Chapter 12

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"So...who do you think will win this Round?"asked Celena

"No Idea Celena but I suppose we'll just have to see now don't we?"said Erik

Celena merely nodded as she turned her attention to the screen again


" it ready?"asked the man.

The men around him nodded"yes sir it is ready Operation Monument is at Hand"said the man right side to him nodded to a screen which showed a dark room with the outline of a tank Stood in the shadows

"And also preform the Certain..Task we talked about earlier"said the Man looking to the right side and he in which nodded and began to rapidly type at the screen and Keyboard


The Girl's of Pravda and Saunders where sitting at the bleachers watching the Match when suddenly the announcers blared onto the speakers"ALL RUSSIAN GERMAN AND AMERICAN TANK CREWS PLEASE PREPARE TO ENTER THE RING!!"

This had some..CONFUSION among them since NO-ONE has EVER referred Pravda and the other schools like this as well as the Staff members and council and higher up's began frantically trying to figure out what exactly had happened as the Tank Crews from the Schools named entered the Arena as the Regular Civilians just thought that it was a surprise event.

The Saunders Pravda and Kuromorimine Tanks had joined up together and easily voiced

there confusion

"What's going on I thought it was just them two!"said Katyusha peaking out from her T-34-85

"I dunno..this is just strange.."said Erika peaking out of her and Tiger 2

"What the..Saunders tanks are out here.."said Madison her tank pulling up to a stop

Duck team's Type89B I-GO stopped by Celena's IS-2 "hey whats going on?.."asked Noriko Isobe.

"We don't know we just got called into the Arena but the way it was announced was..odd and rather strange..something about them-"started Celena but she was  yet another tank began to roll up as it rolled into view

"What?..."asked Saori as the tank that rolled out of the shadows.

And before them what rolled out of the Shadows Flanked by three more two on the sides while one was directly behind it.

Was four.


These are Russian Main battle tanks first introduced in 1961 and are still used today by Various Military's around the world even the United states had used some point for OPfor Training.

The one in the lead was carrying a large set of speakers and a TV set on it even placed on the top hatch area of it's turret as it's screen flickered on and a figure wrapped in shadows was shown sitting in a chair and he began to speak"Citizens of Japan your time for judgement has passed it's we are there instruments..WE will show you your judgement!..and who are we you might ask?..hehe WE are the monuments for all your sins.."said the figure's relativity deep voice.

A scanner installed at a nearby building then scanned the frontal T-62A MBT and it came to find out that it was completely unmaned..and filled with bombs C4 and SEMTEX.

"holy shit..THAT TANK IS FILLED WITH EXPLOSIVES DESTROY IT KILL IT KILL IT!"said one of the lead staff members into his Radio to the tank crews"

Erika spotted a red flashing light on of the hatches and yelled out"OPEN FIRE!"as her Tiger 2's 90MM main gun fired at the side armor of the T-62A as the rest of the tanks began firing at the four tanks.

The first tank was outright annihilated with a massive explosion rocking the tanks and even knocked some of the lightest tank off of there tracks.

The second T-62A was hit several times by heavy caliber rounds fired from M26 Pershings and even an SU 152 Heavy Tank Destroyer which resulted in it's turret being shredded off of it's Hull.

The third and fourth T-62A's had extra armor which protected them as they drove off into the woods with all of the Tankers in Pursuit.

Two Pravda T-34-85's chased after the third T-62A through and around big huge pile of rocks the T-62A managing to evade it's pursuers fire but a few did manage to hit it they didn't do much damage to it.

It suddenly stopped and started to rapidly climb a rocky hill as the T-34-85's began to do the same.

But they where to late as the T-62A pulled onto the top of the Hill.

But while the T-34's where to late...

Erik wasn't as his Tiger two suddenly smashed into the front Hull of the Russian MBT denting it even as the Tiger 2's 90MM main gun fired a Armor Piercing fired point blank into the turret armor of the unmanned Tank blowing a hole straight through it's armor as it's remains tumbled back down onto the flat ground.

Meanwhile the Spectators watched in horrified silence as the Tankers chased the last T-62A drone through a small wooden Town filled with weak hollow buildings as leapon team's Porsche tiger and Celena's IS-2 chased it down the street as a M4 Sherman in front of it fired shell after shell into it's frontal armor but it had little to now effect since it's frontal armor was virtually a little bit over 200MM's of thick armor as it's 115MM main gun suddenly fired hitting the M4 Sherman in the rear and if it wasn't for the Carbon Nanotubes installed into the Armor of the Tankery girl's tanks they would been done for but the M4 Sherman merely burst and putted into flame's as it tumbled out of the way as the T-62A barged past it with the IS'2 and Porsche Tiger in Pursuit.

"I'm taking the high ground..or rather a higher route!"said Celena to Leapon team as they suddenly pulled off to climb up a dirt road on a small cliff.

"Copy that!"they replied as the T-62A pulled right suddenly as Leopon team over shot as they crashed into a wooden building.

If the T-62A was expecting anything.

It wasn't the KV-2 and the SU-152 standing Idle down at the end of the street as both of there 152MM main guns fired in unison and turned the T-62A into a heaping pile of flaming junk.

"Wasn't that a bit..overkill much?"asked the Gunner of the KV-2 as it's turret turned to look at the SU-152.

"you can never have to much overkill"replied the Gunner of the SU-152.


"is that it over?"replied a girl from Saunders.

"I think so..wait..what is that in the air?!"asked Mei pointing up into the air

What this was infact was one of the Strange Organizations MIG-21's..and this one was armed.

The residential plane that overlooked the Battles left and right engines where suddenly set ablaze as the MIG 21's AutoCannons suddenly opened fire on the Recon plane as it flew past it as the MIG 21 dived rapidly towards the ground fired a short burst from it's cannons as suddenly a trail of Cannon fire originating from the Ground and which was aimed up into the air shredded into it's right side wing and caused it to tilt suddenly as it smashed into the ground becoming a ball of fire.

The one responsible for this was none other then Madison herself her Skink's Quad 20MM Cannons where still smoking from it's 3-4 second long burst.

But the MIG 21 had already done it's firing a missile just before being shot down and a Laser Guided it to it's target.

A side of the Hill that a Certain Pravda member was on.

As the Explosion subsided and the dust cleared only one thing was clear to see other then the Rock debris....

Was the banged up Remains Of an IS-2.


(And I'm adding an unusually High amount of Tank memes or this to XD to make up for the long Delay between chapters XD)


(This is a LEGIT story that happened to the Russians in WW2 XD)

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