An Enemy Among Us: Chapter 5-

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Ninja's pov.......

"Yes, Biz, I am real." I said.

"How are you here?" Stella asked.

"Let's just say things in the Author's Realm are not going too well. Rumors are spreading of an evil that has returned to haunt and kill all Authors. They say it is because the evil being wants revenge on the ones that banished them into darkness and death. I ran away when I heard about it from my friend Starry. All my friends may be in danger though." I said.

"But enough about that. You have more important things to worry about. Chiz's suspicions were correct: there is a Sentinal spy in your regiment." I added.

"Do you know who it is?" Biz asked.

Yes, I know who it is. Let me warn you first: Don't be so harsh on them. They never signed for spying and they have no choice." I said.

"Can you tell us who it is?" Biz asked.

"I can't exactly interfere with your destinies, but I may be able to help guide some way that I don't know yet." I answered.

I sighed and walked over to the window.

What can I do? I can't save my home or my friends if I can't even save my characters from a very possible enemy confrontation in the future! If only I had some help.....

I know! I'll see if I can call my fellow Authors!

Calling all Authors!
Calling all Authors!

We have a story problem here!
I'm sorry this is such a short chapter. I don't know how I can combine this idea of the Authors with the reveal!

And that is why I'm calling all Authors! I need you're help!

Thanks you guys! You're the best!

-pinkninja out

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