SKhate's Land Arc | Chapter 9

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Fumiaki: "Where are we?"

Katsuji: "The place looks like the same but Jiro and his people aren't here."

Naoji: "We still must explore. We don't know what kind of universe we are in. Everyone leave."

Everyone left the place, while walking thru the trees we all heard people speaking in a far distance. After walking thru the trees we are shock to see the beach site full of people"

Daiju: "Woah, there's alot of people in here!"

A guy suddenly gave us paper and we all read it.

Fumiaki: "Rules inside the beach site? What?"

Naoji: "We must be in a universe where-" Naoji stopped speaking and got shocked reading the paper that the paper fell.

Fuyumi: "Are you okay, naoji?"

Naoji: "You guys won't believe this.... we are in 2002!"

Everyone was shocked and screamed "WHAT?"

Everyone checked the paper the guy handed to and saw that we are all in 2002.

Naoji: "We are all in a timeline universe, meaning we went back in time. It's like sort of a time machine but the realm is different. It doesn't have any settings that we can edit the time we can go to. I have no idea why we came back in 2002."

Fumiaki: "Couldn't it be the pipe daiju was holding to?"

Naoji: "It could be, but we don't know why the pipe lead us to 2002."

Fuyumi: "Then if we go back to our present time would it be the same day?"

Naoji: "My theory says no. If we go back to the present day then we could arrive before the day we went in the portal, after the day we went in the portal or a month after we went to the portal."

Fumiaki: "A MONTH? I have to leave for a month. I could get in trouble if they knew I went into the past."

Naoji: "Don't be. We still have to keep this realm a secret even if we are in the past or in the present time. This realm is full of unexpectation, there's a chance that we can go back in the day after we went to the portal."

Fuyumi: "Yeah, don't lose hope fumiaki."

Everyone went silence and just looked thru the people having fun at the beach.

Daiju: "What should we do now? Shouldn't we go back to our present time?"

Katsuji: "No. If we go back to our present time then Jiro will caught us. Not only that but we will be in trouble because Jiro knows the realm now and he could tell this in public."

Naoji: "That is true. Let's explore this year first until we can find a way on how we wouldn't get caught by Jiro."

We all continued to walk until I can finally ask my question. "Who is Jiro again? Why are you all scared of him?"

Katsuji: "Jiro.. well last week he went to the skatepark and we also thought that he was part of the yolo squad but we were wrong. We beated him up and made him unconscious. A few days has been passed and he talked to Fuyumi, Fuyumi found out that Jiro was part of the Emperor Z"

Fumiaki: "Emperor Z? What is that?"

Katsuji: "A delinquent group."

Fumiaki: "Oh no.. what happend next?"

Fuyumi: "Jiro introduced the Emperor Z and was about to beat me up but luckily I managed to escape them. I heard Jiro screaming "YOU ALL WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" I told this to everyone and we were all super worried, that's why we made sure the gate is locked always so that the Emperor Z couldn't get in."

Fumiaki: "So now they managed to find you guys and want to beat you up till death?"

Naoji: "Yes, not till death but torture us. I tried bribing different delinquent groups to protect us and fight them but they refused as the Emperor Z is such a super strong delinquent group."

Everyone went silent until I had an Idea. "I think I know how we won't get caught by Jiro when we come back to our present time."

Katsuji: "Really? How?"

Fumiaki: "We are in 2002, meaning the Skatepark isn't closed yet. Winner is still alive in this year so if we help Winner we can make him out alive and get the Skatepark active again in the present time. With the Skatepark being active Jiro and the Emperor Z won't get to know us because the Skatepark is active, the action that you guys made will disappear because it took place on Skatepark when it was abandoned."

Fuyumi: "So.. we can't have the place anymore as it is active now?"

Naoji: "Yes. That's what it takes."

Katsuji: "How about the hardworks that we made to get that Skatepark? It will just all disappear."

Naoji: "Why? Would you rather get tortured by Emperor Z? We don't have a choice but to make that Skatepark active again."

Katsuji: "Argh, this hurts to say but okay, I agree."

Naoji: "Does everyone agree with this?"

They all replied "Yep!"

Naoji came closer to me and spoke "Sorry man for including you in all of this."

"It's totally fine! If this what it takes to help you all then I'll take it. I just hope that the realm won't get us arrived a month."

"Don't worry, there's still 80% chance it won't happen."

We both smiled and continued to walk towards the exit of the beach site.

Fuyumi: "Man, I can't believe this beach site was super active in 2002, look at it now on our present time. It is just us and nobody else."

Katsuji: "Trueee."

Daiju: "Naoji, tell your driver to get us to the Skatepark now."

Everyone: "ಠ‿ಠ"

Naoji: "Boi we at 2002, my driver is probably the same age as us now."

Daiju: "Oh yeah, I forgot about that part.

Katsuji: "If it is 2002, then we are all 2 years old during this time. We should visit ourselves then!"

Naoji: "No! If we do, we can destroy our timeline and everything will be changed. So don't ever risk talking with who you guys are related to in this timeline. Okay?"

Everyone agreed and Naoji spoke "We all should keep walking now, the skatepark is kinda far but we all have no choice so
乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ "

(Hey Everyone! Kyokyu here. WanRealm will not release any chapters on the next few weeks due to school and other stuff. So the novel will be on hold for now and will try my best to continue the novel soon. Thank you so much for understanding and stay safe everyone!♡)

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