The Loss

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Spottedpaw was finally in the Medicine den. Jayfeather was towering over her scoldingly. "You should listen to your partners." he rolled his eyes, looking to Leafpool he told her. "Leafpool, I need some more Bind Weed and a couple sticks." The medicine cat just nodded and slipped out of the den.

Spottedpaw ached and hurt all over. "Did I break something?" She questioned hearing what herb he needed. Jayfeather snorted, "Who wouldn't break their leg doing something a Mouse-brain as that." he growled. Then he looked at the small cat strangely. She seemed to notice.

"What?" She lifted her head clenching her teeth in pain. Her hind leg had been broken and her other leg was dislocated but Jayfeather already fixed that. He went to his herb store and picked up a Borage leaf. "What is this used for?" He questioned.

Spottedpaw tilted her head slightly, why was he asking this? "Isn't it obvious, that's Borage! It's chewed and eaten, it can help queens make more milk for kits and helps with small fevers!" She replied easily as Leafpool came in at that point dropping the Bind Weed.

"Have you been learning about herbs?" Leafpool seemed confused, Spottedpaw seemed even more shock. Why was everyone surprised. "No! I just.... knew!" Jayfeather sighed, shaking his head he brought over some poppy seeds. "Never mind, just eat these." he gave them to Spottedpaw who laid her head back down.

She drifted of to sleep, it seemed like a heartbeat before she woke to yowling. "Leafpool is dead!" Spottedpaw hopped up, to tumble down, her leg was still broken. Jayfeather looked to Spottedpaw, "Stay here" he growled before dashing out to see what had happened.

Ignoring Jayfeather's order she dragged herself out the den. She saw Leafpool lay limp as Thornclaw carried her body. "W-What happened!" Squirrelflight was there, her muzzle in the fur of her dead sister. Her kits gathered around her, curious what was going on.

"Is she sleeping?" Squeaked Alderkit as she clung to her mother's fur. Thornclaw was explaining what had happened to Bramblestar, all Spottedpaw could make out was 'badger.' Lionblaze looked at the dead medicine cat, "Where did this badger go?" He demanded looking up from his mother.

Bramblestar shook his head. "Lionblaze, you are to stay here." he started looking to the warriors. "Tonight we sit vigil for Leafpool, at sunrise Thornclaw will lead a patrol to find the badger and drive it from our territory." Thornclaw dipped his head in acknowledgment.

Spottedpaw dragged herself even more before she was spotted by Amberheart. "Why are you out of the medicine den! You are still injured." Spottedpaw lifted her chin looking at the sky. "I want to sit vigil for Leafpool!" She said watching the clouds.

"You will be resting in your den!" Growled Jayfeather as he came back up. "I told you not to move from your nest." Spottedpaw turned and looked at him, though he looked angry, she could see grief in his eyes.

"Are you saying I can't sit vigil for a fallen medicine cat?" She protested, Jayfeather shook his head. "That's exactly what I'm saying, you need to rest, you had broken your leg. I don't want to waste herbs to replace the dressing on your leg every time you leave the den." He nudged her inside. "Now stay here." He growled again.

She sighed and laid in her nest, I don't want to be stuck in here... She thought to herself.

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