you had change but no, the school still has this little bitch trying to trumped  at anyone who deemed loser."

"The loser that caused the death of....opp-", one of the schoolmates nudged on one of the guys to shut up!

The others suits friends and the main guys approached the scene as the man in green was the one done the talking "Listen here, dipshit. NO ONE runs this school! This is not some fantasy school of who deemed worthy or the fuck we care! This is not 'Mean Girls' or 'Mr Fuckable Everyone Loves From The Day I Was Born'! We all ARE who we are, and if you, a fake illegitimate so call perfect clever rich fagot tried to bitch to us about who we are and what we deserved, we won't hesitate to throw you in the cell for a lifetime, got it?!"


Trevor stood on the ground as he glared at his victims. He retained his smug look but it was clear to everyone he was in the verge of tears "Listen, you-"

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE COME TO THIS SCHOOL AGAIN IF THIS IS HOW YOU CHOOSE TO BE!!!", their former principal, the strictest teacher in this town in fury landed a fist on his left cheek, making it par to where Bob had hid him earlier as he again landed himself on the table filled with foods and now his shits.

The friends in suits all huddled in for a hug as all of them applauded.

"WHO ARE WE?!", they asked the crowd. 

"WE ARE WHO WE ARE!!!!", the crowd replied as Trevor stumbled up with his face smeared with blood and hot tears



The old principal had charged Trevor with 2000 $ for the damage and foods to recover before two officers escorted Trevor out of the school where he can no longer return to the so call fame place. His friends had been dragged out by the crowd as well.


It had been a catastrophe for Trevor as the town had finally found out about him due to some recorded the entire scene and the internet when boom. For the past few days, he received a lot of glares as even his nearby neighbors had shut him out. What ever! They are just losers, nothing else!!!! He never even bother being nice to them in the first place. He was just lounging at his luxurious mansion as they say when he received a call from his boss. His boss sounded quite hostile. Come on! Don't tell him the scene itself cause a heat. It was schools play long ago!!! The boss alerted him to come to the office immediately and cut the call before Trevor can respond.

Trevor put on his suit and left the house to drive on his fancy car. While he left, he was unaware of two heavy sites men approached his pavement with a man with fancy suit with them.


Trevor entered the office and was surprised to find the place empty as the losers with low incomes tables were left untouched as they last left. He paused and stared in horror when he spotted his things were neatly packed in a big box in his office. He unlocked the door and found the room had been redo, as if it had been......

A shout of his full name got him alerted as he jogged his way to the consultation room as-

Trevor winced in pain as a heavy object had kicked him on his groin as he knelt on the ground.

"SIR!!! PLEASE CALM DOWN!!!!!", he heard his boss tried to console the CEO of the firm as Trevor spotted 4 men in suit were presented in the room.

"TO THINK I LET A MURDERER GET AWAY AND HIRED IN THIS VERY SOIL? UNBELIEVABLE!!!", Trevor tried to find words but found himself mute.

"Trevor, we are going to have debrief session about your actions that had caught up to you", his boss informed him. No one had even offered him help as Trevor had to regain his posture by himself. Trevor quickly took a seat at one of the chairs. 

The boss threw a file at his face. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Sir!", if it weren't for the fact he is his superior, no fucking way would he call someone with respect "Sir, the events of the school were not part of the work! Surely there's a professional reason for that and....."

The boss silenced him with a glare. "We are aware, unfortunately. One of bosses in different company even ask why would we even hire such a person?!"

"Oh, come on! I was just a kid...."

"A CRUEL FUCKING KID AND STILL ARE!!!!", the boss scolded him in rage. "Unbelievable! I cannot believe you are this callous! What will you get for being cruel?"

"No one seems to care. They all love me", Trevor said smugly.

"Sure", another superior that happens to be an executive lamented sarcastically "That's the reason you got the lowest point for your reviews. The losers you so call looked down onto, the people you work on projects with, all the same issue!!! You let pride and ego got the best of you!!!! There has been 5 cases in a week in human resources about your condescending and bullying attitude. We decided to check it further until THAT!!!!", he gestured for Trevor to open the file, and to his horror, it is about his resume or to say, his made up resume!!!!

