The Gift (2015 film) Simon Callum

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PS: Bateman's performance is soo great that I hate him so much to the point I realize he successfully portrayed a sociopath villain smoothly. But the ending of 'The Gift' leaves the audience in doubt as while it is great to have a cliffhanger ending, it doesn't foreshadow whatever the fuck that will happen next. He will find out and stop Gordon since he is A relentless asshole!!! BTW, enjoy....

Damn i.... Damn it!!!!!!!!!!

His body send shivers as he instinctively jolt his body from the comfort mattress. Fuck! Simon ran his hands on his sweaty forehead as he wheezed harshly for air. He had took a nap after that..... damn it....

He glanced at his sideways and grabbed his watch on the coffee table by his left. 8:00 p.m. It was 4 hours after he solemnly left the hospital. His dear Robyn, his soon ex wife had put a restraining order against him and he, for once does not blame her. He actually chuckled darkly, how in the living hell can he once genuinely love her at the first place? He will openly admitted the feeling began with mutual attraction as the 'good career' and 'beauty' attribute to their romantic feelings. It was a very alienated feeling! Consider what he had done, yes, that is right! He is very aware of what he had done. But, he cursed darkly, hate it or not, what Gordon stated does leave a scratch or two.... a liar will never believe anyone! He loved Robyn with all his heart, because, for once, he manage to see an angelic heart trying to fit in the cruel world. He does love her! And will always! He swore it wasn't games trick but..........

Thud! He gasped as he heard loud footsteps coming from outside that became clearer as it descended the hall. Fear it to be an intruder or Gordo, he jumped out of bed and grab the nearest weapon he could find, a baseball and burst out of the room and lunged into....

"For God's sake, what do you think you're doing?!", he widened his eyes in horror as he lowered his weapon. He glanced at the visitor or to be precise visitors with a tinge of shame as his sister in law, Sarah and his own younger sister, Terra (yeah, I just randomly name it) glanced at him with a surprisingly unfazed and bland looks on their face.

"Why, hey!", Simon awkwardly laughed as he tried to diffuse the silence as he scratched his back "I didn't know you were dropping by! Just gone to visit Robyn right? Must be quite exhausting after work to visit her and now me. Let me just....."


Terrified, Simon stumble on the floor on his knees. It did not hurt him that bad but he was actually horrified to find Sarah punched him on his left cheek. He was always in hostile with Sarah, although instead of hate, it was actually fear, since she has a reputation for.....

"Got some fucking nerves! You destroyed someone's life and you pretend that nothing the fuck is happening!", Simon exhaled. His sister probably informed her about his scandal in his job and got fired. Since ironically, the two seemed inseparable.

"It was a mistake. I..I had to!", ironically, he stammered. Fuck, this is very unlike him. Was he going to break?! "It..... It was a one time offer and I had to loose some screws to secure the post. He is a smart and I'm sure he can find job somewhere else!", he expected them to calm down and when they widened their eyes in horror and disgusted, he was indeed frantic.

"Unbelievable", His sister buried her face in horror as she sobbed. "I cannot believe you done it again!", fuck, he really is screwed. "You really DO have NO REMORSE!!!!!! How could you do this?! How could you turn into a satan?! How could you be a cureless disease?! I cannot believe you lied to me and mom! She..."

"Mom knew?!"

"She was with us! We were on the way from the gift shop to visit Robyn. Then 2 guys in suits came to us. They mentioned your name in document. Mom was frantic! Then they showed us the videotape they install in their Ipad! You raped a boy! A young boy! And you and Greg were laughing maniacally!!!!!! I had to watched 3 times to confirm!!!!! Mom threw up! She did not cry! She was in the verge on strangling you, saying you became just like dad...."

"I am nothing like that asshole! I-"

"Severely worse, that's right! She coldly said she had no son. They can do whatever the fuck they want!, she screamed. Sarah had to put her in consolation therapy and we send her home."

