Chapter 34 | Wait This Out

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You know those huge mansions you see in the movies? The ones that you never see in real life because no one realistically owns them? Yeah, that was Ben's house. I can't call it a "house" because that's more than humble. It was a fucking shopping mall's size. Maybe I won't hate this that bad if this is where I'll be living.

Some other people, servants I assume, came out and carried my few belongings to some place, somewhere. Ben was more focused on showing me around first. As we walked through the main corridor, a man came walking around the corner. I couldn't tell if he was tired or drunk, or both. All I knew was he was fucked up and looked like he had just come from having sex.

"Ey, Asshole." Ben teased him. "You just wake up?"

He shook his hair into place a bit, "Yeah. Who's this?"

He looked back at me, "Ah, new toy, but you can call him Ghost."

"Sounds more like a stripper name than a pet name." The man chuckled.

"It is. Or, it was. It's a long story. You look famished. Go have Annie make you some breakfast while I finish showing Ghosty around." Ben instructed him.

He walked away from us. At least attempted to walk but like I said, he was pretty fucked up. Ben made an audible sigh as he watched that guy walk away.

"Boyfriend?" I softly asked.

"Huh? Oh, Lord no. He's straight and not my type. Denis is an old friend of mine. He's got a place of his own but tends to stay here a lot."

"I don't blame him." I chuckled as I took a look around.

"I take it you like it here then?"

I attempted a shrug as I looked at the ground. I wouldn't care if I was living in a mansion. It's not really living without Ricky. I'm sure Ben knew that's where my hesitance came from. He took my around and showed me the rooms that most important to me. First, the library that I could do my studying in. Then the dining room I'd eat in and the room I could get ready in. Even though that room had a bed, he told me he'd prefer me to sleep in his bed at night.

"I don't want you as a slave. You're a pet, and I treat my pets very well." He said. "I'll get you a collar, then we'll go eat breakfast, yeah?"

"Sure." I muttered. "What am I to address you as?"

"Sir works just fine. When we're alone, you can talk to me freely. Around others though, only speak when spoken to." He replied.

"Yes... Sir. Um, what will Ricky be doing for a, um, job?" I asked.

"I'm going to have him be an all purpose servant. So, if one of the maids is sick he'll fill in for her, or if the chef needs help, he'll lend a hand. His room will be on the opposite side of the house as ours, I hope you know."

"That's okay. At least I can see him in the mornings and evenings." I smiled thankfully.

| . |

I honestly felt like more of a whore than I ever did stripping. Ben seemed happy to finally have company. We never agreed on what would happen if I breached the contract but I don't want to risk it. I'm not going to go run off with Ricky or anything. Besides, he's being nice enough to put me through schooling. I will miss getting to dance. All of it though, the sacrifices, are all for Ricky.

Ben did give me a change of clothes for around the house. I wore short shorts with a very thick leather belt hanging on my hips. It was chilly this morning, so he gave me a loosely knit grey sweater that just barely stayed up on my shoulders. Underneath the coat though, I was shirtless. Of course, I had to have a collar. It was the biggest rule of being a pet. It was black with white lace edging. There was two charms on it. One was a tag and the other was a jewel. It wasn't too big so I didn't mind it.

I wasn't very hungry. Dealing with the fact that this is my life right now kind of bumped me out. It is for Ricky, but it's going to be a bitch to go through for these next four years. I rested on the floor with one of my arms and my head leaned against the edge of Ben's chain. He was eating breakfast with that Denis guy, as well as his assistant Cameron, and one of the handlers at the club that I didn't know the name of. Occasionally Ben would reach down and pet my head. He would tell me I should eat a little more of my breakfast but I just pushed around what was in the bowl to make him think I was listening.

"Mr. Bruce," A servant spoke as she stepped in the kitchen. "A gentleman is here with your... Delivery."

"Ah, thank you, my dear." Ben replied. He pat my head as he stood up, "Come, beautiful. On your feet."

I did as he asked. As I stood up, I tried to fix the sweater on me but it was still falling off my shoulders. I fiddled with the sleeves as I followed him out of the kitchen. Ben lead me towards the front of the house. Another servant stood by the front door, a rough looking stranger with her. Then between them was... was my prince. Ricky, his beautiful face, finally back in front of me.

We both quickly forgot about our handlers and the rules. He and I ran into each other's arms. I could smell the smoke, blood, and sex on him. He's been abused. I could tell in the way he trembled. I buried my face into his neck. I was so damn happy to have him back in my arms.

"I missed you." I whispered.

"I missed you too." He choked on his words, as they almost caused tears.

Ben cleared his throat. I remembered my place and broke away from Ricky. Shamefully, I looked at the floor and played with me hands.

"I need to go speak with the handler outside. I'll give you two a moment." He kindly said.

"Thank you, Sir." I softly responded.

He and the other man started to speak. Ben motioned back towards the kitchen and they walked in that direction. Once they were gone, I relaxed my shoulders, as did Ricky.

"Devin, I know we weren't apart that long, only a few days, but I did some serious thinking in that time." Ricky said. "I want us to be together. I don't give a shit about all the guys at the club that gawk at you. It's just apart of the job and they won't be the one to sleep with you or hold you or love you. I want to be the one that gets to do all that."

"Ricky," I sighed as I looked at his beautiful face. "I wish I could. I'd love nothing more, but I... I had to make some sacrifices to get you here. Sacrifices that mean, I can't be with you."

His eyes shook, "I... I don't understand."

"Ben would only help me if I gave him something in return. Look at this place, I could never give him enough money or anything like that. My only choice was to give him the one thing only I could. I gave him me."

"You mean you sold yourself for me?" He gawked.

"Y-yeah, but I'm not slave. I'm his pet. That's why I'm dressed like this outside of the club. On the plus side, I don't have to dance anymore. And, Ben is sending me to college while he works during the day. Once I finish my degree, he's letting both of us go. Then we can be together, if you still want to be together by then."

"Of course I will!" Ricky beamed. "I mean, if you were willing to go through all this for me, of course I can wait for you. As long as you promise we can be together when the day comes."

Ben suddenly walked back in the room as he escorted the guy towards the door. As I took a step back to my owner, I whispered, "I promise."

That made Ricky smile. We both know this is only temporary. We'll get there.

Ben put his arm around me as I reached his side. He leaned in and kissed my cheek, "You okay Kitten?" He asked me. I nodded slowly. I think I will be okay. Ben then continued, "Ricky, it's good to see you again..."

He wouldn't look at Ben. "I suppose you bought me to be your slave again?"

"I didn't buy you. I just payed the whorehouse a lot of shutup money so I could take you. I don't keep slaves anymore either. You're going to become a servant here. Because this is my home, it counts as you still working under the contract you signed for Voodoo. The head housekeeper will get you sorted out."

A decent looking blond woman, the one that was at the door, walked up. "Welcome aboard. Right this way."

Ricky gave me one last longing look before he was pulled out of the room. I wanted nothing more than to just cuddle up with him and tell him all would be alright. I will be doing cuddling today, just not with him.

"Come, my Kitten. I'm not going into work today. You can entertain me." He smirked.

Time to get used to being someone's bitch again.

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