chatper 10

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Roughly two and a half months later at Ooarai schools carrier there school president Anzu Kadotani was with the student council team and anglerfish team and they where in the schools bridge.

"school president..why are we here we don't have anything bad going on right?"asked Maho

Anzu shook her "No but we got a new school"she said as Momo held up a peace of paper and started to speak.

"okay this school is known as St.Valentines and they use Canadian tanks in battle"she said

"wait...Canada has tanks?"asked Hana

" seriously didn't know?" asked Mako who had just woken up

Hana shot her head at her"no I didn't actually..."she mused

Anzu looked at them "yes they did they serviced a lot in the second world war but there military's accomplishments where often overshadowed by the accomplishments of American British and Russian forces" she said

"so what tanks will they be using?"asked Saori

"there main tank is the M4 Grizzly which is bascally the Sherman"said Momo as a screen was turned on and it showed a picture of a wait a Grizzly.

"so that's a Grizzly huh.."mused Mako

"yes it is armed with 2 machine guns one high velocity 75mm main gun and it has 75MM of armour but a thing about them is that they have some Grizzlies which they messed with and gave them far more powerful think seventeen pounder's" said Anzu

"and for there main scouting unit's they will be using the cruiser tank Ram"said Momo before promptly switching the screen to another tank.

"The Cruiser Tank Ram is a highly versatile tank despite it being classified as a cruiser tank it also never really saw combat as it was used as a training tank but it was still able to do some damage"said Anzu as she pointed to the image.

The Image showed a tank that looked somewhat like a deformed Sherman with an M3 lee chassis with a somewhat square shaped turret and a gun that looked alot like ST.Glorinia Crusader's tank

"despite it's top speed was only twenty-five Kilometer's an hour back in the second world they are pretty handy with mechanics so they heavily boasted there engine power making it's top speed a hefty 52 kilometer's and hour it has three 7.62mm machine guns and it has the ability to use multiple types of weapons they made a flamethrower version back during the second world war named the wasp II if I remember correctly but it's main weapon is a MK.III QF six pounder main gun or a 75mm if needed it to it also was known to equip a 37mm main gun as well"explained Anzu

"that sounds troublesome"said Miho

"I've heard rumors that it has better armour then the panther!"said Yukuari

"well it has some good armour for sure it's thickest armour was 87mm thick but it wasn't as sloped as well as the panther so really the panther would beat it in a straight up fight"said Momo

"another tank they use is the Valentine infantry tank"she went on switching the picture to a tank which looked a lot like the Matilda two it's max speed was originally 15 miles per hour back during the war but they upgraded it and so it's max speed is 41 miles per hour and it's max armor was 65 millimeter's thick and like the Ram has numerous type's of gun's it can use in battle's"she finished

Anzu then spoke up"it's weakest gun it used was a 40MM main gun while it's strongest was a 76MM main gun and yes they use all of them"she said

"they also use a special kind of tank the Sexton 2-"Momo was cut off by Yukuari

"huh what do you mean the Sexton 2 was and artillery Vehicle not a tank so it can't be in it plus it's open top as well!"she exclaimed

"ANDD I was getting to that part Yukuari.."Momo sighed before continuing

"The sexton 2 is yes an artillery Vehicle but remember that K40 that Selection university used against us?..well they modified it so that it's top was closed there by making it able to be used in tankery"she said

"it's weapon used is a 87.8 millimeter and they can fire 105 millimeter round's as well but it can't take much damage it's highest Armour was 32 Millimeter's thick making them basically glass cannon's they can deal high damage but can't take a lot in return" said Anzu.

