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(I am partnered with @HAImaster for this story and thanks to @Royal676111 for the girls und panzer rp who gave us this idea.)

"They only have one Tank left and that's there flagship..but we only have a few shells left Celena"said her Gunner.
The white haired Pravda tank commander smiled "I guess where just have to make the shots count eh?"she said in which her gunner nodded too.

3 months earlier

"Come on Celena just get in your tank the others are waiting!"Exclaimed Katyusha who was on Nonna's shoulders And they where both having a hard time getting Celena into the Is-2 heavy tank she then sighed "look Celena I know you feel somewhat Quilty about taking part in Senshe-do aganst your parents and family's wishes but you joined this so get in the tank " said Katyusha
This finally prompted her to finally enter the front hatch of the tank.

Present time

"Huh where is it!?"said her gunner
"Huh what do you mean!?"said Celena
"I can't find it!"she said
"Then keep looking!"Celena replied.

Over in the stands where crowds of people where watching in tense silence for the outcome of the battle between Pravda and Kuromorimine
And a certain group of Ooriai girls had been watching "they only have a few tanks left and the Tiger 2 is a very powerful tank " said Miho 
"maybe but there is-2 is still in..and I think I know who is driving it"said Mako      "you do Mako?"asked Miho. The black haired girl nodded "yes a high ranking Pravada member who lets just say is a Hunter"she said even though this confused the others

Celenas POV

"damn it where is it!"said Celena                                                                                     

 "can it really be that hard to find a damn Tiger 2?"asked her driver  "wait...found it!"said her gunner.

The Tiger 2 had made it's way around a thick patch of trees making it hard to be spotted.

Erik's POV

"damn it they spotted us again!"said his gunner                                                        

 "I noticed but we just need to keep moving and stay out of there line of fire"said Erik they then turned to the bottom of the hill just staying out of there line of fire "okay ready...aim...."his gunner nearly said fire when an explosion landed near them and they jumped and the few remaining tanks appeared out of the bushes which where two T 34-85's medium tanks and one KV 2 heavy tank the KV 2 aimed at the Tiger 2 and fired but the shot passed just overhead. "Dammit!"said the gunner of the KV 2                                                                               

  "Quick back up back up!"said Erik as they retreated but they had wondered into the line of fire of the is-2 "fire!"said Celena and they fired it's main gun at the side of the Tiger 2 destroying it's tread and causing it to flip down the hill and landed on it's side "ugh dammit we lost!" said Erik he then went to a open channel"hey we could use some help here"said Erik and the three tanks moved up and began to roll it over and it landed back in it's belly the whiteflag visible. Celena and the rest of the Pravada members cheered at there victory                  

   "hey they won I wonder if we'll be paired with them for the upcoming Tag team battles"mused Miho this in which caused the others to nod. Erik climbed out of his tank "well I must say Congrats on your victory Pravada"said Erik standing on his tank and then Celena' Is-2 came down the hill and stopped beside his and Celena poked her head out and said smiling"hehe why thank you"she said looking at him. But Erik's face went red and he backed up and said "y-your welcome". 

This confused Celena so she climbed out and walked over to him "is something wrong?" she asked her confusion clear and before Erik could speak a female voice spoke from the tank"well you can say he is scared of girls" and his older sister Isabella appeared in the tank and stood beside him and Celena nodded "oh I what if I do this?"she asked reaching to poke him which prompted him to jump back and hide behind his sisters arm "I-Im with my sister..y-you can't s-scare me"he stammered and Celena giggled at this and took a step forward causing him to take another step back"okay okay thats enough"said Isebella who looked like she was trying not to laugh and Celena shrugged and the other Pravada members where chuckling to themselves and she got back in her tank "well she you around!"she said closing the hatch and with that she left and the cleanup crew came with the knocked out tanks and cleaned up the match


Erik's dad was walking to Celenas house as for some reason the Council decided to make it a rule that they had to know the location of there houses of the students so he had decided to go and congratulate her and he reached the house and was about to knock when he though he heard screaming and faint he looked around the stopped and came to the realization that it wasn't far off was screaming coming from INSIDE the house.           

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