"DO YOU KNOW THAT IS CALLOUS AND DOWNRIGHT FUCKING SADISTIC?! HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SIMPLY CLAIM IT WAS A RESCUE WHEN YOU FUCK RAPE HIM?! I CANNOT SEE YOU AS A BROTHER ANYMORE!!!", Sarah surprisingly remained calm and rubbed Terra's back as she coughed harshly. Simon was in lost of thoughts. He never thought the truth can be unveil, he always managed to snoop in and pretend nothing happen. Well, if it isn't for....

"We actually came by to pick up Robyn's stuff. We all made peace about it. Good for her mind. Her doctor called me. She wants to separate. She had already filed for divorce papers after all the chaos.", Sarah informed in a calmly matter of fact tone. She was taller than both of them and is quite strong despite her slim figure. She left the two as she went to pick up her sister's belongings. She rounded the entire house to ensure she got what she left.

Simon was indeed in frantic "It was only a one time! We were from a senior party and were quite drunk. We decided to have a little fun with Gordon seeing him alone and weird as he is......"

"Why?! Why did you bully people?! Why did you rape Gordon?! Why did you have no remorse?!"

" It was a onetime...."

"The case where Tiffany was prank for being big and freckles where she was cyberbullied. You tricked her into thinking you are a prince charming and then saying she is a whore! She hung herself the next day! You can just shrugged like nothing happen"

"She was desperate..."

"Tom. For having a great score in projects and you blackmail into rape unless he exchanged the scores in the finals.."

"It's not my fault he is downright a pussy!"

"Kelly. Jerry. Holmes. Tim.  All blackmails and rape threats. And convinced your 'fans' that you are a hero!!!! I'm not a fucking idiot! I just ran into some of your old by accident and found these documents where you even pretend to be a fucking lawyer to prevent from pressing charges!!!"

"It was a long time ago. It's not my fault I have good social skills. It's not my FUCKING FAULT not all can do the same in the social fuck community! It's not my fault the kids like me for being charming and clever. It's not my fucking fault everyone is a pussy."

"And now, Danny! He is equally struggling in life like you used to and you easily framed him. And thankfully the boss is kind to run into an investigation and find the truth!!!"

FUCK! So that is Not his doing. So...

"Why? Why are you this cruel?!"


"Don't use the father bullshit on me!!!!!! He left us when you were 10 and he is a narcissist monster who puts his needs before us. Mom got it worse! Bruises! Left and right! Me for being a girl and girls are weak and you only got a minor! Being called hopeless for not being him!!!"


"No excuse for being a satanic demon here! Why?! Why the fuck torment people like that?!"


"Or maybe Robyn is right! You never felt remorseful because you are a bully. Always. Fucking. Are!!!!!!", that does it. He did not know but suddenly his internal conflict just flushed out of his brain and he screamed hysterically.


" are not my brother. He is dead the moment father left us. He.....he is long gone. The brother I knew would never hurt people because I remember that he promised to be kind and not his father", Terra rambled in sobs. Simon was in complete ransack.

Sarah came to them with the stuffs in her hands "It is done. I'll put the stuff in my trunk", she turned before she cast him an indifferent look "Oh, by the way, there is another thing you need to know about the other video"

The other  video? What does she mean? Wait, is it....

Heavy footsteps thundered along the pavement as Simon for once, ignored what is behind his back as he stared hysterically at Sarah. "About Robyn's being attacked. The one that rape her..."

Officers and the men in suit stood by the doorway, one man in suit had a videotape in his hand. His friends from school, college and work all stared at the scene in horror. Robyn folded her arms as the truth had been unveiled with Terra's mother by her side with her baby son before Greg appeared as he limped forward. He can be seen heavily bruised as he hiccuped his tears as Simon was sweating "Is your precious best friend who got involved in the raping and torments for fun...."