"You did not enter Harvard! You barely even finish your diploma at a local college! You falsified your grades to make it more convincing. We are not dumb! We have our own machine to check and we are all betrayed! We decided to let you in for a while to see if you really are worthy with your work. But it turns out you are not good with your professional ethics, as they say"

To their surprise, Trevor did not seemed bothered. He placed the resume on the table as he smirked at them "That's all? I can find the work at any place. I don't mind if you want to fire me", his overblown ego and pride had terrified them a bit and to be frank, they are now dealing with a narcissist disorder EX employer. The men in suits behind him suddenly smirked as one of the chuckled. "Unfortunately, that is NOT the case! You may NEVER even go to work if this is published nor will you see the light ever again"

The CEO suddenly thundered towards his table as his face hid in the shadows. "You still think this is the only issue we are going to talk about? You seem quite smug for some reasons"

Before anyone can stop him, he crackled his head with his fist as Trevor collapsed on the floor, in shock and agony. "This is not only about your career. This is more of MY PERSONAL ISSUE!!!"

He flipped a switch to their automated video on the screen and the scenes of the boy being harassed severely while he and his friends in their younger self seemed to be enjoying the time.

"That is the kid who died from asthma the very next day.", he lowered to face him before Trevor realized he had a ghost rage on his face "Or to be precise, MY kid!"

Trevor, for once, only stared in horror as he was in the verge of tears as the CEO screamed "He was excited to join the very first day when you and your friends made a living hell out of it, for your enjoyment. He was upset and still retained his positiveness even until the very next day, he died in his sleep"

"We all came from a poor family. My family barely made ends meet, but we managed to be happy for who we are. I won't help these people if it weren't for the firm I built 2 years after his death. He wanted to help people, see. He always dreamed big, wanting to help the poor", he crackled in anger "He didn't even have to blink his eyes. He just died!"

"It..it was......", Trevor retained to his innocent image as he blurted in anger "I was under influence from people. My people. I wasn't the only one involved!"

"I know! That's why I had my forces rounded up your friends this very morning, and you know what I find? Most of them in denial that you are their friends and even asserted that you even bullied them themselves. None of them even acknowledge you as their friends! They are still in custody as you will join them soon enough!", the CEO informed in a smirk to rub his ego.

Trevor leapt up in terror "I was just a kid! Those losers should rot in hell! They should never get happy and they never can!!!!!!!"

"We're letting you disservice by letting you off the hook so easily! You're going to face your cruelties behind bars. I should have take note to anything sooner", his former boss said in regret.

Two men in uniforms barged in with handcuffs. "You will come with us!"

"What the fuck?! Hands off me, vermin! I am Trevor, the most popular guy in the world!!!", Trevor yelled like a lunatic as he's being dragged outside "Everyone loved me!!!! The girls love me!!!!"

"I find it amusing to find this is the person we deemed dangerous. But all I can see was a hysteric coward behind a bravado facade whenever someone rubbed his pride", one of the men in suit commented. Another, while holding a tape just chuckled "We have all the alibi in this! We can proceed it in court"

Suddenly, they heard a scream of repeated no before a huge thud echoed the building. All of them rushed outside to find Trevor slipped on the floor and fell on two floors with a bleeding head.


"Horray!!!!!!!!!", the crew in the office threw a celebration as the jackass had been exploited. They were celebrating with pizzas and sodas as the boss and CEO were the guests of honors.

"Don't think you are all off the hook for the celebration. You will need to resume to your work after all this", the CEO reminded them as they all noted.

The bad news was, Trevor had a huge amnesia that left an impact to his cell that deemed permanent. The good news was, none of his friends showed up to visit him at the hospital as they all disowned him and resumed to their normal lives, only this time, they stayed away from their victims as most of them are extremely successful whereas they were all in bravado facades that barely meet ends meet. His parents had a hard time registered about his true colors before they too disowned him.


"What are you saying you doing, man?", Calvin asked his friend as they were having lunch at one of the fast food stores.

"You heard me. I'm going to pay him a visit.", Bob repeated as he munched on his meat burger.

"That little fucker? He should rot in hell for his actions that's for sure!", Calvin sneered in disgust.

"Calvin is right", Maggie, Calvin's pregnant wife agreed with him as she advised Bob "I understand and respect your concern. But that does not excuse oneself to cause damage to others. He made you into humiliation. Let him taste his own medicine"

"Guys!", Bob placed his burger down. "What he did will still remained undone. I wanted to visit him to sort things out. He is the one who inflicted pain but I'm not him. And you guys are definitely not him as well. Just let me sort out in peace"

The two looked at each other before they smiled "But I will be driving you there in case that shit caused a riot!", Calvin conditioned as Bob sighed in deal.


The home for the homeless shelter was located near the slums of New Jersey. It took about 30 minutes to arrive there. Bob waved goodbye as the two spouses waited in the car.

