Chapter 35 | Get Me Through

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| Ricky's POV |

You might think I'm going to say life is much better. Honestly, I wouldn't consider it as such. Yes I'm no longer a slave/whore, but I have to live watching the one person I want to be with give affection to another man. And, I have to cook dinner for that man. I must work for the one who took from me my most valued possession.

Perhaps it wouldn't be as bad if I didn't know Devin was constantly on his knees for our boss. Ben is a sexual man. He likes sex, a lot. The other maids said they've slept with him man times and he's had plenty of pets. He seems to treat Devin well, which was more than he ever doc for me when I was his slave. I'll never forgive him for that either. This all is only temporarily though. I know Devin and I will someday have the white picket fence together. Someday.

At night, I sit in my quarters and imagine how it'll be. We'll get 9-5's, live in a normal house with normal neighbors and work with normal people. We'll get married, have kids, and we'll never have to think about our dirty pasts ever again. As I sat here imagining it, the picture was shattered when I heard a disgusting noise from down the hall. Well, it was actually beautiful because it was coming from Devin's lips. I was only disgusted to know another man was touching what was mine.

My room was far from the master bedroom, yet I could hear every word out of his mouth clearly. Every moan, groan, and plea to Christ, I could hear. This was torturous. How much will I have to hear this? Luckily I still had some of my personal belongings from Voodoo. The pricks at the whorehouse didn't steal it all. I grabbed my phone and headphones. Before I could get my earbuds in, the words "Oh, Daddy!" echoed down the hall. Yeah, I've had enough.

I couldn't go all night listening to my headphones. I had to be able to set my alarm for the morning. So it's either stay up until they stop or fall asleep with it still going on. I think I'll take the first option. They can't go that long, right?

| . |

Wrong. I was very wrong. Ben fucked him all damn night. It went on for hours. I should've known better after I had serviced him for so many years. He doesn't stop. Just when you think he's getting close, he keeps going for another half hour. Too many times he left me numb.

I was to work where I was needed. This morning, the chef needed my help with breakfast. He asked me to go serve everything. I first brought out Cam and Denis' food, since they're the guests. They're here so damn much that they might as well live here. Next I grabbed Ben and Devin's food. Human pets don't have to eat out of a dog bowl like other variations of BDSM pets, but Ben still made him sit on the floor. I set down Ben's food in front of him and he thanked me. He was rather perky this morning. Gee, wonder why.

Devin, on the other hand, was tired and almost falling asleep where he was. Oh, great, he has a sex hangover. There is such a think as cum drunk. It's when you have such good orgasms that you feel like you're wasted and you can't even think straight. I'm sure for as long as they went last night, he got shitfaced drunk off of Ben's love. And now, the morning after, he's hungover. Ten bucks says I'll be the one elected to take care of him. That's just my luck.

"Is there anything else I can get you, Sirs?" I asked, addressing the table politely.

"Uh, bring out some Advil for him." Ben spoke lowly as he nodded his head towards Devin.

I headed back into the kitchen, towards the meds cabinet. It took some fishing around but I did find a bottle of Advil in the back. I headed back out with a glass of water. Devin hadn't touched his food yet. He's been this way for a while. He just doesn't want to eat. I'm pretty bumped about our situation too, but even I know better than to question a meal.

I looked to Ben, "Sir, is it alright if I speak with him?"

"Yes, of course." He replied.

At this point, I hadn't been around Devin enough to know if Ben aloud his pets to be addressed. He might not and he's just making an exception. As I knelt down in front of Devin, I knew Ben was watching out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey." I softly stated.

His dim eyes fought to find mine, but he was too tired. "Hi."

"I know you're tired," I replied and took his hand in mine, "but you need to eat. Just eat enough so the Advil won't upset your stomach." I placed the medication in his palm.

He sighed as he stared at the three small pills. It was one pill over the normal dose, but I figure he could use a little extra. Devin picked up his water and cased the pills after taking them. He then set down the glass and began to pick at his food. I was relieved to see him actually life some of it to his mouth. So badly, I wanted to kiss him. I couldn't though because Ben was watching. I stood back up and began collecting a few empty plates.

Ben kept eying me but I could care less. He allowed me to take his plate as well and I walked them back inside the kitchen. Then I returned to see if they needed anything else.

"Just, one thing." Ben spoke as he stood up. He signaled Devin to remain on the floor as he continued speaking, "I need to get to work early today. I've got a lot of important legal dealings. However, I recognize that Ghost isn't done eating nor is he feeling well. Could you see to it that he gets a decent amount of food and rest today? He may rest in his own quarters, not mine."

"Yes, of course, Sir." I responded.

"Good. And Ricky, don't you dare romance him. I will know." He pointed towards a small security camera in the corner of the room. They're in every room.

I bit my tongue, "Yes Sir."

The universe owes me ten bucks now...

| Devin's POV |

Yeah, okay, I was a little rusty. I haven't had sex in a long time. I've given plenty of blowjobs because I was okay doing it for clients if they paid enough, but penetration was something I saved for the ones I loved. I don't love Ben, but I can trust him enough to fuck him. Or, rather be fucked by him. It had been many years since I bottomed or had sex that extreme. It was great while it lasted. Now my body is killing me.

I was tired, soar, and now Ben puts Ricky in charge of my wellbeing for the day. Part of me wished I was wearing more clothes. I mean, Ricky has seen me strip and he has blown me before. It was just different in such a domestic setting. I had frilly black skirt that didn't really cover my ass, matching tight underwear under it, and a sheer teal blouse. Left little to the imagination. My mind was also still pretty fucked up from last night.

Ricky helped me to my room. I glanced around, seeing the security camera in the corner of the room.

"Um, I think I'm going to take a shower. Would you mind helping me with a snag in this zipper?" I asked aloud while playing with the zipper on my skirt.

He looked at me oddly, but agreed. Just as he reached towards my hip I made a move towards the bathroom. I asked him to follow and told him there was better lighting in there to help me out. Of course I didn't give a shit about the zipper or any of that. Once Ricky stepped in the bathroom, I threw up up against the sink.

"Shh," I whispered. "There's no camera in here. I don't know if the one in the other room can hear us but I just want you to know I miss you."

He ran his hand along my face. "I miss you too."

Ricky leaned in and we shared the sweetest kiss. I gave him a naught look as we parted, "Why don't I give you something to tie you over?"

"Tie me over-?"

I didn't give him much of an answer as I knew we didn't have much time to spare. Ricky watched me with curious eyes. I turned around so my back was against his chest. Then I rubbed my butt up against his groan as I messed with his hair. He groaned and bit his lip. Ricky placed his hands on my hips as I swayed. He moved them closer to the front.

Despite becoming the mess I did last night, I was still in the mood for more. Once you get a lick of the frosting, you want the whole cake. I wanted more sex. I forgot how damn good it was. More importantly, I wanted to fuck Ricky but I couldn't.

"That's enough." I spoke as I turned back around to face him. "You need to get back to work."

"I know. I'll be back to check on you later, hot stuff." Ricky smirked and opened the bathroom door again.

I couldn't help myself from smiling. He was so naughty and I loved it. One day, all our nightmares will be over. I'll hold him with no convictions. No one will take him from me or stop us from loving one another. For now though, my biggest hurdle of the day is attempting to take a shower without falling like an idiot because my legs are soar... and I know he'll probably fuck me harder tonight. Woop-de-doo.

I believe I forgot to shout this out, but I have a one-shot book now & requests are open. I also have a new story called "Puppets" that is Cricky Vampire.

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