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It's always cold.

I don't know why, but it was always cold.

It was so cold that I would be numb instead of freezing.

Ever since I was born, I've never known what exactly is warmth.

I always saw from the street, everyone is cuddling to each other..

...espescially when it's a pair of male and female...

Was it to brought warmth?

"Hey you."

Ah, is he perhaps calling me?

I look up.

A boy.. half of his face seemed to be injured..

But his hair colour is unique.. It's actually pretty-

"What are you doing out here in the middle of winter?"

I blinks, once, and twice.

"Oh. I often to go sleep here."

He looks confused.

"Your parents?"

"I don't have one..?"

And now, he's surprised.

"Aren't you cold?"

He questions, worried.

That's to be expected as she only wore a shirt she has since she was little.


The girl pauses.

"Actually, I can't feel anything."

The boy's eyes widen slowly.


He started, a little confused on how to say what he wanted to.

"Would you like to come with me and well you know.."

He blushes lightly, scratching his cheeks.

"Warm up.. or something.."

The girl looks at him before smiling.

"No, I'm good. People tend to told me I'm just a hassle anyway."

She declines softly.

The boy looks surprised at both the decline and how she called herself a hassle.

The girl then looks at him once again, as if reading his mind.

"I never knew why I was called a hassle though. But I appreciated your feeling, thank you."

She smiled once again.

The male's hand grip tightened, and he grits his teeth.

"How can you just accept that!?"

The girl looks surprised at the sudden outburst.

But she still smiled at him.

"Well.. for starters, I'm quirkless. I can't do anything. I'm left all alone. So what can I do else than accepting who I am?"

The male looks at her.

"I don't understand.. How can you accept that?"

His hand grips harder.

The girl stares at his palms. His left palms as it's closer.

She decided to touch and squeeze it, feeling a bit of.. warmth?

"If I can't accept myself despite all those people, I would chosen to die instead. Perhaps. But I love seeing heroes rescuing people with a smile and make people smile too. That's my reason for living."

She smiles as she squeeze it harder.

"That's the reason as to why I accept myself. So I won't break."

The male stare at her.

His left hand felt cold now.

Despite wearing gloves, he can feel the cold air seeping in.

'She's suffering so much yet she..-'

He slowly opens his palms.

"I'm sorry."

He mumble out.

The girl still smiling.

"No worries."

The male's mouth tremble lightly.

"..then let me do this.."

He then mutter out lightly,

"I've never actually used this side of mine before but.."

He looks around as if searching for something.

He then looks at the tree not far and runs towards it. Picked a few of it's woods and ran back.

He drop the few amounts of branchs and with his left hand, he lit up a flame.

The girl's eyes stares at the flames in curiousity..

"...what, is this..?"

She questions as she quietly admires how the flames dances.

"It's.. beautiful.."

She state in disbelief as she tried to reach it.

The male quickly covers her hand.

"Don't! You'll be burned!"

He hisses lightly.

"Ah, sorry.. it's just.. This is a beautiful sight.."

The girl lightly apologises before a real smile plastered her mouth.

"I've never saw.. nor felt like this before.."

She mutter out in awe as her eyes sparkles.

Somehow, the male's face heated up by her cheerful face.


The male, hiding his blush, took off his scarf and put it nicely around the girl's neck. He then also put the glove he had taken off before -to lit the fire- and smiles softly.

"This will at least keep you warm. Even if it's just one."

The girl looks touched.

"Ah, um-"

She slowly felt something burning inside of her.

A smile rush into her face.

"Thank you."

Her face flushed red lightly.

I wonder what is this feeling?

It feels like.. something hot..


...Is this.. warmth..?

She felt tears started to falls down.

This alarmed the male.

"What's wrong? Did you get burnt!?"

The girl shook her head.

"I-I don't know.. What is this feeling?"

She started to sob out.

"It's the first time I felt this.."

She confesses.

"I'm- I-"

Her voice died out as it was replaced with quiet sobs that came out.

The boy's eyes soften at the sight.

He reached into her, and hug her.

He didn't say anything, but he hugged her.

His hand slowly reachs into her head, and pats it soothingly.

"It's fine."

He finally said.

"I'll be here for you."

The girl looks at him.

He's cold.. but at the same time.. he's warm..

Her sobs started to die out.

"Because I'll be a hero one day."

The girl smiles at the sentence, despite the tears on the corner of her eyes.

"Thank you.."


Idk what am I writing-
I actually planned on writing something about cold and numb bcs I got this idea when sitting in the car right infront of the cooler until I got home so-

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