Everything had been run smoothly! With all the evidence in tape as well as some of the colleges' recorded the video. The case in the court had been resolved. Aside from Robyn's full custody, divorce and restraining order for her and her family, the scandals from the school to his work had all been unlocked as the members of the school staff and work place, especially the bosses and headmaster had all been presented the very next day. All of the big bosses shared an extreme disappointment look at their 'so called' hero, Simon.

Simon could not believe he is still alive. After his rant, some mob of the victims' family ran and beat the crap out of him briefly before the officers had to pull them away from killing him. Fuck! He wiped the bruises of his face as he sat on the bed on his cell. This is nothing! He can get away with it! He is.....

Fortunately, Robyn's life had not been affected. A lot of her friends from university and work had come and supported her as the victim for the bullies game. With the video and some messages she had saved in her phone to pass it to the lawyers, Robyn's family had successfully managed to be free from the society eyes. Let the devils carry their own sins. Hell, some of the mean girls actually came and apologized to her as they were being insecure and jealous. But to her, it does not matter to her anymore. As long as her family is safe, she is in serene.

Her sister and mother ex in law had been the victims as well. In fact, Terra had always been picked due to her big stature but thanks to her strong- willed, she managed to defend herself without causing permanent damage to the others. They too had win a restraint order as they disowned Simon without even looking at him. The only regret is, if only they had known sooner..

Greg had been stripped from his job and surprisingly admit those scandals as he deeply regret. When asked about Robyn, he glared at him "Because he always got the nice things! He was always the leader! The Mr Perfect! My wife left me for another attractive man and Robyn has a ####able body!!!" His income will be quarter reduced for Robyn's child support as well as had been sentence to 16 years in prison with no manor.

Simon still attained his self entitled 'innocent' look as he glared at the witnesses in the room. This is all Gordon's fault! If not he is still happily gulped on his whiskey with his friends. Yes, it is his!!! There is no fucking way he will be exposed that easily.

Sarah had caught a glimpse of the relentless narcissist demon as he still try to remain his pride. She shook her head and smiled faintly. She thought to herself as she mused. No wonder why some actions is necessary to be messy and evil. Or it will be infected like the Spanish flu disease.

Simon was surprised when he was left scot- free for a few days with a condition, he will be transferred to another state. He smiled evilly as he stared at the ceiling above him while he rest on his cell bed. He will be loved and those fuckers will know what hid them!!!!!

Sadly, his end was about to come near.......


To say his release was a commotion can be an understatement.

After his case with these scandals, the newspaper had named him a 'Narcissist Demon' on the front page the very next day. As a result, the entire state and possibly world had known about his bullying and scandals. Google news chuffed in a jiffy as the users can easily clicked and read about his scandals. Despite it was about 3 days ago, the state had been fueled with anger and horror as they read the terrible acts of his without remorse!

Most people nearby glared at him. In fact, most people made an attempt to isolate themselves from him as they ran to the next building. Some spit and some wished he was dead. Some gave a mock face as some stayed silent as he walked by. He strutted to where the assigned car had been waiting for him.

Don't worry! He mused! Next time he will be careful! Those victims can't even find a thing to apprehend him. He will be saluted and everything will be back to normal!

The 2 officers that escorted him to ensure he caused no more harm to anyone, followed him as they waited by the pavement of his previous house. The house had been posted for sale as the Robyn's family had moved to somewhere isolated place. Hehe..... don't worry, he will come back for her. Robyn will be his no matter what she said!!!!!!

He filled his stuff in trunk as he got in the back seat before the car drove away. An hour later, the car stopped in the middle of nowhere with only a detour sign on the road. He groaned as he found out he was no longer in handcuffs. He noticed the officers were not in their seats. Frantically, he got out of the car and retained the urge to scream to find himself alone at midnight with no living things nearby.

"Hello!!!HEY!!!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU????!!!!", Simon shouted hysterically.

