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On StarClan's side of border between StarClan and Darkforest, there were four leaders: Treestar- TreeClan's founder, Sandstar- SandClan's founder, Hillstar- HillClan's founder and Grassstar- GrassClan's founder in equal row moving on path, through small forest while night to place  called ,,Meeting place", it was a place where only cats from new clan's generation can be. For cats from old generation of clans(ThunderClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan and WindClan) it was forbidden under treat of exile on end of StarClan, so no one of old clan's generation knew about new clans generation's problems and what they do. Usually leaders use this place, but sometimes other cats too. Coming back to present. Four cats in full quietly so other cats in StarClan didn't notice them went to purpose: the real Meeting Place- a circular glade surrounded by dense plants with small circular pool on middle in that there'was black like night, magic water uses by cats of to send omens, sings and information to alive cats on new territories(where Tree, Sand, Hill & GrassClan live). Treestar and Sandstar sat on left side and Grassstar and Hillstar on right side of pool.

-Let's begin our meeting- Treestar meowed and his claws was clawing with nervous light-brown ground on which light-green grass grows as big as cat's paw- As you know we have a problem.-he added.

-Can you show this on pool, please? It would be better to talk about it or you don't know how to do it?- Hillstar meowed while licking her paw at moment,then she looked at TreeClan's leader with no emotions who was in front of her, Treestar wanted answer on insult, but he stopped himself before do it.

-I agree with Hillstar- Grassstar meowed- Better if all of us will see every mistakes which we made.-he added while coming closer to the pool.

-I see that Hillstar is still in her elemnt.- Sandstar meowed while she was coming closer to the pool- Ready?-she added.

-Ready.-Treestar meowed and came to rest of leaders-,,There's group of cats who can even destroy a harmony!"-he added and soaked his end of tail in pool. Suddenly in water a vision appeared. There was Grassstar, but with past, he was sitting on Grassrock- a rock where were few tuft of grass, under this rock, there was small unknown cat who was looking on him with exciting in his eyes.

-Icenight? But as apprentice..- here old leader of GrassClan stopped for moment- No, wait.. it's his apprentice's ceemony! What did I do wrong that there's this vision?- he added and focused on what he was seeing.

-You will see.- Sandstar meowed and focused too and sound appeared from pool.

-Icekit has reached six moons and he's ready to become an appreantice. From this day until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Icepaw, your mentor will be Weaselheart.-younger Grassstar meowed and turned his eyes on Weaselheart.-his brother- you are loyal and ambitious warrior, I hope you will pass everything what you know onto this apprentice- he added, after moment rest of GrassClan has started to chant new apprentice's name- Icepaw! Icepaw! After moment old Icenight came to his new mentor and touched his nose by his.

-Better be prepare- Weaselheart whispered to his new apprentice- You will have no rest-he added, seemed to be dangerous. After moment a vision in pool has changed to other. Here, Icepaw after one moon after became apprentice has just end hunting and come to his mentor with mouse in mouth. There were new leaves season so it isn't need to hunt lots of preys.

-Only a mouse? And you think that's enough mousebrain?- Weaselheart growled and glanced his green-blue eyes on Icepaw's sad face-Don't come back till you will bring me your hunted second prey-he added while clawing by ground by his thin claws, his medium-haired, dark-brown-ginger fur has has standed.

-But, it's going to be after sunghigh and our clan do not need many preys to be well.-feed because of new leaves season- Ice paw answered quietly.

-And I'm your mentor so you have to do what I said.- Weaselheart hissed and Ice paw nodded and came back to hunt.

-I didn't know that Weaselheart could be like that?!- Grassstar in StarClan meowed with scare.
-You couldn't see it because you could be too blind on your own brother-Sandstar pointed. Suddenly vision has changed again.. on worse, there were Weaselheart and his apprentice who chased a kitttypet in goat's corner.

-Please, let me leave!-an orange-white-blue tom meowed while he was pinning by about ten moons old Icepaw.

-Give him lesson, Icepaw. Don't let him come back again!-Weaselheart meowed seriously while sitting and looking on whole situation, they were on border with Twolegplace, next to them was tall, white fence.

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