Mysterious Scents

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Edited 2/25/22

The sun only hit the top of its arch for the day as it casted the shadows of four cats crossing over the open field of their own territory. One with bright orange fur with stripes was leading ahead, nose twitching as another grey furred cat came paddling up beside him. They were the ThunderClan hunting patrol that had left during sunrise. But they had only held one squirrel in which the orange tabby managed to catch.

The patrol had stopped after scenting an unfamiliar presence within the outlines of their territory markers. The grey cat spoke up as they continued their way back towards the camp, still in disbelief of what they had found moments before.

"I don't even know how Twolegs got this far into our territory, there is only one Twoleg nest and its abandoned!" This cat was Mousewhisker. One of many from the Warriors of ThunderClan. The one leading was Lionblaze, jaws still clenched over the dead prey that he had caught. He had a one track mind at this point. Report to his clan Leader, Bramblestar.

However fast they trekked through the bramble entrance it didn't stop the ThunderClan Leader to look at the pitiful amount of prey the hunting patrol of all things brought back. Bramblestar caught eye of the patrol leader but couldn't hold back the question that was aching to come out.

"Wh is it you only brought back the one piece of prey? What had happened on your patrol?" Bramblestar could sense something was wrong, and he didn't like when his clan had to go hungry over a problem in the territory. He looked over the four when there wasn't an immediate answer, pushing at least one of them to in the end.

"There is some mangy Twoleg smell stinking up the territory." Brakenfur, a brown tabby, seemed to growl. Squirrelflight, the Deputy of ThunderClan, had over heard this. Her ears flicking as she strolled over.

"Did you mention Twoleg?" Her voice seemed calm, but there was an urgency to it. If they trusty had Twoleg scent in the territory then something must be wrong. Bramblestar sat on his haunches, thinking to himself for a moment before he questioned his Warriors again.

"Are you sure you weren't near the border?" Bramblestar asked, confused why a Twoleg would be on ThunderClan land. The murmurs began to spread as some other Warriors were overhearing the conversation and soon almost every cat in camp knew about the twoleg scent. Millie had been the one to take the most notice in this, as she made her way closer to hear more.

Lionblaze shook his head, "We were in the middle of forest, the scent was scaring off the prey." He reported, seemingly calm. Before they could continue asking questions a 'thud' came from just above the camp. The cats looked over noticing a hairless twoleg. The creature seemingly rubbing her head as she cried out in pain.

"OuCh!" The word came out in a screech to the cats. She looked around the quarry she was now in, her strange eyes widening at the amount of eyes looking back at her. "Oh HeY lOok tHe CaTs!" The screech came again. "I wAs lOokInG fOr Y-"

Her screech didn't finish before she noticed all the cats fluffing up their fur. She realized she must overstayed her welcome because with all the hostility of the cats making themself look bigger, the twoleg couldn't help but fleeing from the quarry. The twoleg was easily frightened from the cats who threaten her, but to them, they were the ones feeling threatened. Mille's ears flicked as she observed the twoleg before it left. It was her turn to speak up.

"That twoleg was only a Kit." She mentioned before grabbing a piece of prey to bring to Briarlight. She just gave a passing glance to the group discussion before making her way again, hopping to share the nice prey with her own kit.

"A kit?" Squirrelflight looked at Bramblestar, wondering what they were going to do with it. Even though the didn't understand what the twoleg was screeching while they were there, the two leader and deputy felt as if they knew, that the twoleg would eventually make its return.

It knew where the camp was. It was just a matter of time before it tried to do what it did again. But they assumed- they would be ready for it.

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