chapter 8

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"Hehe but oh well we will still crush them!"said Katyusha.

The other two nodded when two panthers made there way into there line of fire "we got two panthers dead ahead!"said Celena.

" hit in sorry miss Katyusha!"said nonna who had taken a surprise hit from a Panzer IV in the rear and knocked her out

"Where surrounded!"she said

Miho looked at them from where she stood along with her other friends"oh no..there surrounded"she mused

"And with the levels of's not likley they can get out easily"said Hana.

As the panthers and panzers aimed at the two remaining russain tanks the second panther was suddenly knocked to the side by a high explosive shell fired from Iona who had hid her SU 100T in a nearby pipe of rubble and the blast threw the rubble off exposing herself in the process.

"Welp im out of here!!"she exclaimed as the panther and Panzer IV turned to aim at her but the panther was sent flying by Celena.

Katyusha quickly turned around and took out the panzer IV "you need to move!"she said to Iona

"Okie on it!"she chipped cheerfully and the assualt gun quickly turned around and sped off escorted by Katyusha.

"Be careful Celena there Tiger 2s are still in along with there Tigers!"she went on

Celena nodded "aye copy" and she turned down into a clearing surrounded by stone walls and a large building at the end of it.

Slowly making her way through it and slowly turning the turret to keep an eye out for any signs of the rival schools.

Meanwhile Kasa and Neno sped along
"Any idea where they are?"asked Neno

"Negative Neno it's silent..."she mused through their radios.

However it was jinxed when the remaining CV 33 tankettes sped at them dead on firing there machine guns.

"Imcoming incoming!"said Neno as her gunner aimed the 20mm autocannon and fired into the hoard of tiny tanks.

The 20mm cannon shots kept on knocking out the tankettes but one of the CV 33s rammed Kasas T-60 causing it to flip into the wall the impact had knocked the systems out of the tank and rendered it immoble and a white flag poped up out of the roof "this is Kasa one of the CV 33s rammed us where down!"she said.

In total only six CV 33 tankettes where left Neno turned around quickly and fired a burst as two CV 33s attacked hitting one and knocking it out the second fird a burst but it was in vain as it too was shot down by the 20mm autocannon of the T-60.

the four remaining charged as one and nearly rammed her as well but found themselves out of luck when she pulled a complex turn and fired her cannon in a circle hitting five of them and knocking two at once out the last turned around but was knocked out as well.

"Don't mess with Pravda!"she said then turned around and sped down the road.

"...shit..."she cussed as she just turned around a corner and found herself flown into the air by a shell from a tiger 2 aka Erik

" target....huh?" He asked as he spotted the pile up of Anzio tankettes

"Whoever did that was busy for sure"mused his gunner

"Which was most likely that tiny little tank we just took out."mused Isabella

"You mean the T-60?'s a russain light tank with a 20mm autocannon as well as a machine gun and rarher good armour for a light tank.."mused his driver

"Why do you know so much about Pravda tanks?"asked isabella

"Hey I read sometimes okay?"he shit back

Isabella smriked she'll get him back later after the match.

Iona and the second SU 100 had rehidden themselves in piles of rubbel on the ends of the map.

"This is iona we've reached new hiding zones and are hidden!"she said

"Copy Anzio is nearly eliminated from the match they only got four assualt gun tankettes left even though we have let to find them we lost Kasa and Neno and most of our T-34s but Celena and our KV 2s are still in the match as well as you two of course"said one of the KV operators who's name was Ilona a gutsy tank operator who's family goes far back in Tankery.

"Aye what about saunders and Kuromaine?"asked Iona

"Saunders has roughly four tanks left so there almost done...kuromaine has there two tiger 2s in there tiger 1s and one panzer IV left" said Ilona

"Kay lets keep an eye out Katyusha is here with us so we have some more protection here"she said

"Copy"was all she said

Celena stopped as she seen a top of a tank turret that was making it's way through the area"hey...Celena here I got eyes on a possible hostle tank"she said and just as she finished the last Panzer IV turned around a corner before vanishing behind the wall but Celena had already figured where it was and she aimed at the section of the wall.

"Got ya..."she said before the Is-2 fired the shell slammed through the wall and hit the Panzer IV.

However the victory was short lived as Erik Erika and Maho rounded the corner.

Erik chuckeled " well well"he mused

"Oh come on!...this is so unfair!"she said throwing her hand in the air

Erika and Erik had placed them selves both behind and in front of her with Maho along to the side.

As both tanks and both bring Tiger 2s aimed at the IS-2 Erik texted Celena.

(Hey....don't go hating on me now XD)

She rolled her eyes and braced as the tanks fired.

She closed her eyes.

She waited for the blow.




She slowly opened her eyes and opened the hatch and froze at the sight then went into an uncontrollable laughing fit.

Both Erika and Erik has somehow hit EACH OTHER instead of hitting Celena.

"A say wha..."she mused when her driver poked her in the leg "hehe"she giggeled.

Then it dawned on her there driver had moved the tank just out of the way by hardly even more then an inch of course the shells had scraped the side armour of the heavy tank but didn't explode until they hit each other.

Erik openedhus hatch and huffed coming out of it "well..that was unexpected..."he mused.

Meanwhile Erika was having a different reaction.

"The hell how the fuck did we miss we where nearly point blank range the fuck!!?"she exploded.

The loader whistled "ragequit much..."she mused

"Yea..hehe.."said Celena sheepishly

Maho meanwhile had a perfect poker face as she took in what just happened she then regained her composer and said "fire quick!"

The shell this time hit the IS-2 in the side it didn't go flying but the shell had enough power to knock it out.

"Aww...but oh well at least we still have some left over!" Said Celena

Maho sighed then turned around and headed to try and find the remaining tanks.

(And heres some more XD!)

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