11- Prove You Wrong

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11- Prove You Wrong

Who said that you need to shower everyday?

Oh right...

Scorflix did.

It's always like that to her.

"No day passes by without me showering."

Well new flash Scorflix.

You are wrong.

You don't absolutely have to shower everyday.

How do I know? Well...

CrapWasteland had the honor to enlighten me on some new teeny tiny information.

See for yourself...

There are other ways to maintain your heavenly smell, Scorflix.

Good ol' CrapWasteland here has some other ways to keep herself clean.

And guess what?

Without using a shower.

CrapWasteland is here to prove you wrong.

But I see that you don't agree with her...

*Le gros gasp*  see y'all?

Scorflix doesn't care about deodorant.

What is deodorant?

Deodorant is the way much simpler alternative to showering.

So you see Scorflix...

The world doesn't revolve around showering.

See?! Even CrapWasteland goes by her information.

The habits that she do helps her hair and skin...


Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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