"You know, for a narcissist, you are quite a coward", Simon spun and let out a sigh of relief as Sarah came out from her car. Her white sling bag on her left shoulders as she stopped far away from Simon with folded arms. "How unexpected of you to pass by!"

"Sarah! How I am glad to see you!", if she noticed, she remained unfazed. This was the first time he showed genuine concern instead trying to defend his demonic actions.

"Those fuckers left me to rot!!! What are they thinking?! They think I am some sort of monster! They should apprehend Gordon. He is a loser and a weirdo and will always be!!!"

"Cool yourself before you lose sanity again!", Sarah instructed coldly as she unzipped her water bottled and toss it to Simon who gulped it with no hesitation.

"You know, I always knew it was a ploy. I was a loser for trying to cheat on Danny than have faith in myself, I admit. I should try harder to get a promotion!!!! Now Robyn realize it was that loser's fault and ask you to pick me up. It's OK!!! She is on confinement. I will take care of her. You don't need to........"


He threw up a green material from his mouth as he dropped to his knees as he stared at the ground in horror.

"You know what they say about narcissist. Their lives can be destroyed with truth.", Sarah merely shrugged as she walked closer to the demon.

"Robyn and I had been together ever since our childhood after our parents death. I was only 18 that time as soon as I was fresh out of foundation for ecologist. I became an owl. My family relationships are close and I tend to ensure my sister got the best life I could get. Life had been hard. Some girls tend to ridicule her for being too 'bookworm' and has natural beauty. Not severe as physical but can still leave an impact on someone's mind. My life wasn't that fantastic as well. As a child, I excelled in swimming that I got rewarded in global competition. And you know how the world viewed me. Not only because I'm young, I am a woman. There's a silver lining behind them. I got to know the true colors of people, know how the real world works and learn to be observant and cautious. While some are fine with me, I got some nasty reviews from some competitions. One time I had to knock them down because they tried to grope me"

That's why, Simon suddenly remembered. She had a reputation for being fearless and ruthless at necessary. She doesn't give a flying fuck about people and can take care of herself. And that's what shielded her from the world.

"It's true people will respect us but there will always, ALWAYS be people who are relentless to bring us down. By teasing, mocking or anything to make sure we are down. That's inevitable, you know. It makes more sadder because aside from seeing me as a threat, they tend to justify themselves their beliefs that I am a woman"

What does that have to do with me?, Simon blinked heavily as he exhaled harshly.

"I never got to taste friends. I was the odd one who prefer solitary, but that is my choice. One day, I met this person who seemed shy but a gentleman who I happened to bump into while jogging. He comes from a religious kinship house that practiced the bible itself. We got connected through our same common, solitary. I prefer reading, writing and view the skylight while he preferred meditation and forest bathing. He seemed odd due to his sheltered life being home- schooled so the debut leaves a shocking to say the least. Suddenly, out of the blue, he got molested. He was aware of some cruel remarks from mean kids but tend to ignore them as most of them deemed him weird, due to satans run the school. The saddest part, most of them know the truth but choose to ignore them. The minor said out of fear being the next target and did not want to escalate to severity but most of them justified that weaklings did not deserve respect and satans always wins. I cried and consoled him the very day he got out of the school. I accompanied him back home. His father went berserk over his dearest son being gay, so killing will be best option to avoid any unwanted voices, they say. He too came from a loving family. His entire family tried to protect him but the father was engrossed with horror as he tried to lunge a knife at him but ended up accidentally killing himself", as she explained the last parts, Sarah's face hidden in shadows.

