Chapter 26

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Sunstar frowned, as he stalked into Fireclan camp. "Its seems you have been expecting us, Wildstar" Sunstar snarls. "We were warned about your scandalous plot and decided to fight Sun with Fire" Cloudfoot growled.

Sunstar's frown deepened. "This doesn't have to happen, Wildstar! Just give me my son and i'll leave" Sunstar called. Wildstar shook her head. "Lionpaw does not want to leave, so he doesn't have to! However, I cannot say the same for Greywhisker!" Wildstar snapped.

Sunstar's eyes narrowed, as he unsheathed his claws. "You have forced my paw, Wildstar! Sunclan attack!" Sunstar yowled. "Fireclan Attack!" Wildstar called. With that, hundreds of warriors sprung into action. Yowls of anger and rage filled the ususally quiet forest.

Lionpaw snarled as he pounced onto a Sunclan warrior and bit into the tom's shoulder. The tom let out a yelp of pain before falling unconscious. Lionpaw leapt off the unconscious rogue and raced towards Coalpaw, who was pinned underneath, a thin she-cat.

Lionpaw bowled into her, giving Coalpaw a chance to get to his paws. Coalpaw snarled, and pounced onto the she-cat, scraping his claws along the she-cats back. The she-cat yowled with rage. Lionpaw looked around the camp for any other cats in need.

He spotted Honeypaw in the corner of camp, who was protecting an injured Splash. Lionpaw leapt through the crowd and towards his friend. He leapt in front of his friend just as a huge white tom, went to swipe at Honeypaw. Lionpaw yowled in pain, as he crashed into another rogue.

Lionpaw shakily got to his paws, and bowled into the tom. "Leave My clan alone!" Lionpaw yowled, as he slashed the tom across his face. The tom hissed with rage, and retaliated by pinning Lionpaw to the floor. Lionpaw's eyes went wide, as the tom's unsheathed claws came closer to his throat.

Lionpaw closed his eyes, preparing for his end. But it never came, Lionpaw opened one eye, and found Coalpaw staring back. "You saved me?" Lionpaw muttered. "You owe me one" Coalpaw smirked before springing back into battle mode.

Lionpaw looked around the camp, for his father and found the tom smirking victoriously. Lionpaw came a little closer to find the body of Wildstar underneath the Golden tom's paws.

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