After they had seen the Sexton 2 Momo and Anzu got somewhat grim and serious look's on there face's

"school something wrong?" asked Saori

"They have a secret weapon that we only know a few facts about it it's nickname is the Skink and it's a special version of the M4 Grizzily"said Anzu

"damn..then that could be a problem"Mused Mako

Miho looked down at her hand's when they spoke again"but now onto the school and the student's.."said Anzu

Momo spoke up"They are a cunning enemy they often make use of the terrain and I heard rumor's that they are very accurate shooter's from quite some distance and are excellent ambusher's there school ship is the HMCS Warrior despite it being a smaller carrier it can still hold a new type of field which feature's two separate battlefield type's one is based off of the Canadian territory Nunavut and is like Pravda's but it features ALOT more tree's and rocky area's and they are fond of this place and the second half is based off of Nova Scotia which is a rocky hilly urban place with also many ambush place's"she finished

"So..the moral is ALWAYS be on your toes?"asked Soari

Anzu nodded "yes..and we have a match against them in one week"she said

They blinked in surprise.


Celena huffed heavily as she layed down on her bed she was worn out and was in no mood for other's as she had a rough day.

Firstly both Erik and Erika took her out in a match by firing at once into the side of the IS-2 which sent her flying into a building as she had been moving

Maho got her revenge when she tried the same move that took out Maho the first time when she slammed into Iona full speed which broke the gun and she fired sending her into a building but also resulted in Pravda losing the match.

THEN Erik Isabella and there two cousin's played a prank on her by placing a fake clown doll which was life sized over top her bed when she woke up...yea..Erik and the rest will get what's coming for them..

"I will get you Erik.."she muttered under her breath


on a rocky hilly almost wet battleground it was silent until a all white Sherman with snow camo and a large red maple leaf on the side's and front slammed through a tree before pulling a handbrake and shooting at a fake target which was a Panzer III and it stopped and the hatch opened revealing a young girl about 16 with lighter brown shoulder length hair and she was seen wearing a red sweater with a maple leaf which was white in color as she grinned at the move when a another fake target appeared this time that of a STUG as it turned to fire but it ran out of luck when another tank drove out of the tree's jumping a few feet for good measure.

As it landed it spun around and fired at the side of the STUG taking it out as the tank pulled up beside the all white sherman"dammit hannah be more care will next time will you that STUG nearly had you"said a girl with long pale white hair that extended to her mid back and whore the same outfit as the girl now known as hannah but the strangest thing about her was her different colored eye's one was a very light blue while the other was a striking red.

The girl now known as Hannah pouted "aww Ava you ruin all the funnn!"she said

Ava merely sighed as two more tank's pulled up one was a Valentine and the other a Sexton 2

the first two tank's where the M4 Grizzily and the Cruiser Tank Ram the M4 had a upgraded sixteen pounder main gun instead of a 75MM main gun

two more girl's came out..well no three as in the Valentine two of them where squished as they tried to get out of the Valentine at the same time.

the one in the Sexton had dark brown hair with striking green eye's and had a very calm demeanor to her.

Her name was Isla and she was well known as a tank sniper prodigy as she was known for hitting target's from over four kilometer's away "so..she here yet?"asked Isla

The two girl's in the valentine argued"move!"yelled one

The two where Maya and Claire Maya had dark blonde hair with blue eye's her hair was very long reaching down to her lower back and was often an explosive short tempered girl.

Claire was a kind quiet girl but also tended to unnerve other's as she was ALWAYS super calm and tended to say "my my"alot people also say she's an Otaku.

"yea soon...also Saunder's just gave a little gift we just got a M26 pershing from them so that mean's Claire's got her own tank now"said Ava

"My my that certainly is wonderful.."she said quietly


"yes"she said simply not even flinching.

They had to share a tank as they had a brief shortage on the amount of tank's and so they had to share one.

Just then a new tank drove by it at first looked exactly like a normal Sherman but it was reinforced with extra armor layer's and it's turret was the most odd thing about it.

Instead of a actual tank turret it instead had four small cannons on a oddly shaped turret.

"we finally got it working it seem's"mused Hannah

What this tank was is a experimental tank known as the Skink..and instead of an actual tank gun it was armed with four 20MM autocannon's they fire blank's in tankery but can damage virtually anything it come's across.

A girl with two pig tail's which where pink came out of the hatch this was the overall Commander named Madison and she smiled"oh yes it work's like a charm shall we prepare our selves for our first upcoming match eh?"she asked

The other's nodded before there tank's turned around and sped off into there main Garage.

(what should this school's theme be if it had to have a theme song?)

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