"How sad. I was with him till the very end. He did not deserved it. Not when he was about to taste the freedom of real world. He was in many attempts to take out his own life but me and his family prevented him. I calmly told him if he did it, those satans will win. Their cruel maltreatment will be justified, their mental illness echoed. So, we managed to pull ourselves together. He resumed home schooled until he left for Afghanistan. Let me tell you, man. Some people out there proved to be the kindest soul despite their own battle with personal problems. He still remained traumatized but was grateful that most of them minded their own business. He graduated bachelor in only 2 years!", Sarah cast a strange smile as Simon sweated more. "That's right, dear. He prefers solitary, remember? I and his family knew as we were there. We had been married or eloped would be the best word. I promised him we would make our status official as soon as we found those demons. I worked as an ecologist while Robyn just happened to work at the same company...", she added in disdain. "-with you"

"As a sister, I had to make sure the person would never bring harm to her. So, I casually invited him to our house. And what do I find? A boy who stutter like a brat that refused to even look at me out of fear? Ironic. And they say satans are cruel and sadistic! And he did not even know me. He looked me in the eye and a flash of fear appeared in his eyes. Like he was checking on me and realize that I would be the wrong person to be messed with. I was worried for Robyn. Perhaps the man really love her. He did not even acknowledge any women. Sincere or in his twisted ways. It's hard to put the facts straight when he was soo used to be cruel and lying so , technically, he felt alienated as the wedding was about to come near. There, I found some of his friends. I face timed my husband and he confirmed the faces of those involved with the scandal. It was a great time. His friend, Ahmad happened to be involved with court and with my husband's permission, I seduced all of them and had them in truth serum in their drinks to make sure I got their confession. Of course I did not ask them directly. That is not my style and I'm not stupid to know they will probably get suspicious. So I asked them about their life, belief, friends and what's the best thing they had made. Their common answer, hate the weakling. Let me give you a proper education about weaklings. I too hate weaklings. It proves they have no will to follow their heart and too gullible to believe every word without their own philosophy. But their philosophy is to punish the weak and show them that strong deserved respect. I asked what their parents felt. Some felt proud but most of them had disowned or probably from dysfunctional family that they had misguidance. I left them in court. I went to Greg. Surprisingly, he was successful despite his cruel nature. He really did regret, saying he did out more out of fear being expunged and the ironic part, he always resented his friend. It can be an understatement. Considered, he had been the leader and got the best of everything, not to mention got away with anything. So there's a high chance of backstabbing going on. But never expected to take out on an innocent woman so the big sister got to play the role, right?", Simon try to register the story as he threw up more acid.

"I wish I had seen that coming. That is both me and my husband's mistake. He too was also shock, seeing as they are cliquey and inseparable. So he needed to act quick. He had met with Robyn and her spouse earlier before the assault. I was there during the dinner to make sure nothing happen to him and Robyn. I was also there when Robyn and him argued and he never felt remorse. I then realize that narcissist sociopaths will do anything to ruin people image because theirs can be ruined with truth. I was behind my husband when he got attacked. I was about to lunge at him but my husband, being the gentleman told me to calm down. I gathered all the evidence and using his friend's connection managed to secure videos from the school. Funny. If they were all cutting- edged, this whole fiasco will be over. But then another catastrophe will land as most of them will choose to commit suicide, especially the leader, who had a very OPINIONATED AND ABUSIVE father who would lunge at anything trigger him", she voiced those highlighted words in heavy sarcasm. Simon started to piece together to realize.....

"Of course the man never felt remorseful. Aside from having a huge mental illness but managed to win the crowd with his charm,he managed to get away with anything. Seeing that wasn't the first time he had done something cruel, that's why he has such a huge testicles to sabotage his rival in the company. I sent him flowers and words of encouragement to keep work hard and be kind so he will NOT ended up like his loser rival. He is doing much better now and had received respect. You see, dear. These thoughts can only be your prison and paranoia, seeing as you always get anxious and uncomfortable to someone more ALPHA. You can be a successful person and live and happy and friends who loved you, but you will always be haunted by your sins and gets frantic whenever there are hints that could expose you."

