Name that apprentice! (Closed)

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Hello. I am Kestrelstar, former leader of WindClan. You are Ravenstar, leader of WindClan, and you have 2 apprentices that have just passed their warrior assessment. It is your job to name these two according to their personalities, but no Cannon names or repeating names that one cat has already used. I will use my power of StarClan to list the Cannon names. Good luck!

Apprentice 1: Swiftpaw

Swiftpaw is a fast and strong apprentice, stronger than the average apprentice. She is a light gray she cat with golden eyes, and though she fights very well, she isn't the best at hunting, and is often distracted. She is caring, and knows some herb remedies, but is destined to be a warrior.

Disqualified names: Swiftbreeze and Swiftfoot

Apprentice 2: Rabbitpaw

Rabbitpaw is a slender apprentice who, unlike her sister Swiftpaw, is not good at fighting but excellent at hunting. She has a mackerel tabby pelt and golden eyes that look exactly the same as Swiftpaw's. She is ambitious and strategic in battle, and relies on Swiftpaw for the fighting. Together they make a good team, and the two have a plan to have Rabbitpaw become leader, while  
Swiftpaw becomes the deputy. She is a caring cat and always follows her heart.

Disqualified names: Rabbitleap, Rabbittail, and Rabbitfur

So what will their names be?????? Post it in the comments!


1st place: -duskfeather with Swiftstorm and Rabbitbreeze
2nd place: MoonycatTheWarrior with Swiftgold and Rabbitspring
3rd place: Autumnthatfox with Swiftleaf and Rabbitwind!

Ones that were hard to decide
I really liked MyaLovesOwls cats, Swiftclaw and Rabbitpelt, but they were kinda common— but they actually fit very well!

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