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Gif by ivrypetals

══════✮❁•°♛°•❁✮ ══════

August 1980

𝗧𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗔 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗦𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗨𝗦 walked into the last house of Godrics' Hallow. Today they were going to finally meet Harry. For the past nine months, Toula had been counting down the days left until she could finally hug James and Lily's little baby. Sweet little Harry was merely a few days old, and Toula felt like she was meeting the prime minister.

Toula giggled as they waited at the door step. "Oh I just can not wait to see him. Lily sent me an owl saying he looks just like James "

Suddenly, James opened the front door.

"Hey Padfoot, Toula." James smiled as he hugged them.

"Blimey Prongs look rough mate." Sirius said entering the house.

"It's been bloody crazy these last few days. Harry behaves great and all, it's just we have to change his nappy and feed him every like twenty minutes. Plus with this damn war and the prophecy "

The prophecy had concluded that James and Lily's little baby, Harry, or Frank and Alice Longbottom's baby, Neville, was going to be able to defeat and destroy Lord Voldemort himself.

Making Voldemort and Death Eaters go after them. Which was why Lily and Alice had to go into hiding through their entire pregnancy.

As only the Order of Phoenix knew of the Potter's location, they had chosen Peter as their secret keeper. As Sirius would be a too obvious choice and Remus was apparently 'untrustworthy' in Sirius' opinion. Causing Remus and Sirius to be in a fight with each other currently.

Toula rubbed James' shoulder. "Well ... you have Peter as the secret keeper. Who is very trustworthy and dependable. In fact — where is Peter?"

James shrugged. "Merlin knows where. He came yesterday but he seemed like he's under a lot of stress lately. But who isn't these days."

"What about Remus?" Toula asked.

Sirius growled. "Don't speak of that son of a —"

Toula gave Sirius a stern look. "I'm sick of talking about this with you Sirius Orion Black. Remus is just as trustworthy as anyone else. Remus Lupin does not have any type of qualities to being a Death Eater. We've known him for a long time and do not accuse Remus just because of his little "

"Furry problem." James interrupted awkwardly. "That's what I call it."

"Yes!" Toula stated, "Don't blame his little furry problem."

"Alright." Sirius mumbled.

James sighed trying to break the tension. "Anyways, want to go upstairs and meet Harry? He's quite friendly to everyone really. Only gets grumpy when he doesn't get fed."

Toula clapped. "Oh I just can't wait to meet him!"

James lead Sirius and Toula upstairs to the first room. The room was a light shade of baby blue and had little cloud stickers all over the walls. There laid a cooing Lily standing over Harry, who was in his crib.

"Oh hi Sirius, Toula. God it feels like forever since I've seen you two." Lily smiled as she hugged them both.

"Hi Lils, James was right. Harry is so behaved for a baby." Toula told her.

"I know right? He barely cries, only when he wants milk." Lily laughed as she held Harry in her arms and placed him into Toula's.

Toula rocked her arms as she kissed Harry's forehead. "Well aren't you the sweetest thing?"

Harry's big beady green eyes looked deep into Toula's brown ones.

"Aww he likes you!" Sirius smiled.

"Oh he's got your eyes Lily." Toula cooed as she stroked Harry's cheek. "Let's hope he doesn't inherit any mischievous ways from James."

"Of course he'll inherit mischief. Harry's an honorary marauder after all." Sirius chuckled.

"Let's just pray that he doesn't end up doing something stupid at Hogwarts." Toula mumbled.

"Like drive a car into the Whomping Willow." Lily joked.

"Or make a map of secret passageways in Hogwarts." Toula added laughing.

Sirius smirked as he held Harry in his arms. "Who knows, maybe we should get one of these eh Toula?"

Toula smiled sadly. "Oh I can only dream."

Unfortunately, Toula and Sirius had been trying to conceive for the past few months. But continually failed. The doctor had told Toula it would be very hard for her to have children months ago. And all Toula wanted in the whole wide world was to be a mother of her own, and she couldn't even achieve that. After Toula had seen Ambrosia, Alice, and Lily with their new babies, it seemed like the world just didn't want Toula and Sirius to have a family together.

Lily hugged her friend. "Don't worry Toula, the time will come when it's meant to be."

"Thank you Lily."

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