Chapter 9 | Sleepless in Scranton

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Once I got off work, I went back upstairs to the loft, but I didn't sleep. For some reason, I just couldn't. Something was wrong. I could feel it, but I couldn't begin to tell you what "it" was. So there I sat, listening to the silence.

The curtains danced along the breeze brushing in from the window. Moon and street lights peered in to barely illuminate the room. It was just enough light, that when Ricky came in, I could see his beautiful silhouette. He was as quiet as a mouse!

Ricky softly closed the door behind him, locking it. He set his key on the counter, then sighed to himself. Long night, I suppose. He started to walk towards the bathroom, and even in the dark, I could see he had a small limp. Oh no, I knew I had a bad feeling about something important.

As he closed the bathroom door behind him, I turned on the lamp next to my bed. I sat up and fixed my hair a little bit with my hands. Looking outside the window, I saw a full moon shining over us. Of course. Nothing good happens when the moon is full. I swear, the moon is like a meter for luck. The brighter it is, the worst luck you'll have.

Ricky walked back out of the bathroom, shutting the light off. He rubbed his neck as he realized I was up. "I'm sorry I woke you." He muttered.

"You didn't, Sweetie. I was awake." I replied.

"Oh, okay." Ricky was more than tired; he was defeated. He walked (hobbled) over to his bed and slowly sat down with a groan.

"You're limping." I stated plainly.

Ricky glanced up at me. His eyes were on the verge of tears, looking as if he already had been crying. The poor thing shouldn't hold in his sorrow, even if he's doing it so I don't see. "What?" He murmured.

I stood up and walked towards him, repeating myself. "I said, you're limping. What happened?" I sat down next to him on his bed, putting my hand halfway around his back.

"I'm fine." Ricky reluctantly told me.

"Ricky, I know something is wrong." I firmly said.

He glanced up at me as he wrapped his arms around himself in a comforting matter. "Really, I'm okay."

"You know you can talk to me." I sweetly replied. I gently pecked the side of his face, and his cheeks burned. "Don't make me tickle it out of you."

Ricky looked somewhat shocked at my threat. "You wouldn't."

I ran my hand down his side, forcing a shiver from his tiny body. "Oh, I would." I purred into his ear.

As I ran my fingertips along the inside of his leg, I gently blew air down his neck. He shivered again, but this time, moaned a little. Oh my God... He was perfect. I softly started pecking at the crook of his neck, and he started getting a little squirmy.

"Stop!" Ricky giggled, weakly pushing me back with barely any effort. "That tickles!"

"You're really ticklish, aren't you?" I teased. I ran both my hands down his sides, making him laugh more.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you!" He said as he fought a smile.

I smirked. It's good to know he's so easy to get to. I'm the only person that gets to explore his vulnerability! Wait... No. He's not my boyfriend. He's just my coworker and roommate. Definitely not my boyfriend! We're barely friends. We barely know each other, yet I feel so comfortable around him, and I have a need to protect him.

Ricky readjusted himself to be sitting up. He brought his legs up on the bed, fiddling with his hands as the mood dropped. "I just had a client get a little rough with me. That's all. I don't like working with Mike because some of his usuals are pretty rough."

"What'd he do to you, Sweetie?" I asked as I ran my hand up and down his leg in a comforting way.

"He tried to go a little further with me than, well, his wallet could afford. He got mad when I told him that and hit my ass a few times. It still hurts, but it should be better by morning." He tried to fake a smile.

"You had him thrown out, right?"

"No." He muttered.

"Ricky, we don't want people like that at the club. Promise me next time, you'll go to a bodyguard?" I asked sweetly.

He looked right in my eyes, smiling as he did so. "I promise."

"Good. Now, get some rest." I stood up, then realizing he didn't want to let go of me. I glanced back at Ricky with shock, but good shock.

"S-sorry." He muttered, letting go.

I smiled. "Don't be." I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight, Ricky."

"Goodnight, Devin."

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