Chapter 26 | In Full

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Dedicated to WillowDream1232

It didn't take much time for Ricky's memory to fully come back. Yet, his confidence didn't. It's been three days since he was attacked. The cops came and got whatever they could out of him, which wasn't much. He didn't really want to have the police involved, even if the club was legal. I've been worried about leaving him alone while I'm working, so I've been asking Angelo to stay at our place during my shift. He has no problem because it gives him a break from Chris. As much as he loves Chris, sometimes he can test love's patience.

Of course he told Ricky to take a much time off as he needs. Unfortunately Ricky's newfound fear of Chris destroyed my plan to get him away from stripping. I was going to get Chris to agree to let him work at his mansion as a maid or something, but that's not going to happen now. I have yet to discuss everything with him. I'm going to go a different route to find the truth though. Chris mentioned Kuza was involved, and I know exactly how to get Mike to break.

I knocked on his dressing room door. The club opens in a half hour. Matt opened the door, half dressed with black lipstick smeared on his chest. I'm not even going to ask...

"Can I talk to Mike privately?" I asked him.

He glanced back to Kuza, who nodded in response. Matt let me in and walked out the room. Him and Mike have been fucking like rabbits ever since they got together. I'm sure neither of them are complaining, but I hope their roommates have good earplugs.

Kuza was on the couch in his dressing room, drinking casually from a bottle of Crown Royal. I sat down next to him as I looked him up and down. He didn't look tipsy yet.

"I've got a proposition for you." I said.

He swigged back a drink and replied, "I'm listening."

"I know you have quite a... thing, for Ricky."

"Mmhmm." Kuza grinned just at the mention of his name.

I wasn't all too happy about that because he already has someone, even if it's casual. Everyone in the club kind of knows that Ricky and I have a thing and they respect that. Just like I respect that Mike has claims on Matt. He doesn't return the courtesy.

"Chris mentioned something about a business venture you and him were involved in. Some really rich guy, that was interested in doing a deal with Chris." I stated.

He shrugged. "Chris does business with a lot of people."

"This one was different. He's Ricky's previous slave owner." Upon saying those words, he tensed up. I continued, "I'll make you a deal. I want to know exactly who that man is and what happened between you, him, Chris, and Ricky. I'll go to great lengths to get that information. Name your price."

"I want to fuck Ricky." Kuza blurted out. Waita be forward.

"Only if I get to be involved. I'm not letting you be alone with him." I responded.

"Oh, so a threesome?" He smirked, to which I nodded. "How 'bout I get to include my little bat baby in it then?"

I snit. "Hm, sounds fun. Deal. Now, spill. What the fuck happened?"

He slammed a heavy drink out of his bottle of liquor. As he wiped his mouth, he sighed. "His name is Ben Bruce. Chris had met this guy a few times at his office. They hit it off well and Ben invited him over to his house for a late dinner. Chris was weary to go by himself, so he brought me along. I guess he assumed since Ben thought he was hot, he'd think I was too because we look alike. Whatever. Anyways, we get there and find out he's quite the collector, of twinks."

I cringed. "Do you have to use that work?"

"Well that's what they were! They were slaves, and he treated them pretty good. At the least the ones I saw. He mentioned something about having a punishment room and cages, but we never saw it. The deal Ben and Chris had on the table was to open a few clubs together. They originally planned on a whole chain, but settled with just the three he has now."

"So Ben has ownership of the clubs?" I asked.

"Yeah, fifty percent. He has so many investments though that he just lets Chris run it as he wants. Ben pushed some of his slaves on us. I went with it, let them kiss all over me, but we were both a little uncomfortable with it. He tried to get us to drink, but Chris declined. So instead he told us he wanted us to just give some of the slaves a try. It was insinuated if we didn't, the deal wouldn't go through. And, it just so happened to be the slave he offered up to Chris was Ricky."

"So he raped Ricky just for a fucking deal?" I spat.

Mike didn't say anything, just glanced away in shame. That confirmed it. Are you fucking kidding me? Chris better pray for his goddamn life, because I'm probably going to kill him the next time I see him. There were a few unanswered questions. Why did Ricky forget about it all until now? How do you just forget that? And, if Ben treated his slaves well, why was Ricky near death when Chris contracted him years later? Even with these open questions, I'm still going to kill Chris.

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