Assessment Acidents

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It has been a couple moons since the young apprentices started training. Spottedpaw still had a bad feeling about Maplepaw, as she was always picking on the apprentice. "You can't even catch your own tail, Twoleg." She would say, ever since Dewdrop told her about the Twoleg thing.

"Twolegs belong in their stinky dens." she sneered. Spottedpaw always ignored it but couldn't stop Maplepaw from getting under her fur. Today the two cats were getting assessed, they may become warriors!

"Now remember you two, it's not a competition. So do your best." Blossomfall mainly looked at her own apprentice. The she-cat grown to liking Spottedpaw, she would miss having her as an apprentice. Fernshade and Hollycloud, the newest warriors, were helping with the leading part of the assessment. Sorrelclaw had been in camp, he had to help Leafpool and Jayfeather.

"First you will be leading your clanmate in a hunting patrol. Fernshade you go with Maplepaw, Hollycloud is with Spottedpaw." Stormcloud informed turning to the helpers. Blossomfall looked to them. "Now remember, you guys aren't supposed to suggest anything. Let them lead."

The two nodded, Hollycloud looked to Spottedpaw as they had gotten ready and started. "What first?" She asked with a smile. Spottedpaw looked around and then towards the forest, Maplepaw already left with Fernshade towards the abandoned Twoleg den. She flicked her tail and responded as she padded off.

"Let's try the forest, we can try and catch a thrush." she decided padding towards the trees. Hollycloud followed her with a nod. Spottedpaw looked around hearing flapping and then a crunch. A thrush had landed on the fallen leaves and began picking at the ground, searching for worms for its meal.

"You stay here and I'll sneak around and push it towards you." Spottedpaw whispered as she snuck away, her hunting partner crouched and waited. The apprentice slowly got closer to the prey. It hopped a couple times towards Hollycloud and began searching again. Spottedpaw signaled Hollycloud with a flick of her tail and her partner hopped on the thrush killing it in one bite.

Spottedpaw pushed her up she smiled and nodded. "We should burry it by this tree and see if we could find some more prey." Hollycloud put the thrush in a hole and buried it. Spottedpaw then led Hollycloud to catch a squirrel and a vole, they went fine until she decided to climb a tree to get on more prey. She wanted to catch the crow that was lurking in the branches, Hollycloud looked worried.

"Are you sure about this Spottedpaw?" She watched her climb. Spottedpaw clung to the branch and looked down. "It'll be fine, see the crow is right over there." she assured her and started to hop to the next branch and snuck up to the crow. The black feathered prey lifted its wings as it was going to fly away.

Spottedpaw leaped at it as it flapped into the the air. "Spottedpaw!" Hollycloud warned, but it was to late she had landed on the edge of the branch and it snapped. The apprentice fell to the ground and her mentor came chasing out of a bush. Blossomfall leaned over Spottedpaw.

"Spottedpaw... are you okay?" She asked her apprentice worryingly. Spottedpaw lifted her head and tried to stand to fall over. "My legs..." She whined, Blossomfall nudged her up. "Lean on me, lets get you to Leafpool and Jayfeather." she help her to camp.

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