The Real Chapter 6

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GUYS I MISSED A WHOLE CHAPTER SOMEHOW????? This is a Chapter. I noticed when I was rereading this that something was missing because SOMTHING WAS MISSSSIIIINNNNGGGGGGG and this was it!!!!!

So now yall get an update, and another chapter that I somehow missed??????????

Jamie Reyes, this is a bad idea.

And perhaps that was the only thing that Jamie caught from the Scarab's long and infuriating speech, because he completely agreed. Why in the world, with the life that Jamie lived in, did he doubt that there might actually be a turtle-eating-monster in Bart's room? It's not like he hasn't seen weirder things-- like the fact that there was a freaking piece of alien tech that was meant to take over him and the world on his back-- and it wasn't like he wasn't open minded when it came to the ideas of magic and supernatural beings. He figured that the reason he hadn't believed was because it had come out of Bart's mouth. Bart doesn't necessarily lie, but he does tend to over-exaggerate things until you can say that that was not how it happened, at all.

As soon as Jamie had entered Bart's room, Bart clinging to his arm to the point that he might as well have just been hanging off of it, the door closed behind them. Just like Bart had said, it didn't open again. The Scarab happily informed him that now, Bart could easily escape the room the same way he did the first time, but there was nothing that Jamie could do without the Scarab's help.

It only got worse after that.

The only real sound that was in the room was Bart's battery-run filter from the fish tank, but Jamie was sure he could hear something else. It was the kind of noise that you were sure you heard it, but then you doubt yourself because the noise doesn't happen again and you're left with this lingering uncertainty. Bart's room also happened to be a mess, which wasn't such a surprise, but in the darkness of the room every shadow and pile of clothing on the floor looked like another thing that might jump out at them.

Suddenly, Bart's tears didn't seem worth pushing off his falling OTPs and hours cuddled under his reading lamp.


"Pinkie Pie!" Jason jumped, pulling a face of pure horror. "Don't!"

Tim's eyes were as wide as saucers. "She's going to ruin the whole plan!"

Dick curled up into a ball and hid behind his hands. "I can't watch."

L'gaan stared at the brightly colored TV screen with eyes of disinterest, "Are they serious?" He asked. He glanced at Artemis, who just shrugged. M'gann looked confused. He knew that the Bat boys were odd, they had figured that out a long time ago, but this was...

A scream suddenly pierced the air, and in an automatic reaction, Jason yelled, "F***!" pulled out his Kryptonite gun and shot two bullets straight at the TV, eyes closed. The images of ponies immediately died out and he cracked one eye open before realizing what he had done.

Tim's eyes narrowed in a glare and turned to look at Jason accusingly. Dick looked at the TV in disbelief. Stephanie's face slowly, slowly started to turn red under her mask.

"Red," She said, in a dangerously low voice, and M'gann wondered if they were going to do anything about where the scream originated from. "Now we'll never know what happens."

"The plan..." Dick said, still in shock. "Pinkie Pie..."

Tim jumped Jason with fists and pure fury and Spoiler joined him soon after, and Dick sincerely still looked like he had just watched someone kick a puppy.

Artemis coughed to catch their attention, "Guys? The yelling.... Someone might, ya' know... Need us?"

None of the boys (and Steph) even bothered to look up. Dick yelled something like, "Screw dead bodies!" before joining in the fight, which seemed to be more of a lets-punch-whoever-we-can than an actual Jason-you-ass fight.

Artemis eventually gave up, because it really seemed like the Bats didn't care, and she lead Lg'aan and M'gann down the hallway to people's personal rooms where she was sure the sound had come from. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and Artemis was about to turn around and leave and dismiss it as Bart finding another spider in his room before the screech resounded again. It sent a chill right down to her core, the intensity and pure fear in the scream, and she could feel goosebumps rise on her arms.

And it came from... Bart's room. And it was too real to have just been a spider-infestation problem.

Lg'aan tried to open the door, but the key pad refused to recognize them, and the door wouldn't budge. Miss Martian used her telekinesis to blast the door in, and Artemis stepped in first, her weapons drawn and ready. It was dark, the light from the hallway seeping over the clothes and books strewn on the floor. On the bed there was a blanket placed over two lumps, and it took a while for Artemis to figure out that the lumps were people.

She walked slowly, cautiously toward the brown sheet and on the count of a mental three, she threw the sheet off, her bow staff pointing at the people under there.

Jamie and Bart both let out the same kind of shriek she had heard earlier, eyes closed and mouths open, hugging each other like two chicks watching a horror film and the screaming didn't stop, not until Artemis shouted, "Guys--Guys!" And they recognized her voice, slowly calmed down but didn't untangle their limbs. They were shaking and Bart had tears streaming down his face, Jamie looked close to following.

"Oh, my gosh," M'gann flew over, she slowly helped them to their shaking feet and hugged each of them. She could really feel the raw emotion poring off of them in waves. "What happened?!?"

"It took Flashamoozle," Bart muttered, and he shuttered.

Jamie glared at him for a second before saying, "Something... Broke in to the cave. I'm not sure what it was, but Scarab says it had the readings of a human."

"Human?" Steph suddenly leaned into the room from the doorway, causing M'gann to jump. "Like, people human? Short and sounded like the ten year old son of the Devil?"

Bart blushed, "It did sound like a kid. A murdering, blood thirsty, turtle-eating--"

Tim popped next to Steph and said, "It sounds like the Devil Spawn."

Jason laughed, "The Turtle-eating is new."

"Eh," Dick said, putting a hand on Tim's shoulder. "There's a lot about him you don't know." He sighed before continuing his walk. "C'mon, we can finish the episode in my room."

"F*** yeah," Jason said, quickly following.

"Oooooh," Steph squealed, "I bet you ten bucks it's Rainbow Dash who saves the day!"

Tim stared at his team mates, looking torn for a second before saying, "Guys, we should look for Little D."

Steph groaned, turning around, her brothers doing the same. "Tiiiiiiiimmmmyyyyy!!"

Dick sighed, "Now that you said it, we have to do it."

"Stupid Devil Spawns," Jason cursed. "If we find a dead body, you can't let him blame it on me."

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