chapter 7

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The first thing Celena saw...or felt was roughly six 75mm fired at her"BRACE!"she yelled and six 75mm shells slammed into the front hull of the is-2 HOWEVER because of its thick armour plating the shells bounce right off of the tanks frontal armour like it's nothing.

"Wait...what tank is that again?"asked a saunders memeber

"Er.....wait...of course we fired on there is-2 heavy tank..we arnt gonna do shit to it..."mused Mei

"Quick return fire!"said Celena as the tanks massive main gun turned ar the center of the building and fired.

The resulting explosion caused tge buildingto collapse and as the shermans tried to move out of it before the building fell they where caught in the rubble and landed in some pretty odd postions one tank landed vertical another landed on a nearby marry go round which aruptly spun around in circles one landed on front of celena but it was sent flying back by the is-2s main gun one landed in a very shallow nearby lake and the other two landed on there sides.

But the crew got worse.

It's bad enough with hitting your head on the tank when you get hit this time the crew members landed on top of each other some with there faces burried in there comrades chests.

And at that same moment both Nonna and Katyusha appeared "umm someone wanna explain what just happened here?!"asked Katyusha

Celena opened the hatch and giggeled then said "hehe they had and ambush set up but I think they where aiming to take out our weaker tanks"she said

She nodded "alright lets move!"she orderes

Meanwhile Erik rolled down the street

" more hostles sighted?"he asked

"Negative so far we are in the cle-"his gunner was stopped by an explosion landing by the tiger 2 "what the where did it come from!?"he asked

Three shermans one being the firefly made there way around the corner of a buildings and opened fire again.

The shots bounched off of the tiger 2s armour the gunner moved to intercept the shermans and a shot from the sherman firefly dented the armour "hey we could use some help here!"said his driver and there savour came in the form of Maho and Erika flanking the three shermans and blowing two of them down the road the third commanded by Niomi tunred around to fure but was quickly  dispatched of as well now all they had left was a few shermans but they had hidden.

"Thanks for the help"said Erik

The two others just nodded as the three turned around and headed to the same area of the three Pravda tanks.

The two T 60s Neno and Kasa where in a tangle with three panzer IVs and currently holding there own against the three tanks and as the tanks turne and fired on the light tanks they where already past them and they fired there 20mm autocannons at them though it did a low amount of damage to the panzer IVs the armour dented slightly and one of the treads got destroyed by the cannon fire the tank went to fire when it's tread was destroyed causing it to serve into another tank casuing the cannon to fire and knocking out the two tanks at once the single remaining tank turned around and retreated but it found itself blown into a wall by two KV-2s who made there Apperance at long last.

"KV one target down moving to new target"said the driver as the two who was joined by there three comrades.

One of the panzer IV crew radioed Maho "Maho were down two T 60s and four KV-2s just made there way through here and headed your way!"she said

Maho in question nodded "copy were keep an eye out"she said.

Celena rolled down an alleyway along side Nonna and Katyusha and thats when the P40 made it's  appearance "P40...dead ahead"said Nonna in her usual calm demenor

"Copy blow it up!!"ordered Katyusha.

Nonna nodded and fired an 85mm shell into it's side giving a direct hit on it's side knocking it out.

"Target..down"said Nonna calmly.

The Pravda member known as Klara drove down a road in front of two more T-34-85s when two tiger 1s came into view "klara we got two tiger 1s dead ahead!"said a Pravda member in the tank behind her

"Da"she said and then said "fire"she ordered and her T-34 openes fire even though the 85mm main gun failed ti penatrait it's thick frontal armour and the other two T 34s came out from behind her and fired as well the Tigers returned fire knocking one of the T-34s out the other two returned fire taking out one of the tiger 1s by hitting it's belly.

The second tiger 1 fired again this time knocking out the second T-34-85 but by this time Klara had performed a sma little drift and stopped beside the tiger and fired into it's side knocking it out.

"This is Klara we just took out two tiger-ah damn it were hit!"she said being cut off by a panther firing into the rear of the T-34.

"Hmm..Pravda just lost three tanks...this match could be very close here"said Aki who along with her close friend Mika watched the battle.

"I have an interest in those two"said Mika

"Who Mika who do you mean?"she asked

"Well we usually don't see members act so..close to each other which are from different schools"she said as she started to strum her finnish instrument.

"Well you DO have a point there Mika but it's pretty different as well as being a bit cool that two members from Rival schools"said Aki

Mika glanced over"if I may do you mind me telling you what's "cool " about tankery?"she aske cryptically

Aki rolled her eyes"yes yes it combines all things thats needed in life and all that"she said deadpanning.

Mika said nothing but went back to watching the match.

The two assault guns had hidden themselves in piles of rubble and awaited there moment to shine as a tankette flew past.

A sherman one of the few remaining tanks hide around the corner as Celena drove around the corner humming to herself when the sherman drove out from behind the building and tried to ram the Is-2 and fired it's 75mm main gun but to no avail.


"Well at least they can't shoot u-"the gunner was stopped when Celena managed to shove the Sherman back an as it tried to ram again it was stopped by it's main gun holding it back and even as they tried to move forward they couldn't "..fuck..."said the driver as Celenas gunner gave a short innocent wave out of the hatch before firing sending it tumbling down the street.

"Well that was unexpected...but easy as well"mused Celena.

"Yes quite"said Nonna coming up beside her"now lets keep moving!"said Katyusha.

They nodded"oh and did I forget to mention that this is an elimination round and we have to take out ALL of there tanks to win"said Nonna.

"Wait....FOR REAL!"said Celena



(This is just a few things i wanted to post XD)

(P.S this thing is known as the Ratte it's a german super tank/weapon that never made even into prototype stage and we only know of it of paper drawings and whatnot but it was so big it could carry the main gun of a battle ship...this better not be put into world of tanks XD.)

( more XD)

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