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"Hn." Was the only thing heard from two black haired teens glaring at each other. Next to them a poor ice cream man tried to hide under his stall hoping the two wouldn't attack him.

"Hnnnn." Kyoya hnned with a smirk.

"Hnnn." Sasuke hnned with a glare.

Behind Kyoya, Tsuna facepalmed completely understanding what the two were saying and finding it ridculous.

Behind Sasuke, Sakura was squealing as usual while Naruto just looked confused. Kakashi was reading his porn and ignoring everything.

"Hnn." Kyoya hnned making Tsuna give him a 'really, Kyoya?' Look.

"HNNN!" Sasuke hnned growling angrily. Kyoya took out his tonfas and Sasuke started making handsigns.

Tsuna sighed before making his way toward's Sasuke's team. Kakashi looked up from his book as he approached.

"Sorry about Kyoya he tends to get into fights." Tsuna started.

"That's fine Sasuke was getting angsty anyway." Kakashi stated starting to observe the fight as Sasuke got a tonfa to the gut and Kyoya dodged a fireball.

"Well you better have a medic, cause if I were to call Ryohei it would make things worse." Tsuna stated grimacing at the thought.

"Sakura should have enough training, plus she wouldn't accept anything else." Kakashi stated and Tsuna hummed.

"Sensei, who's this?" Sakura asked noticing Tsuna.

"Oh forgive me, I am Tsunayoshi Sawada of the Vongola Famigila and that over there fighting your teammate over ice cream is Hibari Kyoya my cloud guardian and the Demon of disipline." Tsuna introduced himself and Kyoya with a smile.

"I've never heard of Vongola..." Kakashi trailed off.

"I don't expect you to after all right now we're just travelling through dimensions to find a friend of mine. If you ever see a white-haired, insane, marshmellow eating man just give us a call, we need him back home before he tries to take over the world, again." Tsuna said sighing the last part.

"Again!?!" Naruto screeched before getting a tonfa to the head for being a loud Herbivore. Naruto was out cold
for the rest of the day.

"Oh and Kyoya really doesn't like loud people so I don't recommend yelling." Tsuna commented.

"What's a cloud guardian?" Sakura asked curiously.

"In our world we have this power called dying will flames of the sky and depending on what type you have is your basic personality. Skys like me are usually the bosses of a Famigila and tend to be caring yet strong. Meanwhile clouds like Kyoya tend to be loners but once they find a Famigila they are quite overprotective. The other flame types Rains which are calm, Suns which are hyper, Storms which are viotile, Mists which are deceptive, and Lightnings which are protective." Tsuna explained.

"Sounds interesting, a little like chakra." Kakashi commented.

"That might be the equivalent of this world, anyway I can sense our portal to the next world so I got to get Kyoya and go." Tsuna said and his sky flame lit a top his head before he flew over to the fight grabbed Kyoya and flew into a portal that appeared in the sky.

"... that was interesting anyway Sakura heal Sasuke and I'll wake up Naruto so we can go." Kakashi said hefting Naruto up and whispering in his ear.

"Gah! Kakashi-sensei don't say that in public!" Naruto woke up yelling at Kakashi with a red face. Kakashi only grinned at him and set him down.

AN: Well well well a new oneshot series connected to each other starts.

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