It had been 70 days since the incident of Trevor's cruelties and scandals that had been exposed in the internet. As that had not been enough, the landlord informed the ex boss that he had schemed his salary wage and bought the mansion and car with a HUGE debt. The mansion, the car, the luxuries in the house had all been stripped and used as pawnshops tax to pay off the debt, leaving Trevor penniless and ended up in homeless shelter.

Irony, the ones who were with him were quick to disown him when he stumbled at his lowest point. No wonder the guy's a satan. As if the environment wasn't toxic enough!

The trio had recalled the conversations they had with the nerds that exploited Trevor at the school reunion party .

"I would like to say thank you, Bob, for standing up to me. If it weren't for you, I would probably ended up committing suicide", the man in green joked as the trio attended his party in his mansion.

"Don't say that. Some people will always be mean and sometimes there's nothing we can do", Bob said ."But I am grateful for having a loving family and friends who were there for me"

Calvin sighed before he asked "Em, Leo? About the time you rant, about him being illegitimate, what were you implying?"

The man in green sighed before he began "His father turned out to have an affair with another woman. That can cause such turmoil that slowly consume one to do evil things", he sighed before he continued "You see, I found a classified document and pass it to the CEO to give that jackass a piece of his mind. The irony part was, all the workers there resented him"

Maggie sipped her tea as she blurted "I don't understand. I thought he only picked on weak people because for power of the in-crowd. He seemed two faced when he was with other people. I had no idea he let that slip out during his work. I guess he was so used to get away with everything"

"He was a miserable person. Not only he came from someone's misery, the father's wife family did not take kindly to the mistake and forced the father to sent into adoption or - but the mistress begged to keep him due to her genuine feelings. The wife had her in bars as she died a few days later. From the outside, he may have a perfect family, a luxurious house two parents that took care of him but it was the opposite of that. The wife's family treated him like he was some sort of disease. They did not gave him presents, never show moral or emotional support and even ban him from entering their houses or join dinner. The wife did not even stop nor did she not say anything. As you can guess, the wife is insanely rich. She got the best of everything from her wealthy family and the husband just merely living off her money as he did work a bit. He may did ok when he was in childhood at school but he never got over the fact that he had to live in a very toxic environment where people viewed him as a mistake and his father is too engrossed with money. It did not take long before he started to mingle with the bad boys. Boys from trouble, dysfunctional family. He was easily influenced out of peer pressure and gaining their esteem. Once they picked on random kids, it suddenly turned into a drug. He loved the power and tended to keep it that way. So he keeps going until he started to become crueler, a bully with his fans following him. He was a dick, he bossed his friends around as well with the threat of kicking them out. He picked the weak ones out of boredom or they are annoying. He did quite average, enough to get away from that house to buy himself a home. He then started to have a lying habit. He lied to his colleagues at college that he came from a very rich loving family that lavished him with expensive gifts, while his stepmother barely gave a penny to him. He lied that he was from Harvard. He lied he met with Obama. He even lie over the fact he's a change person. At the same time he hated the weak, cause to him, the weak did not deserve the kindness whereas he had to work so hard to earn their esteem while being perfectly normal"

The trio were in shock over the explanation. That explains why Trevor was relentless on being a jackass and being two- faced. It was his way of coping with grief and survival. They never expected him to come from such a background. And, yes, maybe a little thought ran to their mind as why he used to pick on people when he had everything. I suppose everything comes from inside the house, they mused.

The man in turquoise scowled "That does not excuse ONE to be a shit of a person. He made most of OUR lives a living hell, just because he had hell himself in his home.He is lucky none of us resort to suicide as we knew he was never a good person. Bob, you might not get picked if you hadn't defended Leo. So, thank you soo much."

"Of, course. It would be haunting to let someone alone in despair", as they all had known, Bob is known for being extremely selfless. "I have no regrets. I rather be humiliated for what I stand for than being his slaves"

"Now, serve his sorry ass right for not only being exploited, he had to live in slums. He got what he deserve for being a dick", Calvin happily stated as he hugged his wife.

Bob, however was deep in thoughts. A part of him feel luck to have good family that always had his back. He really felt bad when Trevor got every catastrophe slapped in his face. As cruel as he is, Bob did not enjoy seeing him in agony and wished to sort things out. Somehow...


Bob had registered his names in the attendant book before he was escorted to one of the rooms and sure enough, a clueless Trevor spun around in curious as Bob entered in.

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