6: I think me and juno are rubbing off on you

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Chapter Six
I think me and juno are rubbing off on you

3rd Person POV

the next morning, juno sat with the others as saylor stared at the girl with sarah, they had gone over to the chateau after juno comforted sarah and let her breathe . juno played with the bandana around her wrist as she stared at the ground and waited for something. she didn't know what she was waiting for but she wished she did.

she heard pope and jj talking but she didn't care , not until she heard the sound of the twinkie and she looked up to see john b get out of the car and walk to them.

"guess whos out of the clink boy" john b said as he parked the twinkie and hoped out. juno hoped up on her feet and she ran to him as she wrapped herself around him and he held her close. the others watched them with a smile on their face as the couple was back together.

"howd you do it? you bust out?" jj asked as juno got off of him and they all hugged him too

"uh they dropped the charges" he told them and junos eyebrows rose

"holy shit j, that's crazy" juno said and he nodded as he kissed her forehead and brought her back into his arms. they all smiled at each other as they walked down to the dock and sat together. pope and jj stayed back talking to each other as they all sat on the dock and waited for them.

john b held junos hand as he ran his thumb over the back of her knuckles and sighed.

"sarah, what happened to your neck?" john b asked out of nowhere and they all turned to the girl who had bruises on her neck. saylor held her hand

"sarah, you don't have to tell them if you arent ready to just yet" juno reminded the girl and sarah smiled softly at the girl and then she nodded.

"no, I want them to know. last night, I was supposed to meet up with wheezie but rafe took her phone. he found me and he attacked me, I was almost killed. saylor came last minute and stopped rafe" she said and they heard pope and jj walking down to the dock. they turned to the boys and saw them holding hands, juno and kiara nudged each other with a smile on their faces.

"that's what the bruises on your hands are from?" jj asked saylor and he nodded at the boy.

"glad to see you finally got out of your shell, I think me and juno are rubbing off on you" jj said as he high-fived the girl with a smile and they both laughed.

"I might be okay with that" he told the pair as they smiled at him and he smiled back. they all sat there together until jjs phone rang and he answered it.

"pope!pope! just got a call from guffy, something happened to your pops" jj said and they all looked at each other. they ran to the twinkie and got in as they rode to heywards, juno sat close to saylor as she felt him grab the bag of bandaids.

juno had always gotten injured when she was a kid , coming home with bruises and cuts deeper then the ones that had already been implemented into her and her mind. the bruises bright purple and the cuts deep red, a contrast to each other that went well sort of like juno and saylor. the two were complete opposites and yet they made it work, they had to. it was them against the world and lately the world had been kicking her ass.

they got out of the twinkie and walked over to heyward as juno handed the bag to sarah and she began to patch heyward. she let pope talk to the man as she did what she needed to. she wiped the blood from his face and helped him put the bandages on.

he began to explain what had happened to him and they all listened to him. saylor sat next to sarah as they listened. soon enough, they got in the twinkie and they drove to the nursing home, pope got out of the twinkie and smiled at them

"we'll be right here, waiting for you" juno told him and he smiled gratefully as he got up and left the twinkie. juno got out of the twinkie with kiara and sarah as they walked to the convenient store and bought drinks for everyone. they went back to the twinkie and waited for pope. juno held john bs hand as they waited for the boy.

"so howd it go?" john b asked

"shit just got way more personal" pope stated and they drove back to the dock.

"ya know I still cant believe that you're related to denmark tanny, are we in the presence of a royal? " john b stated

"a king? we shall crown you, all hail the lord of tannyhill." jj said and juno joined in with john b

"oh my, I need an autograph" juno said and saylor laughed

"we are not worthy" john b stated and they all laughed.

"relocate the cats ass, question mark?" sarah said

"I'm with that" jj said

"how soon can we move in?" kiara asked

"cause I don't have a place to stay" jj said and then pope spoked up

"I just keep thinking about the letter , the one that limbrey sent. it had the wheat symbol on it, like that must mean it has something to do with the royal merchant but if we find that cross, we can split it like we're gonna split the gold" pope said

"and live happily ever after?" limbrey said and juno stared at her in anger

"you assaulted my father" pope stated

"oh, I didn't assault anybody" limbrey told him

"He can identify the psycho from a mile away" kiara stated

"Why would my employee a... a... assault your father? That's absurd  Listen, we can keep on negotiating, but the fact is that I want the key. And I won't stop until I have it. I don't have a choice, which means you don't either" she told them and john b spoke up

"It's Limbrey, right? Is that right?" he said


" Is this what you're looking for?" he asked as he held up the key and they all watched

"Yes, it is" she stated

"Looking at the tide right now, I'd say it's about feet deep out there. So, if I just threw it in the channel, the probability of you finding it again is slim to none. You wanna give it a shot? Ready?" john b said and he went to throw the key in but he stopped himself.

"No! Hey! Please don't do that" she begged john b and juno smiled at her boyfriend as she saw the other key in popes hand. juno zoned out not long after as she stopped paying attention, limbrey left with her lap dog and juno smiled gratefully.

"god that bitch is insane" juno groaned out and they all nodded before they left and got in the twinkie. they drove to the chateau and got out, juno sat outside with kiara and sarah as they listened to the boys cheer inside and juno sighed

"do you regret it?" kiara asked the girl

"no, he deserves all of it and i know that " sarah said

"he's your dad, i get it. I'm sure it sucks to be in the middle" kiara said and then sarahs phone rang. she picked it up and then she turned to them. they all ran to the twinkie and got in as they drove to the camerons house.

"ph my god, can you drive faster? i need to get to wheezie" sarah said

"you think I wanna miss this?" john b asked

"john b come on, be serious" juno said and they got on the property as they got out of the twinkie and jumped over the wall. they ran to the dock and they let them through due to sarah being in the front of them.

juno didn't know what was happening, she listened to the whole thing and she stared at sarah. she held john bs hand as they watched in fear. they didn't know what was happening, at all. one second, they were yelling and the next , the boat exploded and sarah stared in fear. she cried out and fell to the ground as saylor fell with her and let her cry.

juno stared at john b and then she looked at sarah.

she didn't know what to do but she knew that this wasn't supposed to happen.

how would they move on from here?


saylor being the boyfriend that he needs to be is the cutest thing that I've ever seen in my whole entire life.

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