"Yo...Your husband? Come on! Don't tell me it's....", Sarah dug into her back with her left hand and took out a pocket pistol. She walked to him with a hostile expression. "I always knew there is something wrong with you the moment I met you. Infidelity? No. Shy? Absolutely ridiculous! Fear of being found out? Can be of it. Fear of being exposed as a liar? 100 percent yes! My husband suffered PTSD not because of war, but due to actions on your own free cruel will. And the saddest part, I knew you are never going to change. I can see in a blink of an eye you are plotting something. Narcissist may win the crowds heart, but I noticed they are too busy to make themselves look perfect behind the cruel actions, they will always be haunted of constant slight fear of being exposed and too busy looking for blames than your mistake.", she took out the file about Gordon and destroyed it in bullets. "Everyone knows you can never trust a liar. A broken man with no life? That is a vile crap! He was broken but slowly regaining his life back and was as successful as always. I suppose due to his solitary, he prefer to celebrate in private.", Simon, at this point had turned extremely pale not because of the gun, but Sarah, as if she was a precise surgeon that would cut deep even with no pain killer. For once, he had no respond for her saying because fuck, every fucking detail is a precise truth.

"And sadly, I cannot let this satan roam around and cause tragedy to anyone anymore. It would be too much to severe the situation by those who are too prideful to change. Look on the bright side.", she clocked her gun. "At least all your worries will fade. And you can presume in your perfect life of boy wonder, being loved by everyone", with that, a single shot on his forehead took out a devil's soul that will soon face his consequences in hell.

"That is pure horror, ma'am", one of the officers came out of the bushes as he sighed "As promised, you can only have a shot"

"And thank you again", Sarah said gratefully "I had rid the world of this toxic being. Now no one can be the victims of his abuse", she gave the knife to the officer as she left the devil's corpse.

"I had every word being recorded for more alibi to the court to ensure no twisted words being manipulated", another officer said.

Before they can see, Gordon appeared out of nowhere and smiled lovingly at his wife, who ran up to him in his arms "Now, we can finally live in peace"

"Not so fast.", he said in his soft voice " As promise, a treat to the fish and chips shop to celebrate your 4 months pregnancy of the twins."

"Can't it be later?", she groaned softly.

"Sorry. A deals a deal. I had to treat my angel who had been there for me", Gordon said softly as he kissed her forehead.

"We will inform the court and your sister about this. Until now, bon' voyage", the officers wrapped the corpse and threw them in the trunk before the car drove to full speed and left the road in peace.

Gordon lifted her and sobbed softly "Thank you very much for being there for me. If it wasn't for you, my family would disown me alongside my father. Thank you that Robyn had been spared from their never ending toxic cycle. I still cannot believe I am still alive"

"But you are now. You are a sole survivor. You proved to those rascals that you had survived the extreme. They had it coming. The school had sent an apology letter and invited you to their reunion. We can now start refreshing new", Sarah and Gordon left to enter their car and left the scene at full speed.

"Yes. But only if you accompany me.", Gordon pleaded as his hands on the wheels.

"Yes. Now, let's go have a feast", Sarah smiled as she glanced at the side roads in serenity.

With their good careers and kept a good private life, the two had started a happy and content family. Gordon had been very protective of his children and Sarah had ensured that most of them had received full awareness of the cruelty of the world and learnt self-defense martial arts. Robyn had long welcomed Gordon with open arms and he introduced her to one of his friends, Ahmad, a court army genius, who helped them. He's quite attractive, who's tall and wore glasses. the two of them like each other and there is a spark which is full of serenity and sooner they got married and remained love as ever. He accepted the child and treat him as his.

As for the verbal bullies, they had gone to severe depressions. Their families disowned them and all their 'friends' had rid of them out of inconvenient. Sad but karma can be a bitch! Some of them had accepted death already. Greg, however, as soon as he was released, he received extreme hostility from his surroundings that he could bear no longer to quickly move to another state. Gordon and Sarah had long placed restraint order for their families sake. The two of them vowed to always be there for another.

Lesson learnt, dear. The best revenge is to show them you are a better person that has great life no matter what they say. And sooner or later, everyone sits with their banquets of consequences.

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