Chapter 7

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The match ended and I look at my watch. We only had five minutes until we had to be on Olympus. I get everyone's attention and we walked into an abandoned room. Will was forming the portal when he saw me putting the Chocolate Frogs and some other sweets in my pocket.

"Nico. . .,"said Will in a warning voice. I just looked at him like a deer caught in headlights. I created a little portal in my pocket that made all the sweets appear in my accomplice's (Cara) pocket.

"I didn't take anything Will," I said quickly while putting my hands up. He just sighs and steps through the portal that would take us to Olympus.

Cara and I let out a sigh of relief as he disappeared. I fist bumped with my daughter as the others walked through, rolling their eyes. I see Cara tense up when it was her turn to go through and she grabs my hands and squeezes.

"Papa won't let anything happen to you, babygirl," I said as I kissed her hand. She let out a shaky breath as she dragged me through the portal.

We came out the other side in our formal armour that we use for meeting with other galaxies. The armour looked like nightingale armour that had cloaks with hoods that covered our faces. My husband's,  daughter's and my cloaks where the colour of our domains, which meant Will's was gold, mine was black and Cara's looked like a sunset. The rest of the Dark Suns had royal blue cloaks with hoods.

The mighty Olympians sat in their thrones. "Welcome to Olympus, Dark Suns," boomed Zeus.

"I'm sure they are glad to be here," said Chaos as he showed up in a Domain Message. It's like an Iris Message but you control your own domain to send it through. Since Chaos is the creator of the Universe, he can use anything to send a DM.

"What do you need Chaos?," I asked. He only interrupts meetings if he needs us to do something.

"I need Olympus to trust you completely so I want you to reveal yourselves but only to the Olympians," he said. I could feel Miya's anger. Another perk of being the Keeper of Darkness, I could feel others negative emotions. I saw Angel put a hand on Miya's shoulder.

"Alright Chaos," Will said. The DM disappeared and we face the Olympians who looked quite intrigued. I motion for our soldiers to take of their hoods and they do so. I heard a few gasps from the Olympians. I see Hades walk out of the shadows with a surprised look.

"Miya. Bianca," he whispered. Miya looked at him with a look of betrayal.

"Hades," she muttered. Angelina pulled Miya into her chest and whispered something in her ear. She nodded at her lover's words and visibly calmed.

"Father, do not anger her. She has quite a temper," I said as I removed my hood. Will and Cara followed me, taking down their hoods.

"Will? How are you alive?," asked a confused Apollo. Will smiled at his dad as he stood between Cara and I. He wrapped one arm around my shoulders and the other arm around Cara.

"Well when my ever so lovely husband left camp, Chaos found him. He chose Bianca and I to bring back and boom here we are," said Will. Aphrodite squealed.

"GAAAAAAAAH my favourite gay couple is married," Aphrodite squealed. Artemis shushed her and turned her attention back to us.

"Well since you all are here, why don't we discuss the threat? It would work much faster," said Hephaestus.

"Yes. Hermes, be a dear and summon the demigods," said Athena while she paged through a book about architecture and pointing out the typos.

"Got it," Hermes disappeared in a flash of light.

"Our identities must be kept a secret for the safety of our worlds. In a case of an emergency we shall reveal our identities. Understood?," asked Cara. Her tone was threatening, something that made Chaos himself have shivers run up and down his spine.

The gods nod and we pull up our hoods. As I set mine in place there was another flash of light and there stood the demigods.

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